CRank: 5Score: 3150

after the cracking demo, i just like you...the halo beta was just a very nice added extra

day one for this also

5130d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i'm loving the fact that certain idiotic factions cant all bubble each other up for bashing the other console. although, it certainly hasnt improved the posting on here....and removing the open zone ?? lol wtf!

but, i think we need to wait until 3D games actually get here before we decide what will work and what wont! personally, i'm devestated that i only 6 months ago purchased a large and expensive samsung! because f"*k me, i want kz3 and gt5 in 3D in my...

5130d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm sorry, but your nothing other than a pathetic ultra fanboy, and you spew total nonsense. are you seriously trying to say that resistance2 on-line was a graphical beast? or that a dev cant optimise their engine and make something pretty with a large player count???

oh sure they can, but only on the ps3 rite? the open zone is to good for you.

btw, i have owned both resistance2 and frontlines

5131d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

these people have mortgages to pay. you can expect them to work for free..

but, being so soon after release, i'm sure most things could've been put on the disc and included in the game

5135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but they certainly have some talent working for them. i cant understand why microsoft have not increased their own studios.. it doesnt make sense to me.

anyway, i am slightly pissed off that i have just puchased within the last 6 months a brand new samsung tv...when this is coming out in 3D f"*k!! I will have to see how fat my bonus is at christmas.

after looking at the pictures, its looking incredible! amazing in fact! but i would just like to see a...

5135d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

read em and weep

there it is people. have a good laugh at morganfells expense...enjoy

5140d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i feel sorry for idiotic fanboys.

i get all my multiplats and microsoft games for my 360, and sony eclusives for my ps3! i have no problem paying for live either. but then i go to work, and dont have to mow the lawns for some money from my most of the people on here.

5141d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

dont judge me by your standards whooop. i think my ps3 is great, and i finally got round to buying gow3 yesterday and the game is incredible...i wish i hadnt waited so long.

but i have to ask, why you would think that i am crying?? i have a well paid job and can afford a new 3d tv. but seeing as i just got my new samsung in december, i wont be upgrading again.

5141d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

the dualshock is good for footie and fighting games. but for shooting, driving and action games, i personally think that the 360 is better.

5141d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

i have the "cross battle adaptor" i know you live in france, so go to yes its a site in england, but thats where i purchased my one from...and i live in france also.

killzone2 with the 360 pad is the way to go imo. dont take offence people, its just my opinion. i've also been playing gow3 with the 360 pad. although some other games i use my dualshock. the different pads suit different games imo.

5141d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

truely stunning! a firm 2010 release date for that bad-boy could easily be the biggest announcement at e3 this year.

5141d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

come on. you was claiming last year that gears 2 was going to be announced at least years e3, not gears 1!!! and now you are saying that you found out last week that gears 2 is actually in

ok, so are they going to announce it at e3 this year or not??

personally i dont care. i've already had/played/completed it on my 360, and i have no intention of buying it again for my ps3.

5141d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i remember your now infamous claims about gears 2 and e3 that thread that you was running your mouth off in was a classic. and you was promising to save the thread so everyone could eat crow at

then when e3 rolled around, and guess what? gears2 wasnt announced for the ps3. when you was called out, you denied that you had said it.

but the best was, one sunday afternoon i was reading n4g, and some guy posted the links to the threads. after y...

5141d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

sony must be pleased that they have an army of internet message board dwellers thumping their chests on their behalf!!

but as i have just got a very nice samsung, this wont be affecting me anytime soon.

5141d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Killzone 3
inFamous 2
Resistance 3
uncharted 3
all of them 2010 or 2011 i dont mind

and a release date for gt5

give me confirmation of those, and i would be very happy indeed.

oops i got a disagree. perhaps im lying and am hoping for different games from sony

5142d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

Killzone 3
inFamous 2
Resistance 3
uncharted 3
all of them 2010 or 2011 i dont mind

and a release date for gt5

give me confirmation of those, and i would be very happy indeed.

5142d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks for the replys.

it's easier to press disagre, bubble rape, and continue thinking that everything is the fault of the 360 lol well done. aswell, did gta evolve last gen or not??

quick press disagree

5142d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

ffs, gta will evolve just like it did last gen.

gtaIII was less than vice city, and vice city was less than san andreas. ffs, do you gimped generation screamers intentionally ignore how gta panned out last gen??

please, can one of you idiots atleast answer the question instead of pressing disagree!

gta4/gtaIII, the creation of the engine was obviously included in the dev cycle. in the second game, they can devote more time to more things etc...

5142d ago 3 agree23 disagreeView comment

you're a well known ultra fanboy, and anything you say cannot be taken seriously. sorry, but you are an open zone dweller! but in all honesty, there should be no place on any message board for you

5142d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is n4g!!

uncharted yes, landslide no. totally agree. and especially the bit about fanboys lol.

i'm still waiting for my alan wake to be delivered. i played and enjoyed u2, i marveled at the grphics, and enjoyed every minute of it. and i have a feeling alan wake is going to be the same.

cant wait.

have a bubble, us non-fanboys need to stick together on here.. and you deserve it!

5142d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment