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that i have to give my money to ea for this game if the multiplayer turns out to good.

do we have any release dates yet??

5143d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

we still have over 6 months to go until the end of the year, and there is still some big games coming.

at the mo, mass effect2 is my fav so far for 2010, but there are other games coming that could easily top that. and at the end of thet day, a few web-sites and magazines giving something a goty award, isnt going to make the game any more enjoyable than it actually was/is!

thats my opinion anyway!

5143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

or, has everyone been focused on the new power (activision), and given them more leeway because they have made a few decent games of late??

i can see this becoming the norm! and once one publisher does it, they all will do it!

welcome back ea.. youve been missed!!!

5143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just like i wont be buying natal. i already have a wii which i never use! i have absolutely no intention of buy move or natal for my ps3 or 360.

im sorry if that offends some of you, but i would rather the resources of microsoft and sony continue to focus on what they have been already doing. not on motion controlled games.

and microsoft especially, seeing as they already dont have many first party studios. instead of investing millions into a risky new a...

5143d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

in all honesty, i wouldve thought microsoft would already be in bed with epic planning the next gen gears trilogy!

and as im sure microsoft will be first out of the gate again, it would be a massive boost to have a new gears, running on the new unreal engine within the launch window.

we will have to xait and see i guess

5143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and even the missus played it!!

i cant wait for number 3. and i agree, i love the art direction, and thought fable 2s design was really good, and loved the charming towns and the world as a whole.

i have high hopes for number 3

5143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"My shiny fat 60gig PS3 has hit retirement" lol

my girlfriend hates my fat, and keeps telling me to get a slim. but i think the fat is one great looking bit of kit.

5143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree and disagree with what you say. although i love my ps3, i couldnt be without my 360 either. i love them both lol.

kunit22c: leave it out, afterall, it is only a couple small things, and definately not a huge loss. i said above you that i was getting this on my 360 for a certain reason. and ino, that reason is alot more important than the exclusive content.

am i stupid by the way?

5143d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

who in their rite mind is going to call local stores just to check the accuracy of whether or not sony are having restock problems? lol

unless you are looking to buy one of course!!

i already have my shiny fat ps3 and my elite 360? i have no need to check or verify anything

and if you look on that site, it said that the 360 sales slumped aswell. now add all that with the other article on n4g talking about low software sales, and it seems to ...

5143d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

you write a decent comment for a change, then show your ultra fanboy nature by just mentioning 360 games.. should we mention some not great sellers on your precious ps3????

i was going to give you a bubble until i got to the bottom of your post. pathetic as usual.

5143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

im getting this for my 360 instead of for my ps3 because all my pals are getting the 360 version.

not really a major issue imo

5143d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

no if people disagree, it's because they know you are an ultra fanboy. reach looks alot better than halo 3, and you would know this if you had a hdtv (instead of your 14" portable that you use in your bedroom, and a 360.

5144d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

how much did you get paid to say that??? lol seriously you must be getting paid, because i cant imagine people writing stuff like that for free.. oh wait!

but, i think the point is, if they did pay that, then how many DIDNT buy a ps3 because they didnt have to with gta being on the xbox?? the week gta hit, in the uk alone, sales jumped 127% for the ps3 and 125% for the 360(there was an article on n4g about it at the time). i'm sure if they did spend that, then they cons...

5144d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol back again and with some bubbles this time. please bring back the open zone so we can dump the trolls and ultra fanboys in there please.

@ pennywise. please dont pretend that you dont know that gwave is an ultra fanboy of the worst variety. people are entitled to their opinions, but idiots like him have no place on any decent message board.

anyway, loving the beta, and the new features. but, the same old niggles persist with the host selection. and fo...

5144d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i disagree. i think it's more like outdated hardware, coupled with motion controls and shed load of party games is the magic recipe.

the ps3 and the 360 are both doing well. but the wii is outstripping (fanboy word of the week!)them both by a long way. not only that, the thing is making money!!

that's why both microsoft and sony have jumped on the motion controls bandwagon!!

5144d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

does el botto/nasim get bubbles for a great post lol a stupid no source backed-up rant by a notorious ultra fanboy is considered bubble worthy. incredible!! bring back the open zone please. you make us ps3 owners look as pathetic as you.

anyway, it's great to sony doing well. second place beckons, and it's now just a matter of time until they attain it.

5145d ago 0 agree19 disagreeView comment

i dont understand your point! could you elaborate please?

plus, are saying that r* north had no hand in the creation of the engine? and that they were just given the complete engine and told to make gta4??

i dont think that is true in the slightest!

i think that the next gta game will answer alot of questions regarding the evolution of the gta series this gen. if there is no step foward like there was last gen with each game, then i wil...

5145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"backstab" from modern warfare! i also wouldnt say no to some more modern warfare maps as that game had some great maps. loving bad company 2 by the way.

5145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for this "fictional idea" that you mentioned, why is it i always manage to buy a large amount of games for my 360. an amount amount hat pretty much equals the same amount of games i buy for my ps3????

sigh: same fanboys spewing the same rubbish. i'm sorry, but i dont think every sony exclusive is great,a just like i dont every microsoft exclusive is great. they both have good, great, average and poor games..

anyway, i have a feeling that GAM...

5145d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

gta 3 was less than vice city, and vice city was less than san andreas. last gen, the gta series evolved with each new title, and i fully expect the same this gen.

i suppose that in the time alloted to making gta3 and gta4, they had to create the engine aswell. so in the games that followed/will follow, they didnt/dont have to spend countless hours on the engine(as it is already created), and can fully concentrate on adding more content to the game. as i said, the next gam...

5145d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment