CRank: 5Score: 44990

So they went from selling no XSX consoles to 1000. Good job MS!

274d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Looks gnarly as hell!

284d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's the thing. I'd much rather buy something like this that allows me to play the library I already have on the go, rather than a new proprietary platform with its own proprietary library of games I'd have to support. I simply don't have the time or the money for that. I already game on PS5 and Switch. I'm not supporting yet another platform.

284d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well considering we are 3-1/2 years into the generation, nice to know that MS finally decided to join the race.

284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I simply don't understand why in 2023, devices such as this must continue to skimp on using OLED for the panel. It's not like OLED is new tech or anything. It's been around well over 10 years now. OLED should be so ubiquitous by now that the price difference between it and LCD should be negligible.

284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


He's full of crap. You cannot build a PC for 600 that "rocks" the PS5 unless you find some sucker willing to sell dirt cheap out of desperation. You might can build something close to on par with PS5 for 600 but not smoke it.

289d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment


Don't confuse social media backlash with the the real world. This thing will sell in droves! Everyone complained about the GTA trilogy that released not having any new features, yet it sold nearly 20 million copies. We are the minority when it comes to entirety of the gaming market. This will sell 10 million + easily.

297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's wait for sales results before making this proclamation.

297d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

How do mods work on a console? Like, can anyone use this mod? If so, how?

300d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awesome. I look forward to playing this in 2028.

312d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That really is all there is to it. So simple, yet so complicated for..."cough cough" other platforms.

312d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've always found Forza Horizon's handling to be too "floaty". This may actually be better suited for me mechanically.

313d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

This sounds like the most "Xbox" thing ever!

314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the mere fact that he's chosen to isolate those games proves that he's pushing a narrative. Who gives a crap that those games also exist on PS4? The games running on PS5 are amazing! Not one time while playing those games did I tell myself "I'd be enjoying these so much more if they didn't exist on PS4". That would just be petty nonsense.

And claiming that Spider-Man 2 looks "mid" is borderline retarded! The game looks fantasti...

319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not that great either. 6 out of 10 is what I'd rate it.

324d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

One small correction, it's Ember Lab, not Ember Labs. :)

334d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's a great demo for a very underrated, underappreciated Nintendo IP. The Pikmin games have always been full of charm and a lot of fun to play! If you're a Switch owner I strongly suggest giving it a try! Even Pikmin 3, which was a Wii U port, is still a very solid game!

341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In terms of the potential revenue loss, I agree. However, any attempt to somehow shame MS for not making it available on PS5 because "it's not right" is silly. MS spent a lot of money on Zenimax, it's completely at their discretion as to what they do and do not make available to their competition.

341d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nintendo just doesn't need to overthink this. Here's what they need to do that will guarantee themselves success with a next gen console...

1.) Release the absolute most powerful next gen hybrid console they possibly can at a price no higher than 399.99.
2.) Don't confuse people with an overly clever name. Just keep it simple and call it the Switch 2.
3.) Make the entire Switch library fully backwards compatible.
4.) Improve the Jo...

344d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like placeholder boxart, if I'm being honest.

345d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment