CRank: 5Score: 3150

does every other company lie then? enlighten us please, because every company surely can be sued aswell?

4983d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment
4983d ago

+ bubbles

i thought kz2 was better in the graphics department than u2.. but that lookis even better. imo, if things dont change, and some dev doesnt create another monster gam engine. then you are looking at the pinnacle of graphics on this gen of consoles.


now please guerilla two things. either keep r2 for shooting or give us customisable controls...and hurry up and release this.

4983d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was expecting this as a launch title for the next xbox.

343 industries first halo game to be a new engine remake of the first halo.

4985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i still will get the game day one! the player count doesnt make the game, it's the execution of the multiplayer that counts....and i have evry faith in insomniac

4986d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i know you thought you really hurt with "Get your facts straight, kid. Keep playing your games on multiple discs for the rest of this gen" but i'm sorry, i wasnt really affected by your great attempt at a cuss

i can choose between playing my 360 or my ps3.. so it matters not to me. and more, i had no problem with changing discs on me2, i had no probs changing discs on my ps1 and ps2 either.

sorry penneywise try again, and, i wo...

4986d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

thats why gta4 and saints row are just open world games that consist of two roads...oh wait, they destroy infamous (the sony exclusive open world game) in every department.

that doesnt mean that i didnt enjoy infamous coz i did, it's just that the two games i mentioned were far better sorry.

and pennywise, i think you should be careful who you say stupid to, being in love with sony, and ignoring some of the gem multi-plats that we've already had t...

4986d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

lol stfu. are you seriously trying to say that???

my god you are without doubt one of the biggest idiotic fanboys on here

4986d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

and below the likes of shadowflare and the other idiots in the brigade..

but look what the castlevania devs did, made their game on 2 discs, with the option to instal and play with the other! not the most ideal choice, but a good one nonetheless.....and i think it will become more mainstream aswell.

now this dont work for everyone because the idiots at microsoft decided to make a version of their console without a hdd. but for me it's fine. and thats ...

4986d ago 4 agree25 disagreeView comment

i liked soul reaver 2 alot, but i thought soul reaver was one of the all-time greats. would love to play this again

4987d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

why am i not surprised that you was "let down" by reach..tut tut

i respect peoples opinions when they have "unbiased" opinions, but when i read anti-anything-xbox stuff wrote by you.. i just dont trust what you say! sorry.

anyway, i thought the campaign was good. not great but not bad. but, it certainly aint up to the greatness of halo ce campaign.

but the multiplayer is something else entirely. bungie went out with ...

4987d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

vhero give it up. there must be a "i love sony" thread for you somewhere

4989d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

well said havea bubble

5063d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

"but people like Conloles need to be banned, he's worse than xbox fanboys"

but dont tel me, sony fanturds are better???
gtfo. it's the people like you that have turned n4g into the worst f"*king gutter site on the net.

i have a better idea... ban all the sony fanturds like you AND ban all the xbox fanturds aswell.

here's my ideas to improve n4g

ban or create a new section for all sa...

5063d ago 13 agree17 disagreeView comment

but i think that they (MS) will just f"*k it, and start telling devs to make games on two discs, but give people with HDD the choice of installing one disk, and just playing with second disc.

not an ideal solution, but something that i think is incoming.... GTA5 being the first game to do this me thinks

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and its being made by criterion..

time to go to shop-to and pre-order this bad boy

5066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


but is n4g the worst fanboy haven on the???

100% yes

it's like a warzone for idiots, and love nest for people in love with some silicon and plastic.

and yes, move and kinetic both smack of desperation. and i wont be buying either

5066d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

have a bubble, because if you dont start towing the sony fanturd line, you wont have any!!

well said

5066d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

does not look "much" better than killzone2, then it's because they optimised and tweaked the engine so much, that there really wasnt much left that they could do with it!!!

is this a criticism? no way! killzone2 is simply stunning in the graphics department! will killzone3 still be the best graphical FPS this.... im 100% certain that will be the case

5067d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol well done

its a shame that people cant be de-bubbled then IP banned. it would certainly get rid of the fanboys

5068d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment