
CRank: 5Score: 25990

Dual core alone wont be enough try fitting with a gpu.. no intels integrated gpu wont cut it.

benchmarks for 8800gtx running crysis in high:

8800gtx a 4yr old card runs the game in high settings 1600*1200 @ 32fps (something no console will be able to do with ...

5116d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Over a 100games on steam now and growing ;-)

Must have saved a small fortune buying all those on steam vs a console.

5116d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I dont see your logic, its not like Consoles run all games at max settings. In fact on console u will be lucky to be getting most games in 720p med res textures.

Any PC that can run Crysis on high settings can pretty much run todays games at 1080p max settings.

With consoles you are stuck at 720p or below regardless of what you do.

Times have changed there arent any needs for upgrades on PC, 8800gtx still running any ...

5116d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Rather Play Wii games on My PC ;-)

No point having additional hardware taking up space then not even doing HD lol

5117d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they complain so much about used sales.

Then they should remember they have taken away all user freedom. They should give the user ability to mod even on consoles. So ppl dont have to get ripped everytime with their rediculous charges for DLCS which being old maps.

Any modder could bring MW1 maps to MW2, and thats just the way it should be just like the old days.

5117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Try hooking up your PS3 to your PC monitor and see what happens?

You will see jaggies all over the place. This is because tvs help to hide these jaggies. A monitor will not do this.

Hence it will work with 3D monitors however there will be jaggies all over the place, this is because PS3 hardly uses little to no AA in its games. I know i will get disagrees for saying this, however you are welcome to hook your PS3 to your monitor to judge for yourself.

5117d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That exactly the concern most people have. The early adopters usually get botched because the tech matures really quickly and since 3D for tvs is still really new expect something better out soon.

Though being a PC gamer i would prefer 3D in 1080 which at the moment is only possible in PC now thats what i would call true progress.


agreed which is why i mentioned the tech is still evolving. I am currently play on eyefinity id rate it a...

5117d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

DRM only hurts sales.

Pirates will crack the game and not pay anyways.

5118d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed with Madpuppy

While DD works fine for PC, because there are many digital outlets that sell DD on PC.

If PSN/XBL took over complete control of games distribution for consoles. Both of them may as well set a price of 60usd per game and not worry about anyone undercutting their prices.

DD only would be very bad for consoles.

5118d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Drives arent expensive these days.

My primary HD are:

80gig SSD in raid- 160gigs in total this holds the games i am currently playing

2tb storage drive- This hardly gets used and is used for backing up any unused games. I could add in another drive for back up but i find that kind of pointless.

Yes some games on steam can be costly, however majority of the time the deals are great.

For example i buy 4pack MP ...

5118d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Got about 100 games bought on steam.

Never have to worry about losing disks or them getting scratched. Also i can get new or old games without ever worrying about out of stock situations.

Internet speeds are really fast now. I have a 16mb/s connection, downloads 8gig games in about 45mins, easily beats going to a retail shop wasting time and gas to buy a physical copy.

Id say DD is the way to the future.

5118d ago 13 agree16 disagreeView comment

I heard they included support for 120hz monitors in their latest drivers.

Though just went through their release notes nothing on 3D yet. Well Eyefinity will do for now ;-)

Edit: just checked this link

Ati announces 3D support but it requires Proprietary Hardware ...

5118d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing on Eyefinity at the moment. None of my monitors are 3D enabled. I am considering replacing the Center monitor with a 3D monitor.

Have 5870 eyefinity 6(2gig version card) in crossfire. Hence thats enough power to run Crysis 1 in 5760*1080 enthsiast settings decent fps. Wonder how it would run 3D in 1920*1080 though.

5118d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Graphics get dumped down so does the game.

5118d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

HD Shots can only be from the PC version

5119d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Would be awesome playing GT3 in 1080. Probably will give this a try ;-)

5119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have 5870 in crossfire. Easily runs the game at 60fps in 1080p with max settings 2x aa.

5119d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol So why dont PS3 exclusives like kz2, uncharted 2 run in 1080? 360 doesnt hold the ps3 back then?

Even when it comes to multiplats its not hard making a game render in 1080p clearly ps3 doesnt have the juice which is why it runs at 720p or below just like the xbox360 while capable PCs (which means any 4yr old with a decent gpu) runs the game in 1080p.


Its funny this site is just loaded with PS3 fanboys. They truely belive ...

5119d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Even replaying old games can be quite a bit of fun. Few months back i played:

Dungeon keeper 2 (2000)
Half life 2 (2004)
Far Cry (2004)
Warcraft 3 (2003)

5120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant wait for this game.

Gonna have my hands full with:

Witcher 2
Dragonage 2

next year both of them being atleast 50hours playthroughs.

5120d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment