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Only three of those are AAA games, and most of them were made before AAA games were a thing that existed.

Also, can we all agree that slideshows are shit? Don't approve shit, people.

2717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Catherine *is* awesome.
But that has nothing to do with whether or not it's a AAA game. And... honestly, we don't really know if it's AAA or not because the term refers to games with a budget of around $20 million USD or more, and I don't believe ATLUS shares that kind of information with the public.

Though I think it's a fair assumption that Catherine was not a AAA game.

2717d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've seen all of zero people argue that.

The argument I do see--which you are misconstruing, which has nothing to do with Linkle--is that the "character" of Link, who was conceptualized as a literal player-surrogate for the game, ought to be able to reflect the increasingly diverse players whose place he is taking.

Are you pissed off that Bioware let's player choose a female Shepard in Mass Effect games, or Bethesda a female Dragonborn in Sk...

3073d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Thank you, Nintendo.

Thing people don't seem to realize, though, is that while Nintendo can be very innovative and take big risks when it comes to hardware development... their approach to software development is very, very, very conservative.

So, yeah: when people criticize Nintendo for not innovating, they tend to be ignoring hardware development and fixating on software development; when they applaud Nintendo's innovation, they tend to fixate on ha...

3073d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Cultural differences" is almost always a (very) lazy excuse.

A different market is not the same thing as a different culture. Nintendo products tend to do well in Japan because they cater to a different audience--one where co-operative local multiplayer is both possible and preferred. Japan has a very high population density compared to the Western markets, that's why something like Monster Hunter or Pokemon can clean up there.

It has nothing t...

3073d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The worst thing about Mass Effect is that, now, there's an entire generation of gamers who don't know what the word "paragon" means.

3249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo games really don't tend to ever "get cheaper."

3249d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A short lesson on fanboy logic:

Stage 1: "Gee, I really love [Platform X]!"
Stage 2: "But I don't own [Platform Y], so I don't care about it's games."
Stage 3: "I hate all of [Platform Y]'s games!"
Stage 4: "All of [Platform Y]'s games are objectively terrible!
Stage 5: "I hate people who own [Platform Y]!"
Stage 6: "I hate people who like [Platform Y] games!" <...

3249d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

An excellent library of ports doesn't mean much. If you're a casual gamer who only plays games on a Vita, yeah, it has a ton to offer you. But if your not, the Vita is a great platform you really only use once in a while, mostly for PSP or PS1 games.

You can list as many multiplatform games as you like--what matters is, and always will be, exclusives.

3254d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you want to claim the PSV is still a viable platform, listing old games is not a valid approach, but it's MORE of a valid approach than listing multiplatform games.

Steins;Gate? Multiplatform.
Oreshika? Exclusive.
Helldivers? Multiplatform.
Operation Abyss? Exclusive.
OlliOlli2? Multiplatform.
Hyperdimenion U? Exclusive.
J-Stars VS+? Multiplatform.
Hyperdimenion Re;1? Multiplatform.
Duke Nukem 3D? Multipla...

3257d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

You seem to be delusional.

The Internet consists of more than just two people.

3257d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo doesn't seem too surprised/phased by this. Apparently it only -barely- sold less than they predicted. (

Just because the Games media/community wants to quickly through the WiiU away in hopes of a newer, better platform (something that, let's be honest, has been going on since BEFORE the WiiU even launche...

3258d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Source: VGChartz

Clearly, these numbers are accurate and inviolable.

3258d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Fire Emblem isn't exciting?


And just last week they announced Bravely Second.

Gotta say, I'm not exactly feeling tepid about my 3DS this year.

3274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably has something to do with the fact that their digital announcement was not a "send-off for the WiiU" at all.

I really wish people would think about things before writing these poorly-conceived Nintendo Is Terrible articles/comments/whining. Nintendo should be applauded for only talking about games that are due to be released in the near future, not condemned.

3274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony really likes money.
They can make more money selling rereleases and ports than digital copies of backwards-compatible games.

Yeah, it's scummy and anti-consumer as hell, but it's the state of things right now. And it's not going to change without substantial consumer outcry... which will never happen as there's always an army of Sony fanboys ready to defend any deficit.

(Fun fact: they will even defend the PS4's abysmally poo...

3274d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Feels kind of weird to think of Tales Of as a yearly franchise.

Has this lead to a decrease in quality? I dunno. Probably a little bit. They've certainly pulled the hell back on the "second quest" aspect that made some of the earlier games so enjoyable.

3274d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eh... I think we all knew 2015 was gonna be a weak year for the WiiU.

Unlike almost EVERYONE else at E3, Nintendo really only focused on games that were coming in the next 6-8 months.

So, yeah, not a lot of WiiU stuff.

I think it's safe to say that if Nintendo started emulating Square-Enix and started talking about games 5-10 years away from release, they'd be "winning" E3 every year.

3274d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The point was scummy and anti-consumer. They want to sell the game before they even make it.

Expect a lot more of this bullshit to infect Kickstarter from here on out.

3274d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only real problem was that they started with Starfox... which was the most (or only?) interesting thing they had to talk about. The actual presentation was PHENOMENAL. But the content? The actual games? They started out with a bang, and then slowly petered out over the next thirty minutes or so.

If they'd had a big game to close out on--say, Dragon Quest VII. Or Dragon Quest VIII. Or Dragon Quest X. Or Dragon Quest XI--then there'd be people praising the hell out ...

3274d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment