

CRank: 6Score: 69840

This is the best gaming news I've heard in a very, very long time.

Game looks fantastic. (Who knows if the vid is gameplay or not, though). Looks like this one'll be falling in the footsteps of Mechwarrior 3, instead of 4--a very, very good thing.

The 3015 date throws me off a bit. I'm a bit fuzzy on my timeline, but doesn't that place it before the Clan invasion? Well, seeing the clan-invasion first hand in an expansion would be pretty badass, and this IS set in the...

5443d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously, most gamers are going to be fat.

That's what happens when most PEOPLE are fat.

5445d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they can finally get software emulation working, Sony will finally be out of anything even remotely resembling a coherent excuse as to region-locking PS2 games.

I mean, they've never had a valid reason (if my NA PS2 hardware can play JPN games, why can't my 60GB launch PS3? BECAUSE IT USE NA PS2 HARDWARE!) but before they could just spout out that lame "lol no, hardware not compatible" BS.

And then I could finally get rid of the PS2 I've been keeping all...

5446d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great game, yada yada yada.

It's still not compatible with Vista, right? Until that happens, I'll be sad. I never did get to finish it.

5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment really shouldn't be playing games. At all. The whole idea of the "Graphics whore" represents everything that's wrong with the industry.

On the subject of FFVII... I would say it's my favorite Final Fantasy. I played through the series in reverse order after finishing FFX, so there's no "nostalgia" at play for me. I wouldn't call FFVI superior... good, but I didn't like it as much (it never "grabbed" me).

As for this "WRPG&qu...

5449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gundam has a higher percentage of good games than any other big sci-fi franchise.

It's just that most of them never come to the United States.

I mean, just look at the entire Gundam Battle series on PSP, Project Pegasus and Lost War Chronicle--and even Climax UC on PS2--not to mention stuff like Gihren's Greed, and Alliance vs ZAFT II+.

5452d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am really digging the new mobile suit designs. With the 00 movie and Unicorn coming up, it's a great time for the franchise.

Speaking of which, I wonder if this game will try to tie into the plot of Unicorn somehow. Granted, I'm not all that familiar with Unicorn other than the creepy engrishu (Full Frontal!) and awesome mecha designs, but IIRC the story inolves "something" that was present at the start of the Universal Century.

I hope they do. Mostly bec...

5452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Goddamn this is depressing.

They're already working on a new game and we still haven't seen the last two.

No wonder the PS3 sales are lagging, when the two very best games on the consoles can only be played in Japanese.

5452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since when was "cotton" a verb?

5452d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"they expect YOU to create your own tale of heroics (or villainy)."

Because, you know, as the developers of the game it's not their JOB to hire writers.

All the budget money goes to Hollywood actors to phone-in six lines of dialog.

Bethesda games may be "fun" but they are by no means "good." They're like Stardock--they make a bundle selling unfinished, slopped-together products.

5454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"lower end devices?"

What does that mean?

Isn't this game only on ONE platform? Or are they trying to tell us some iphones are better than others? WTH?

5454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Otaku game sells out in Akibahara" is... well, it's expected, isn't it?

I wonder what their reviewers are saying about the game... I enjoyed Iris 1 and 3 on PS2 (#2 not so much) but I kinda feel like the jump to 3D'll make the series lose some of its charm.

Well, it's coming to the west in a few months, so I guess I'll find out then.

5455d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How is someone saying "I don't have any news" news?

5456d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"While there's no indication that SEGA intends to release Yakuza 3 stateside,"

Can't read any further. Too depressed to continue.


5457d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sex elements in the PC version felt really tacked-on to me, so without 'em (as is always the case with eroge-->console transitions) it'll probably be a better game.

For those who don't know, TtT plays kind of like Disgaea... only in real time. The battle system can be a bit confusing, and the pacing of the storyline is downright terrible... but the characters are well fleshed-out and there's plenty of exposition. The story is a bit cliched, but it's well executed. Overall,...

5458d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At 60mb, it pretty much has to be the original.

Which is a shame, because the remake is pretty nice, and I'd love to be able to play it on a bigger screen.

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What, seriously? The sixaxis is one of the worst controllers?

And here I thought it was one of the best. Hell, the only thing it's missing is rumble. That's it.

I mean, there's a reason Sony's been able to use the same basic controller design FIVE TIMES IN A ROW. That's five times more than any other controller series, ya' know.

This kind of blatant fanboyism is just pathetic.

5465d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Though still massively overpriced, FFXI has one of the best communities of any MMOs out there. I hope S-E continues to support it, even after FFXIV comes out.

And while it's absurd that, seven years after launch, the subscription fees remain the same, it'll be even more absurd when S-E doesn't lower those (FFXI) fees when FFXIV comes out.

And yes, I am a kwisatz haderach. Duh.

5472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I think playing a game about rape is pretty goddamn tame.

Particularly if you consider all the people that actually rape other people.

Particularly in Japan.

Rape capital of the world, ya 'know.

5476d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Good God, no.

The Oblivion engine wasn't all that great in Oblivion, let alone Fallout 3. Bethesda needs a new engine.

And some new priorities.

5479d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment