CRank: 5Score: 14340

Yep, just imagine this world and atmosphere with the visuals of forbidden west. Would be mindblowing. I feel like japanese developers don't put enough emphasis on graphics while western devs maybe put too much on them.

814d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is the first time I've seen anyone else say they chose quality mode over performance. I almost always go with performance as I love the smooth gameplay, but for some reason quality mode is so damn good in this game. I don't know if it's how well they lock in the 30 fps or just the smoothness of animations, but it feels incredible. Also the visuals here get a much more noticeable resolution bump than I've seen in other games. I would suggest giving it a go to those who...

814d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

But that's not how gaming scores scale. There have literally only been 2 games to score 40 or less on ps5 out of hundreds. To game reviewers amazing is 9-10, very good is 8-9, OK is 7-8, below average is 6-7, and anything under 6 is borderline unplayable.

FW at 7.5 puts it in the bottom 50% of all releases on metacritic. I don't really even have an issue with the number score though. It's more an issue with his justification.

814d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'll give it that, the physics were definitely better (as expected with 15 years of tech development), and led to interesting gameplay scenarios, but that itself had been done by other games before as well. While morrowind didn't have the physics, it was no less a sandbox with the insane amount of spells, traversal, and non combat ways to approach situations.

I'm not knocking botw at all, it was a great game, I just don't view it as a groundbreaking revol...

814d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read the article and it's an interesting read. I still don't really buy how botw was an insanely revolutionary game due to his invented nebulous concept of "airness" though. If you want to talk about games that don't guide you to way points and let the narrative fade into the background while allowing tons of player agency, the Elder Scrolls Morrowind says hello. It did it all just as well 15 years earlier.

I have turned off way points and most ...

814d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm curious which open world games he is referring to that are completely reinventing the wheel. He doesn't state which games just came out that did this or what they are doing to redefine the genre, while dinging FW for not doing the same.

I guess as a fan of zero dawn, I didn't want them to completely reinvent the wheel, I wanted a better, more polished story set in the same universe with refined mechanics and gorgeous visuals and incredible audio. It delive...

814d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Uhhh, if your biggest complaint is GPS markers, why not go into the menu, disable them and enable exploration mode which has no markers and requires you to find things? I guess I just don't see all the hate for FW. It's not a perfect game and I have a few minor complaints, but as a big fan of the original, it is pretty much everything I was hoping for in a sequel. I feel like refined most everything I wanted improved.

814d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the feedback. Everything I heard from players made it sound like it never gets much easier even with leveling, but glad to hear you can make it manageable through a bit of exploring and grinding.

815d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As a non souls player, I'm curious how this works. Are enemies set levels or do they scale? If they scale, you would never really improve your odds. If they don't scale, they would become easy after a while, but everything I've read states they never really get much easier. If that is the case, are all the leveling and improvements pointless? If the improvements they refer to are more from a player skill stanpoint, it seems that really doesnt help much either, as each enemy h...

815d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As much as I like the Aloy voice actor, they really should have an option to limit Aloys inner dialogue comments. I mean do you have to say "time for a glide" when I bust out the glider, or "it's grappling time!" When I use the pullcaster? I mean I pushed the use glider/pull caster button, why the need to say it? I'm kind of surprised she doesn't yell "shooting an arrow" every time I shoot an arrow...

817d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait i thought it was just some peach fuzz...does it grow into a full blown 'stashe later in the game?

818d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think everyone is upset about a lack of handholding, if you read my above post you will see why I personally am not a fan of these types of games. I actually despise handholding in games. You referenced HFW, but you can easily turn off all the compass markers like myself and play in exploration mode. Although Aloy still gives away too much with her constant inner dialogue, it makes it way better to turn off guidance.

My problem is, as someone with limited g...

818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super disappointing. The first two were really fun, guilty pleasure games, and was really expecting the devs to take this to the next level. Instead they go from repayable open world to linear, on rails segments with far fewer weapons, goofier characters and a 4 hour play time? Not sure what they were thinking, but one of the biggest disappointments of the year for me.

819d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

As I have gotten older and have the responsibility of a job, family, and home, I just can't get into these kinds of games. If I only get an hour a night to game, I need to feel like I accomplish something instead of just trying to get back to the same boss who has killed me every day this week. If they made a slightly easier option or at least had a demo I would give it a go, but as it is I will have to pass.

I understand that the difficulty is much of the point of ...

819d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was curious about this as I keep seeing people raving about the visuals, but from the videos I've seen, it looks like a mid-life ps4 game at best. Graphics aren't everything, but I've seen HFW get dinged for pop in and minor graphics bugs while this is getting 10s everywhere with no mention of graphics or framerate.

821d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I realize it is a personal preference thing, but I just prefer nights in games to be....dark. FW makes it look pretty at night with colorful, pastel fog and skies, but I think it would be cool to occasionally have a clear, dark night. Maybe I'll tweak my TV settings and see what I can come up with.

828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I myself am a pretty big sports fan, and have not bought a version of the Show in 5 years. I have tried them, but with little to no visual upgrades, and only minor tweaks to gameplay and modes, I just can't see paying full price for essentially roster updates. You are correct though that most of the die hards just buy them every year regardless, so why would the devs ever go above and beyond?

828d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting read. I love to see how these artists and technical wizards iterate and improve with each release. I wish more game companies would focus on making huge improvements like these instead of the nearly unnoticeable changes we see yearly in some series (I'm looking at you The Show).

Overall, FW is a visual masterpiece. I've never by so wowed by nearly every aspect of a game visually. The only thing I really hope they add is something like a darker night ...

828d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Completely agree about the visuals and how addicting the game is. Hands down the best looking game I've ever played. While I almost always opt for performance modes in games like these, but for some reason, I actually prefer the resolution mode in FW. It just feels so much smoother than typical 30 fps games, and the increased detail just looks stunning.

I also think this games sound doesn't get enough credit. I would also put it as the best audio I've ever ...

829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You lost me when you said it visually looks like a cross gen game. This is pretty much unanimously a top 5 game of all time in terms of visuals, with many including myself ranking it easily at the top. You can complain about art style I guess since that is subjective (although as a former art student I think it is stunning), but technically there is less than a handful of games that can even approach it. The pop in on ps5 is very minimal, so not sure what you are seeing.

829d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment