geek culture addict


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DirectX is practically a translator for a Microsoft operating system, if there is no MS OS then there is nothing to communicate.

1521d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

DirectX is only an API that communicates between a Microsoft operating system and the hardware.

Playstation doesn't use a Microsoft OS so DX is useless. Developers have said that Sony API for PS5 gives better access to the hardware, meaning the PS5 yields more performance from the GPU than the XBoxSX. this explains why developers say the PS5 is actually more powerful in performance.

1521d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

PS4 disks should play on PS5, everything PS3 and before not expected to play from disk though.

Sony don't want to reset the massive PS4 install base, the plan is gradual transition.

1521d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

AFAIK SX will not have true 1st party exclusives, the game I want from Obsidian can be played on an old Xbox1 or an average gaming PC.

1521d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

could be it loads directly into share-factory with more advanced editing tools.

1521d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment


PS5 controller is 400% more popular than the whole XboxSX console.

Even when I check out the most known Xbox fans on social media all they seem to talk about is PS5. If MS can't get their base exited for the SX how will they convince the rest of the gaming world.

1522d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

DSense is the most paint job friendly controller yet.

1522d ago 26 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony said this already on their blog last month..

"Lastly, we’re excited to confirm that the backwards compatibility features are working well. We recently took a look at the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time, and we’re expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PS5. With ...

1522d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


"As far as I know, all games already stream data from the drive constantly"

yes, but the PS5 will do this 100x faster than current gen and 100% faster than SX. this is how fast the game world in Spiderman streams on the PS5..

1523d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

talk is a cheaper low spec 4TFLOPS SX is still coming, MS just stopped talking about it to focus the market on the higher end specs. this will hold back the XBox 1st party even more. means the SX is just a new installment of the old generation.

1523d ago 12 agree19 disagreeView comment

PS4 gets 3rd party exclusives already, PS5 is likely to get even more. PC is an open platform so developers are under no mandate to launch at the same day as PS5.

"What else does a SSD do besides store data? It doesn't process anything"

1- Textures are preset and their quality is heavily dependent on transfer speed.
1523d ago 18 agree12 disagreeView comment

This means PS5 will get a lot of 3rd party exclusives from developers who want to make a real next gen game. and wait a few years until the PC standard catches up before putting their game on PC.

So increase of 3rd party exclusives is something we should expect from PS5, could even be at a rate similar to PS2

1523d ago 46 agree41 disagreeView comment

I used to think faster loading and less pop-up was all we would get from an SSD. but because PS5 architect is himself a developer he knows exactly how all the system components. he realized having an SSD as a standard is a big opportunity to take game design into a completely new level if they an extra few miles and get an SSD faster than what is available in the market and develop custom I/O processors to push the data as fast as possible into the GPU and clear it quickly for new data. acco...

1523d ago 65 agree31 disagreeView comment

I wanna see Drake again.

1523d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment


I'm talking about the size and speed of data that can be fed to the PS5 GPU as a result of the whole SSD+I/O+custom processing. this data will also be quickly replaced by a large new patch of data at an incredibly fast rate, so fast it significantly reduces the timing requirements for code streaming. there is less need for pre-rendering objects and less need to have data sit at the RAM lobby.

1523d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


Phil said it on record in the last IGN interview, 12TFLOPS mandate. it was decided by marketing first.

1524d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment


Phil Spencer himself said the mandate to the engineers was to make a 12TFLOPS console, they had to figure everything else around that.
Sony worked with developers to identify memory as the biggest bottleneck, and then engineered a console with optimal synergy between it's parts.

1524d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Velocity Architecture can't go faster than hardware speed, in this area PS5 is 100% faster.

1524d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment


PS5 should have a clear 100% advantage in texture quality, that part is memory dependent. the SX has 20% advantage in real-time calculation, that is mostly lighting, and it's GPU dependent.

A 100% advantage in texture quality should be more noticeable than 20% better lighting. and when PS5 coders become able to focus render only what is on the screen then even that 20% advantage will be eliminated.

1524d ago 21 agree33 disagreeView comment

Because most developers still make games based on HDDs on PC.

But Star Citizen is practically unplayable without an SSD.

1524d ago 30 agree16 disagreeView comment