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PS5 is 2X faster than SX.

the SX will be bound by traditional game design because the pipelines are tight and slow.

1532d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

RE is one of the games that extensively use tight corridor design to slow down the and queue the data. now the developers don't have to limit themselves.

In general Japaneses developers haven't been good with data streaming that is why they have been outsourcing a lot of game development to the west, but that didn't turn out well most of time because western developers mostly don't understand Japanese games.

Many Japanese developers lost ...

1532d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

no actually you cant say that each has a specific strength compared to the other. overhyping the SX beyond It's actual capabilities will just set you up for a big disappointment later on. It's "cloud power "all over again.

1532d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'v been hard on Xbox last generation like most gamers, but can admit they cleaned up their act and they do the best job they can. while the the same time Sony are still on form, and Nintendo also refocused on their strength.

I can't understand the need to declare a winner even before the next generation starts.

1532d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

even though Phil is doing a great job, the competition isn't slacking off. the original Xbox was great but the PS2 dominated because Sony didn't take their foot off the gas.

1532d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

this little gem has one of the best stories in gaming. a rare great game played on my iPad.

1532d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phil is actually a great guy focused on his platform, It's McCaffery who keeps baiting him into PS5 talk. the same for some hardcore XB fans who only want to force compare asymmetrical systems.

the XBSX is a great SUV.
the PS5 is a great sedan.

they are differently built.

1532d ago 28 agree10 disagreeView comment

there is no "power gap" the consoles are different.

the PS4 GPU is faster the SX GPU is wider. in the chip world faster is always better. every time new tech comes out its always mainly "it has a faster chip".

MS tried their best but Sony threw a curveball with the cooling system to make something that wasn't supposed to be possible.

1533d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

with PC as reference, some moders strip game images to less than half the size of the original RAW disk. I don't know if that is duplicate data or if they just compress audio.

1534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"There isn't, nor will there ever be an SSD fast enough for a GPU to use it as RAM"

the PS5 SSD speed is similar to DDR3 RAM

and you miss the point, it's not about rendering, it's about feeding the rendering engine with data with the most minimal delay.

1534d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


the PS4 SSD is 2x faster than the SSD on SX.
even PS5 raw(gear1) data speeds are faster than compressed(gear2) data on SX

1534d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

no need to transfer the cost to the mass consumer, you can get expandable storage next generation. you can get as much extra storage as you can afford.

1534d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


the ratio of GPU to CPU power on the PS5 is higher. the machines are just very different this time around.

1534d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


No the SSD on the PS5 is special.

Yes the GPU dose the rendering but to render another frame needs time limited by data load speed, the SX can render only as fast as the RAM feeds it. It my render a single frame higher but the PS5 can get high quality frames consistently fast it won't need to do as much prefetching and off screen rendering like the SX.

1534d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment


Watched it again, yep! 3.5 is the base.

1535d ago 11 agree42 disagreeView comment


Umm yah. That's how they work on the PS5, Cerny explained it not me. 3.5 is the base and the max, it goes down from there. they set it that way to stabilize power and cooling.

1535d ago 22 agree53 disagreeView comment


whatever they call the data connector speed. I have an SSD on my PS4, It speeds up loading bu its still limited to 10% of it's potential by the internal data connectors in the PS4. the SX can utilize 100% of the speed in current market SSDs.

1535d ago 6 agree33 disagreeView comment

TBF PC players have decades of experience playing this game.

1535d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS5 and SX are very different and can't be compared by standard GPU metrics.

the SSD on the PS5 will be a game changer like the disk drive was game a changer for the original PS1 vs the more powerful N64. developers jumped ship to the Playstation to design games that were impossible on the N64. FF7 being the famous example.

1535d ago 33 agree31 disagreeView comment

It's true that SX should load games and transition instantly, the SATA is good enough for that.

What is different about the PS% SSD is that it is built to be part of the engine, not just a storage space.

1535d ago 18 agree49 disagreeView comment