CRank: 5Score: 44990

You'd think it was some big secret lol.

447d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment

That Luminous engine is shit! They shouldve went with Unreal 4/5 like FF7 Remake did.

448d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"the whole fempower BS."

That shit ain't going anywhere, my friend. Might as well get used to it.

451d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Sigh" again, it's not about being "petty". It's about Sony fighting to retain a 30% cut of revenue from a multi-billion dollar generating IP! Which, newsflash, Sony has a LEGAL obligation to its shareholders to do! Anytime I see someone like you trying to boil this down to "well they're being petty" it immediately lets me know how low resolution your thinking is. This situation is much more nuanced and complex than you seem to have the mental ca...

454d ago 21 agree13 disagreeView comment

I'm sure it can at sub 720p/30fps.

454d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heres the right answer...

Astrobot Rescue Mission
EVE: Valkery
Wipeout VR
Blood And Truth

Also I wish they would release Alien Isolation on PSVR2

458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mario Kart VR would be insane!

458d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mostly agree with you with the exception of GT7. I CANNOT go back to playing that in standard mode after experiencing playing it in VR! That IS the defacto way of playing that game for me now! I feel similarly to RE8, only that game scares the shit out me in VR and I cant play it for long periods of time because my anxiety goes through the roof! Lol.

458d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

What will truly usher VR into the mainstream is all the NON gaming applications that can potentially be used with VR. Imagine the NFL offering an NFL Sunday VR ticket where you could sit virtually at the 50 yard line in every stadium! Or what about courtside in every NBA arena? Or ringside at a UFC or boxing pay per view! What about travel? Id love to virtually tour the pyramids of Giza or the Sistine Chapel! Or what about Mars? Imagine they fit the next rover we send to mars with a VR...

458d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was fine with the 3rd party portion of the SOP. No surprises but I saw a few things I liked and am going to try out like Tchia, RE4, Street Fighter, and Suicide Squad.

The disappointment was with the VR segment. I was expecting more heavy-hitting announcements like Half Life Alyx or maybe some surprise VR mode announcements from existing games like Destiny 2 or Hogwarts Legacy. I also thought they might announce more PSVR1 games updated for VR2 like Astrobot Rescue Mis...

466d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who knows how this will turn out. All I know is that I cannot think of a single example where consolidation actually benefitted the consumer. Not one. It didn't benefit us when the oil companies consolidated. It didn't benefit us when the cable services consolidated. It hasn't benefitted us with the cell phone companies consolidating. And if I were a betting man, I'd say all this consolidation in the gaming industry isn't going to benefit us either.

468d ago 33 agree0 disagreeView comment

Played it last night. Fantastic job Polyphony did on Grand Valley! Now please PLEASE give us Rome and Seattle!

468d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shocker. PS5 is simply a better engineered machine. Live with it X-tots.

470d ago 27 agree9 disagreeView comment

So how are they going to solve the split screen nature of DS Games? Just have both screens displayed virtually on the actual TV/Switch screens? That will look like sh_t.

473d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well its friday and no patch, so...

473d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Activision released not one, but TWO trilogy remakes (Crash and Spyro) at 39.99 each. Take Two released the Bioshock Trilogy upgraded for next gen for 60.00. Stop capping for this billion dollar company already! Nintendo completely sucks when it comes to consumer value!

475d ago 37 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pffft! Figures! I guess a billion dollar company like Nintendo couldnt squeeze it into their dollar menu budget!

475d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


No I am far from 15 lol. Cell shading is fine once in a while. Its a graphical style that can look beautiful if done correctly. But I feel there's been an over reliance on it with Switch, (no doubt to help counter the weak performance of the hardware). Its like anime. After you see so much of it, it all kind of starts looking the same.

"Good Mario games take time to make"

You're right and I didnt realis...

475d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because Nintendo struggles at being prolific with putting out 1st party games as it is! I dont want their seemingly limited resources being tied up with remastering old titles. I want new stuff. I cant believe we are 6 years in with the Switch and still, no new Donkey Kong, no new Punch Out, no new F-Zero, no new Waverace, no new Mario Kart, no new Star Fox, no new Kid Icarus, no new Metroid Prime, no new Earthbound, and only one new Mario game! ONE new Mario in 6 years (well two I guess ...

475d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


No more remasters! I want NEW iterations of Nintendo IP, not rehashes! Give me a NEW Mario Kart, give me a NEW F-Zero, give me a NEW Metroid Prime, give me a new Waverace, etc!!!

475d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment