
CRank: 5Score: 41990

... I hope you are a troll. That is so effing offensive.

3907d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

We used to hear a lot about GTA's prostitutes. GTA has actually toned that down since 3. Anyway, the GTA series has other issues that get play-- like the fact that there's never been a female protagonist.

3907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. This is so true, and it's true of everything else too!

Like... If you don't like slavery, just don't buy stuff made by slave labor, right? It's just that simple. Never criticize it, you have no right to complain about slavery. Are you a slave? No? Then just ignore it!

(Hyperbolic? Yes. This isn't slavery. But it's a dumb argument in the first place. Freedom also means the right to criticize.)

3915d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just because we have a difference of opinion I wouldn't say you're not a real fan. This whole "real fan" thing is what I hate most. I can be critical and still be a fan. You can be a sycophant and still be a fan. We're both fans, and neither of us is more or less real than the other.

Various people like different things. Me? I'm a cutscene and crazy story kind of girl. The over the top stuff in MGS is what makes it better than the other stealth games...

3915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe you should avoid telling people whether or not they're real fans.

Mobile != console release; I understand that there's less disc space available on a mobile release, so there's no room for optional conversation pieces. Heck, I didn't complain about AC!D, but I wouldn't want that to be a main gameplay method.

3915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, the obvious reason to have not worried about this during E3 is that we were all still upset about Hayter!

3918d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well... honestly? MGS4 was actually a bit much for me with all the B&Bs and the way he dealt with the other ladies. I've always associated MGS with strong women, and MGS4 was... er... a little too much on the sexy, too little on the substance, ya know?

MGS3? Eva had the Boss to counterbalance her, and she was going for the specific Bond-girl trope anyways.
MGS2? Fortune had the rather unsexy (but cute) EE, and Rose.
MGS? Meryl claimed to be asexual, fo...

3918d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Deadpoolio: That's probably true in North America, yeah, but it's bad. We shouldn't condone companies getting work from people for free, unless we want to go to a system where people never get paid directly by companies. (I'm not entirely against this, mind you, but that'd be a huge culture change.) Unless you're actually in school, unpaid internships are pretty exploitative.

Heck, while I was in school, I had a pretty sweet internship for IBM. I made...

3921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They did, it just apparently wasn't live streamed. At least, that's what I read on Kotaku. *shrug*

3929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Earthbound had music that made me cry. And it can make me cry to this day, over fifteen years later. "Smiles and Tears" indeed... And there was the opera scene in FF6. I love how music used to punctuate games in ways that made it really meaningful. Few games do that anymore. They have great music, but usually not meaningful. It's like how Disney's gotten away from doing musicals, and it makes me sad sometimes.

But... I think that the soundtrack is not the di...

3929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 weeks before the game goes gold, they would have been on lock down. I don't think so. Now, they did do a patch to correct some textures. I'd go with that if you really want to believe this theory. (Personally, I don't. It's just the middle of november, not some weird date that it would be tough to justify picking at random.)

3931d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, it depends on whether or not I thought you were serious. Given the discussion, I wouldn't think so. In a different context, I would report you to the moderators and get you banned. If lots of people were harassing me, I'd probably just give up, because there's other things I can do with my time. If you said it and then posted my RL address, I'd stop posting and call the police because I would honestly believe you to be a psycho.

Some people, like CB, are...

3937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah... um, so you're okay working in an environment so toxic that you get death threats against you and your family?

It takes courage to stand up to that kind of thing, and you have to really believe that what you're doing is worth it. And making entertainment products seriously isn't one of those things I'd be willing to stand against death threats over. "Gamers" aren't killing the industry, that's true, but it's not the game creators t...

3937d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Hydralisk: Yeah, but that's what treaties are for. There just needs to be political will to stop it. It does have to start with individual countries starting to take it seriously though. I think we'd be better off prosecuting people who threaten to kill kids than nonviolent people who take drugs.

3939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um. I'm sorry, what? My iPad does this if I'm stupid enough to read it outside with full brightness in the sun on a hot day. It doesn't deserve an article, it's kind of... you know... standard operations? Or should be.

3941d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can we start calling it the Xbox Pancake? More flips than an IHOP.

3942d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think we can officially call this vaporware for this gen. Which is sad, I think it could have been awesome.

3945d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Feminists only care about sexism when it benefits them..this is no surprise, it's always been like that."

I care most about sexism when it infringes on my rights, yes. If sexism is infringing on your rights, perhaps you should try complaining? I simply don't have the time or energy to directly fight your battles as well as mine. If they come up in concert, I'll fight them though. Sometimes they overlap. I hate that women have to look at all men as rapis...

3952d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

@4Sh0w : Great, there's competition between Android and iOS, but no chance at competition for the apps if you've got an iPhone!

Look, no one is going to buy a whole other console because any one individual game costs more than any other. It costs absolutely nothing to buy from GoG, Amazon and Steam at the same time. Buying from PSN, Nintendo and Live would require separate console purchases. Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox are all intended to lock you in to their resp...

3959d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@sofresh412 : Can people stop saying console DRM is the same as Steam? Seriously, as much of an Apple fangirl as I am, I am still willing to admit that the Android marketplace is better off because of competition, which console digital sales don't have by design (and which Steam has no choice but to accept).

3959d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment