CRank: 5Score: 3150

hit getting, wrote for fanboys non-articles before!

5111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

now i notice all the "its pathetic" comments are coming from the usual sony fanboys. but after watching that video, how anyone can sit there and say that that guy did not go looking for something bad to happen is beyond me!!!! he blantantly wanted something to happen then!

that was a really cheap attempt at looking for some hit getting crap!

5111d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

could it be that microsoft actually planned to give them away, so the journalists could go away and review and write about them??? does that sound plausable to the n4g fanatics or not??

not that i am defending microsoft, but just trying to see things from a different non-fanboy angle!

5112d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

and multiplat games are just multiplats

i think the ps3 has some great games, and there is no way i could be without a ps3. but battlefield bad co 2 on-line tops every ps3 game on-line with one hand behind its back. and this is coming from someone that thinks kz2 is one of the best on-line console shooters to date!

i dont get all this "its crap unless its a sony exclusive" rubbish?? there is some cracking inde studios in the business, and everytime ...

5112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when i saw the amount of comments, i just knew i would be able to count all the yesses on one hand!!

xbox and n4g just dont mix for some strange reason..... i wonder why that could be??? lol

5112d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

so, whats your take on the chances of the "move" being a sucess then?

@ happy gilmore: grow up child. dont put me into the same pathetic fanboy category as yourself.. you fanboys sicken me with your not normal obsessions witha games console. reported aswell. move is harcore lol!

@ somnipotent: yes i am waiting also for sonys games tomorrow, but seeing as you have had an opinion on "kinetic" (lol), i assumed you would have an opinion on mo...

5112d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

that will be me some real games!!!

so if this isnt going to be cheap, i want to know how much sony are going to try and fleece people for the "move" (lol) plus eye-toy?? again no thanks.

5112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the jackpot? a bazillion dollars/pounds/euros/yen? a nite with seven playboy bunnies? the world cup?


coz as far as i knew, e3 wasn't a competition giving prizes to the platform holders and 3rd parties. jesus !!

5112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


i know my girlfriend is going to want this when she sees it. and i know plenty of casual wii type gamers that will be interested!

but for i will not be touching this or move! i have no interest what-so-ever!

5112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

get a life! you just photo shopped some crap to make yourself cool and earn some more bubbles from the sony fanboys lol how sad!

anyway, this is aimed at the right audience, and could do very well if marketed right

5112d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if this is coming in november, than i taking a week off for release. that game has some serious potential.. day one !!

5112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

or perhaps that was their plan all-along, and these xboxs are for the JOURNALISTS to write about and review ????

or do you and the people that have agreed with you not think anything other than sinister thoughts about microsoft ?

5112d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

you can lose bubbles for speaking sense on here. ofcourse microsoft should be trying to sell this to their

infact, they shouldve had a closed door, above top-secret event just for their employees !!

5112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


gears, fable and halo looked great, then they went and nearly made me fall asleep by dedicating the show to "kinetic" lol

kinetic = no buy. and the games lol

and then i thought they was going to announce forza4 for next year and boom, more controller free crap.

edit: you know what, i have a feeling this years e3 by sony and microsoft is going to be ruined. and i will tell you why i think that... yes sonys...

5112d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am selling my old elite and picking one of those up! i still have the shiny fat ps3! add a shiny 360, together with my shiny samsung and my black glass stand....i have to have one of those

5112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

have a bubble for trying to tel someone the obvious. if n4g had more members like you, then this site would be a whole lot better

5112d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i totally agree with you. gears3 is looking good...and finally 4 player co-op.

although, i think this should be last gears this gen. then do a spin-off trilogy next gen with the new u4 engine

5112d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont like one bit. a site that writes pure hit getting trash imo. and can someone enlighten me, because i thought the natal/kinetic (what a crap name lol) presentation was today ??

another great piece from a crappy site!

how about showing us some kz3 or gt5 instead of your crap fanboy blogs

5112d ago 5 agree23 disagreeView comment

a boring brainless idiot like you seems to care enough. and care enough to read back throuch my past posts lol get a life or a girlfriend loser.

lol yeah they are gems. and no doubt strike a nerve with you darkie. your pathetic. go and write one blogs about microsoft losing money. go on, sony are always in need of a knight in shining armour. and yes i am still waiting for you to write on of your sleep inducing blogs about how much sony have lost.

but you ...

5113d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

my missus plays heavy rain. i dont even know if it can be classed as a game. i know fanboys love it coz it's the only button pressing interacvtive movie available so far this gen. but please, not everyone thinks that it is good. and as soon as the missus has finished it, it will be getting traded..

i dont want to ever spend time bored out of my skull, watching... well watching someone press some buttons whilst some rubbish story interactive movie is displayed on my screen...

5113d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment