geek culture addict


CRank: 7Score: 163890

now if games have unstable farm-rate we will know it's totally the developers fault not the consoles. 60 fps should be a standard option at least.

the other good thing is that new TVs should support variable farm-rate so games can run unlocked.

1535d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS5 is set on 3.5, it goes down if needed not up.

1535d ago 19 agree56 disagreeView comment

"New Genre is Born" "Survival Action genre is born"

did this guy start playing FPS games last week?

1535d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

thought the guy was trolling until I noticed loop animations and repeat textures.


1535d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment


Devs will need to manually split workload for the SX extra CUs, and some work simply can't be split and will be limited by the the speed of the individual CU and this where PS5 has a big advantage leapfrogging the SX extra CPU count.

1538d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS5 should be 2x better at loading textures with better draw distance. textures are a major focus of idtech engines. can't see how some extra 15% on the GPU will make that up.

1538d ago 42 agree35 disagreeView comment

came in the right time in this lock-down.

this game figured out how to combine full RPG with full Action, wish they could work with SE to make a FF spin-off with this formula. Castilvania would also be perfect.

1539d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

2 cents:

1/ Xbox will not start as badly as they ended last generation
2/ Xbox will not start as well as they did last generation

some forget Xbox1 sold well at the start of this ending generation despite the bad reception because of the big fan-base carried over from 360, the XB1 went downhill for years before starting the recovery in reception if not sales the last 2 years. Most of the expected XBSX buyers are older 360 fans, they will have to ...

1540d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

from the director of Neir Automata

1945d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

this bodes well for PS5, multi-threading+high clock speed+modern design will be the big leap the next generation needs, hopefully more 60FPS/1080p will be a standard.

1946d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


Sunni aren't even a sect, they have many denominations, same with Shia, you only know the superficial terms propagated by western media.

there are more Sunni Arab than Persian, and Kurds are ethnically Iranian but are mostly Sunni, the Azari are Turkic people but are mostly Shia.

things are more complected than you think, don't let me start with Sufi or Ebathi

1947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


even the Europeans are calling Iran out now


the "coup" story from half a century ago is the lamest excuse to justify the Iranian expansionist wars.

Obama and the world gave Iran a chance to change, but instead they used the money to expand their proxy war operations.

the mullah of Iran are subjecting Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, these nations didn't do anything to Iran, yet suffer the most from the mullah. even the Shia in Iraq are turning agonist Iran, the IRGC...

1949d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment


I'm from the Middle East, I live here.
yes America dose stupid stuff, but Iran is doing worse
people all over the middle east suffer from Iran's proxy armies and assassination squads.

FYI most internet services and stuff like Twitter and Facebook are blocked in Iran.the kids playing PlayStation are probably from the privileged pro-regime families, most of the nation are poor, the oil wealth is spent propping up their pro...

1949d ago 17 agree12 disagreeView comment


Irans history over the last 40 years and current present is terrorism and worldwide criminal drug and human trafficking

Irans criminal reach even includes America now.

1949d ago 16 agree25 disagreeView comment

there is a ban on business with Iran because the mullah government uses trade to support their terrorist activities in the Arabian Gulf and worldwide.

1949d ago 55 agree16 disagreeView comment

the impression it leaves is that they compromised their artistic integrity under mob pressure.

1963d ago 33 agree4 disagreeView comment

so we can't say you can't have natural children with the same sex?

1963d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

Harlock FTW!

1977d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spidy hangs out with everybody, the closets relationship with another hero is actually with Daredevil because they run into each other often on those rooftops

1981d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment