CRank: 5Score: 3150

all you fanboys that come on here every day shouting just how wonderful the ps3 is????

i have a ps3, it's a great console, infact i have all three consoles, but i dont feel that need to to write the same shit in every crap blog that comes up comparing the consoles.

5067d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

the same article appears three or four times a week! no one does anything about it, the same fanboys all arrive and proclaim their undying love for some silicon and plastic, whilst hating their bitter enemies console.

i think it is official now, that n4g is the webs gutter game site!

no news
full of fanboys
constant versus/comparison/flame bait/doomed blogs..oops sorry articles lol
no mods/admin

etc etc... the li...

5067d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

what do you think sony and nintendo count every single machine that gets sold to the customer????

do you and all the other idiots that say that think that every store worldwide rings sony every saturday to report how many consoles sold???? lol

" yep, thats 15 consoles this week" lol

just get a clue!

although, im open to proved wrong, if someone can actually prove how sony and nintendo collate their info, i will...

5067d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

gtfo, both sets of fanturds are annoying as hell. and are the reason that n4g is the cesspool that it is

5067d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

if it was just going to be a game i could play normally. but the thought of flinging my wrist for every attack just kills it for me. and in all honesty, this game just shows how crap and gimmicky motion controls really are!!

i will still follow this game to see how it turns out, and how well it plays using the dual shock.

i wont be buying move anyway, and this certainly doesnt improve my interest either.

although, i think move coulld be...

5067d ago 0 agree17 disagreeView comment

are all giddy with excitement over this news. but is it me, or have microsoft been sitting on 41mil consoles for ages??

i think we need to hear how many m$ have shifted.

5067d ago 4 agree27 disagreeView comment

can you post a link where r* have said that the agent is going to create a new genre please. i'm really interested in the agent, and would love to read some more about this game.

5067d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was trying to be generous and not so harsh on our sony adoring bretheren!!

and 1up is worse than n4g???? is that even possible? or do the fanboys go from here to there??

5069d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

but yeah lag and latency are in the game. more so latency. and the knife ????? jesus, its now pretty useless! most times, i stab someone, i see the blood fly, but they are still standing. so it's either stab them again or they turn and kill me..

i love battlefield, but the last patch has ruined things.

5069d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

a quick look at your comment history would easily highlight what flavour of turd you are

5069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you just have spend an hour on n4g to see some seriously idiotic fanboys... and most definately not found anywhere else.

for me, the make-up of n4g is like this
75% sony fanturds.
15% xbox fanturds.
10% real gamers.

n4g is easily the biggest joke site with worst community on the net

5069d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

sony have just updated the wii technology.

sony could say that NASA could link 10 ps3's to create a warp-drive, and fanboys would nod their heads in agreement!!

it amazes me that after years of slagging nintendo, the fan-boys are in a collective state of exstacy at the thought of the move.

"bu but its hardcorezzz"

sony can keep "the move" and microsft can keep "kinetic". ive said it b...

5069d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

kz3 is looking incredible, nothing else needs to be said really. easily the best graphics to date on console.

to say that guerilla have made an absolute peach of an engine is understating it

5069d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

and they both want nothing more than finding new ways to take your money.... or your parents money!

and like someone said above, that ea have worked hard to reverse their bad image. very true, but they are still nothing more than a money grabbing entity that now seeks to destroy the second hand market!

i only buy the games i want from any publisher, and in all honesty have no love for any company in particular

5069d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

turn you car around and go the other way, watch what the cars do when you drive towards them.

also, watch the AI in general in forza, it is very good, and far superioir to gt's

5069d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i thought sales didnt make a game?? isnt that what all the sony fanboys normally say???????

5069d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

but looking at that video, it's clear that the AI is still some of the most unintelligent in gaming.

i know the gt games have never been renowned for the AI, but i would've thought that they would've made some improvements?! jesus what a joke!

still day one like all the other gt games though.

now watch the disagrees and anger over my comment. i know you sony loyalists hate anything negative being said about the precious or i...

5069d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

you deserve a bubble for that comment!

this is what happens when you have a community driven site, that is over-run with fanboys of a certain flavour......... you get lots of pathetic blog site writing crap just for hits. actually you have been guilty of that in the past aswell

5069d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

sony fanturds charge!!!

anyone saying anything slight against the precious, will be exterminated idiots

5069d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

im sure the execs at nintendo and sony sleep better at nite knowing that!

but the microsoft execs must be in perpetual torment at the thought that you and 18 others dont respect them

5069d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment