Rumors...what are they good for?


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This reminds of the PS Camera situation. Sony had been doing since the PS2, when MS introduced the Kinect it was considered or in the same bucket as this 'Netflix for games' the future. I hate to say this but where does this future of gaming stands now. Last time i checked, most still use the PS Camera on the PS4 more than the Kinect on XO. Which received the most amount of press? Which was considered system selling? Which was considered the wave of the future (Things to come)? MS hyp...

1942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What the hell are you spewing?

First of all the 360 lead did come because it released a year early. That year early lead gave it a close to 10 million head start to the generation. The RROD did not hinder MS at all, as most outlets reported that MS was counting both standard sales as well as RROD n their reports. You can check online with a simple google search. At the beginning of that generation, MS had a slew of exclusives mainly 3rd Party but i...

1944d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


How do you explain the PS3 and PS4 success?

And you are right GC was a worthwhile purchase.

1951d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yet, you seem to forget Halo was a hidden gem that sparked sales on that system. Without Halo, I am not certain how successful the Xbox brand would be. The GC was also coming off of the failure of the N64. Many doubted the GC. I know I did and I wish I did not. What threw me off, in the beginning, was that controller but after using it, I wish I did not take that initial stance

With that, it just leads to the equation that exclusives do matter. But honestly, I believe all t...

1951d ago 27 agree1 disagreeView comment

The one thing that you missed from your comment and this is very important in order to do anything that you listed. They have to get the 3rd Party developers on board to develop for the console. If they do not, the system might as well not release.

1952d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just finished looking this over. I didn't realize these were out. Since learning of this, to me, it sounds or seems as though MS is trying to compete with two markets now. I am not certain how they are trying to do this but it seems this is the direction they are going. With the rumors of them making 2-types of consoles, one streaming and one with both options (disk base and streaming) it only make sense that they want to either merge the two worlds or try to continue with the console b...

1953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I said the same thing, at first I thought this was satire, but they were extremely serious.

1955d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not the fact that it is a positive MS article, its the speech within the article. Reading the article without looking at the comments here on N4G seems very bias and pushed with an agenda. The article made it seem as though Sony was sitting back collecting glory and not doing any work while MS was doing all of A, B, and C for gamers. This article sort of reminds me of the last generation when Sony was considered the underdog. There were many articles stating how Sony overcame their i...

1957d ago 24 agree1 disagreeView comment

If I am not mistaken, I seen a commercial of the PS4 on sale for 199$

1962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But yet people are worried about them being quiet...pffft...get out of here. Great job Sony!!!

1963d ago 49 agree2 disagreeView comment

Please no one take this the wrong way. I am just being logical. 4 is too many at once. I think this will severely confuse people. I say go with the two as the previous reports stated. Standard console with disc and standard console without disc. With that they can still keep the XOX still an option.

1967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with this list, I am worried for anthem and star wars. Everything I heard and saw with both games is promising. Sad to say both are I hope they are able to pull it off.

1970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He may not have a copyright to this dance, but the dance is called the Carlton dance, which is in his image. WB could sue since they own the original show but they could also give him the rights to sue. Granted Springsteen and Cox originally made the dance but Carlton aka Alfonso made it what it is today. I highly doubt Fortnite would have used the dance if he didn't create the additional effects of the dance.

1984d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've been saying that for years. It's really sad that the industry does this. The sad part, if it was Sony in this situation, they would get ridiculed without any question and no one would bat an eye as they did the last generation during the first few years of the PS3 life.

1986d ago 31 agree6 disagreeView comment


I am trying to figure this comment out, so please excuse if it may sound ignorant. How is Sony being "lazy -- or 'overconfident' --" for not attending E3. Other than their own event' there have been no other reports that Sony would not attend any other event throughout the 2019 year. Most likely that will happen (they won't attend other events), but again how does that make them lazy or overconfident. They didn't brag or boast an...

2010d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I do agree it makes it so much easier to read. I hate when sites say 'hey look at these top points for this game' and I expect to see a list but what we get is either a picture slide or paragraphs of information. I don't want to read all of that. Just give me the key points. If it is an article that is a must read, I will read it like digital foundry analysis of GPUs or System Architecture.

On topic, this was a great read. Looks like this game is going to be so...

2070d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was saying the same thing, reading the comments above. Nintendo currently is at war with all emulation companies and people who provide emulation to their games and then turn around a sells their games at a premium price to their customers.

But I forget, its only mash whoever is on top and let the ones in hardship, struggling, or starting over, get a pass.

2074d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

Your assessment of what makes a single player game is so untrue. They do not pour that much money into making a just single player game. Most if not all games developed cost about the same regardless if they are multi-player or single player. Some require more resources but that could be for MP or SP games. MP games don't magically get a discount because it is an online based game. If not, they require more resources because you have to worry about the development of the game, the servers...

2093d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

I get it, but I still disagree. I believe 2020. 2019 is too close. Also, when I say 2020, I am talking about March or Spring 2020. I can see it happening late 2019 but I doubt it, I believe it's going to be early 2020.

2094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you do the research on the word 'Erebus' you will find that it is no coincidence. This may be Sony way of saying there is a new system in 'code'. It may seem presumptuous but looking at Sony's codename history, this falls in line. Also with the recent announcement of the Vega 7nm, I believe this all falls together.

2094d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment