
CRank: 5Score: 25990

I got the same cpu as yours its OC'd to 3.5ghz

As for the gpu 5770 in crossfire will net you performance that might be greater then the 5870. Which is a bargain. 5770 crossfire will cost you 300usd. 5870 costs 400usd.

take a look at this benchmark 5770 crossfire vs 5850

the 5770 cro...

5166d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and we thought 576p was bad enough.

next Xbox game will be 480p.

5166d ago 35 agree4 disagreeView comment

Such little time left, if this is out in may there wont be time for any other game.


Blizzard games usually release quickly once they are in open beta, if it really does release in May its going to take up any gaming time i do have.

5166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Left playing wow about a year back now. On my Paladin i had a epic mount 310% speed got it from the drake quest in the caverns of time.

Along with the Paladin Aura for 20% speed increase it used to be insanely fast. Plus add in aura mastery and it used to become 40% faster lol.

5166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its the most fun coop shooter out there. Lately i been playing on modded 10 vs 10 servers that is just funny listening to all the cries for help lol.

5166d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have seen GPUs run fine as high as 90c.

I would get worried if it was going above that. The current Fermi is very hot, idles at 90c from what i have read. I would worried with one of those in my rig.

5166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have 2x intel 80 gig 2nd gen ssds in a raid. They are pretty dam fast.

Games load in instants. i would say about 50% faster then a HDD.

5166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


This stuff wont make it to consoles due to all the royalties.

Plus Micro and Sony would rather have this kinda stuff sold as DLC.

5167d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC users like to game without paying taxes to Sony or Microsoft.. so those charts do matter.

Last thing you'd catch me doing is owning a Taxbox 360 or a Taxstation.

5167d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pc gaming alliance confirms there are currently 228milllion PC out there that are gaming capable thats more then all current gen consoles combined. Expected to hit 600million by 2013.

Last year alone High end enthusiast hardware sales were at 9billion usd (thats more then ps3,xbox software and hardware sales combined). This figure is expected to hit 12 billion in a 2-3years time.

Those of us who saw PC gaming emerge as a 3D gaming platform 15years back were in ou...

5167d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Depends on your current rig. If its anything like a Core 2 duo or quad, any of these Gpus will be an overkill though it will leave you room for upgradability in the future in case you do decide to upgrade your rig.

5870 currently sells for about 400usd
5850 is at 300usd.

Personally i would pick the 5870 if you have the budget, its an awesome GPU. Upgrade rest of the rig when you have the funds anyways its the GPU that does most of the work at higher resolu...

5167d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing Dow2 Chaos its an awesome game.

5167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC Gaming is going strong with AMD alone having sold 6million DX11 GPU's till date.

5167d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea Sony says its 1080p so it must be :P

Eh atleast my investment will be valid 5years from now. Cant say the same for any games bought on a console.


I probably will have a new PC by then too.. but all the old games invested in will still work... what happens with your ps3 games? is there any gaurantees that they will work?

Imagine having to buy thousands worth of games all over again.

5168d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

u should check again its not real 1080p. GT5 is 1280*1080 something like that.

Also its a racing game, which is easy to render at those resolutions. Tell me a FPS or Third person shooter which is 1080 and runs at 60fps... rite there isnt one.

5168d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Jimmy Riddle

Thats the point that console gamers dont seem to get. Its always the Gpu that handles majority of the Graphics tasks.

Cell being as strong as it is, doesnt stand a chance at graphics tasks even comparing it up against a 8800gtx.

Though we gotta hand it to Sony to brainwash so many people with all the marketing.


If you think its all about the Engines then you i dunno what to tell ya.

5168d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea about 5% of them.. and do they even push graphics lol..

But again tell me, why dont 1st party devs from Sony not care to make 1080p native games?

I am sure it would be a great selling point vesus the 360. So why dont they?

Is it just so hard to admit that maybe the PS3 is limited in power?

5168d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

So why arent all of PS3 titles running in 1080p if the Cell is so powerful?

Even a lil old dualcore with a 3yr old GPU will manage 1080p. Why cant the mighty cell :P

5168d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow is a great game, it can get addictive people just need to control their gaming habits.

Its great that the guy pulled himself out of it though and is back with his family.

5168d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I really dont know how we can compare the Cell to Cpus from Intel.

However When it comes to GPUS on PC. A single GPU will out do the Cell + RSX multiple times.

Having alook at the transistor count from a modern day gpu like the 5870 tells us the story.

5870: 2 billion Transistors.

Cell: 234million Transistors

RSX: 250million Transistors.

(Cell + RSX) * 4 = 5870 on a transistor count. That alone tells us ...

5168d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment