
CRank: 5Score: 25990

consoles fail at mmo moving on

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consoles are for the hardcore???

lul wat?

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not worth it.

any online service should be free.

pc ftw.

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you wanna play with sub hd graphics you cant go wrong with either of them. though you will end up paying high prices for the games.

pc is the only true hd platform around.

5392d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

my friend just had his 360 die.. lol

few months back, i was traveling so i thought maybe buying a 360 would be a good idea. anyways i went to the shop and asked the guy to show me some of the games.

rofl when he tried to power the 360 we saw the red light. haha the guy was trying to convince me that the newer units dont fail(note in this part of the world microsoft warranty is not valid)

anyways i am a PC gamer so i bought a gaming laptop for my t...

5399d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its retarded to own a console.

buy games at a high price and later on dont even have BC ... sigh.

why allow companies like ms and sony to screw you.

5400d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its the GPU where its at.

like it or not a 78xx series GPU is a millenium old by todays standard.

so yea they could make all the nifty improvements they like to the cell and try create hype but the bottom line is it wont translate to any serious real world performance benefits.

5401d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

low res graphics..... check
low frame rates...... check
longer load times.... check
10USD more expensive... check
no mod support........ check
chance of hardware failure..... check
inferior control mechanics..... check

clearly there is no point in buying an XBOX or PS3 version.

5402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

out dated in every possible way
No backward compatibility
59usd for games
low res graphics for highly paid games (does that make sense)
sub par frame rates
psn sucks
not much mod support
usually over hyped 1st party titles
cant play fps, rts, mmo generes well at all
no dx 10 or 11 support(auto fail imo)

5402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

59 USD for the game.... check
NON HD graphics........ check
sub par frame rates.... Check


who cares about the console version of rage. HD (pc) version is where its at.

5402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats all what the 360 is good for over heating then its dead. One of my friends just had his one die.

and those asking for a ps3 version pls get real who wants to play mass effect on low res (ps3 or the 360)

Id rather get the HD version (pc).

5403d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

or are developers just being bad.

its 3 years old any serious developer should have maxed it out 3months into its lifecycle.

5403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 is an outdated machine. so is the ps3.

i wouldnt pay 200usd for a 3 years old gpu thats a rip off.

5403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yep you heard it here first.

anyone willing to pay USD300 for 3 years old hardware is out of their minds.

5403d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Both are terrible and obselete..

why even discuss the little differences.

its safe to say both will be running at sub par resolutions and low frame rates.

5403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh console noobs do you not see how you are being screwed over.

First you gotta pay 300USD for old hardware (imo rip off). i wouldnt pay more then a USD 59 for such outdated hardware even then it would bleed my eyes to use a console.

then it wont even support ps2 games.

I really pity you noobs. Few days back i was playing Dungeon keeper 2 on my PC its such a classic. I could load up any title even if its 10 years old and not worry about compatibili...

5403d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


again ps3 and Xbox are simular in terms of graphics and FPS debating is pointless. at best if xbox does beat the ps3 in a game (or vice versa) the xbox would be doing 720p and ps3 doing 620p.

Hense i see it pointless debating over such minor differences which the comon person might not even see.

PC vs xbox or ps3 is debatable since there is a clear difference between 720(lil AA and no filtering) vs 1080+ (8xAA full filtering effects) and h...

5433d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Debating between 360 and ps3 is pretty pointless.

everyone knows they are both equal in terms of power, both are based on 4 years old tech, both of them can only reliably handle 720p that with almost no AA or filtering. Ps3 has more exclusives. most of the games on the 360 can be played on the PC.

imo any serious gamer should only get a ps3 for its exclusives and get a good pc for all the 3rd party games, no need of an Xbox.

5433d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

HD version for me (aka pc version)

cant stand the LD version(aka ps3 360)

5433d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both the console versions probably are gonna suck.. i rather take the High Def version (pc).

5571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment