CRank: 5Score: 3150

i actually prefer not having to do the licences! not only that, a lettuce has more intelligence than the AI in GT.

@syngamer: "I tend to agree. Forza becomes extremely repetitive quickly. At least with Gran Turismo you start out in underpowered cars and work your way towards the supercar beasts." isnt tha exactly what forza does??

disagree away turds, but both have their pros and cons

5069d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

but i bet you have been mowing extra lawns to pay for playstation plus though?? pathetic little idiot you are.

i pay for live, have done since 04, and will continue in the future! at the moment i dont need playstation plus coz i can still play my ps3 on-line.

but when the day comes that i have to pay to use my sony console (ps3 or ps4) online, i will pay! simple as that. i dont need stupid wrote for hits articles telling me anything, i dont need idiotic ...

5070d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

is for me, one of the best online multi-player games to date! although it had its flaws(which game doesnt?), it is still a great game.

nowadays bad company2 is the on-line shooter for me, but kz2 still features on my playlist.

i love the controls, and kick arse using a wired 360 pad with the xbattle adaptor!

i cant wait for killzone 3

5071d ago 16 agree10 disagreeView comment

but i bet you would "valiantly" defend "the move"!

im sorry thom, but to me you are just another sony turd.

5071d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

i wont be buying this, just like i wont be buying "the move". i have a wii which i dont use, so i have no intention of buying sony and microsofts desperate attempts to get some of the wiis market.

kinetic and move = desperate me too copying.

now disagree away.

5071d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

perhaps to get more out of this, he would have to do a complete new engine!!

for an rpg the current engine is very pretty, and does some nice things.

5071d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

gwave, do you have a life or are you on sonys payroll??

anyway, lol nintendo have already cleaned up this gen! sony and microsoft are fighting for scraps

5077d ago 20 agree44 disagreeView comment

you have to question microsofts policy and way of thinking! there is nothing better imo than a strong line-up of first party studios.

sonys first-party studio stable is incredible.

5077d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

that you are on sonys payroll! well you must be to feel the need to write that.

if not, well, i dont really need to say anthing more............

5077d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

like me would have all three consoles again like me.

that really is the only way to go this gen!

disagree away fanturds, you know you want to

5077d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

so my tip is... dont worry, and enjoy your console/consoles

5078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think everyone can agree that this will be one of the outstanding acheivements of this generation. worth the wait springs to mind!!

but on a side note, why does playstationlifestyle always write sales blogs?? especially as we all know that sony fans dont cre about sales??

5078d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the trouble with montrealien is the fact that he is just another "gamer", sick to death of seeing the idiotic fanturds falling over each other to be the first to take a length of the company they "love" lol

the true gamers on here are in a serious minority now!

anyway, cant wait for killzone3! having no lading is a bonus, but for me it wont take anything away from killzone if there is loading.. cant wait for this game

5079d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


another fu"king turd site.

but after npd, everyone knows the sales hating sony turds need a sales blog to make them feel better.

but its strange that sony turds hate xbox turds and say that they only love sales...hypocrisy at its finest

5079d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i mite put you on my follow list, because you talk sense my friend! i will try and bubble you up in evey thread my friend

5079d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks for writing the sony love fest, i know sony fanboys need reassuring.

@ ghost of sparta, agreed xbox fanboys love sales. but lets not forget that sony fanboys love sales aswell....thats why you and all the other sony fanboys flock to articles like this. double standards and hypocrisy spring to mind.

@ darkride, would you mind enlightening us with how profitable the ps3 is?? oh wait you cant, because the ps3 is losing more money than an idiot in a ca...

5079d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

just another butt-hurt fanturd. you post is meaninless loser.

i know its difficult for idiotic fanturds like you to handle, but sonys days of domination are over.

just do what i did, and buy both consoles, you know you mite even grow up a bit

5080d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

as usual, another idiotic know nothing post from yourself. thanks for that.

and as you are no financial expert, can you stop writing shit blogs trying to disect microsofts financials... your posts are just a yawnfest

5080d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

ive just been playing 4 player co-op with my pals for 5 hours. the game rocks, and is just so much fun!

the graphics may not be to killzone standards, but i think the cell shading looks really good imo....but most importantly they dont take anything away from this.

i know the turds will disagree with this...but crackdown 2 is one of the best sandbox games available imo. just pure fun, and a great game.

i have no time for reviews, the o...

5081d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

please, you're nothing but an ultra idiotic sony fanboy! go away. people that only have a 360 or people that own both consoles and intend buying this after the great demo, have no interest in your know-nothingness.

it's obvious you know not what you are talking about, but just want to write your normal fanboy tirades.

rtw were busy with APB, so some of their original staff set-up a new studio and made the game. just go away please

5090d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment