
CRank: 5Score: 16060

"1. Old Motorstorm2 demo already looks better than Gears2"
Good lord just shut up, please.

"2. Killzone2 is beyond anything seen in Motorstorm"

"3. MGS4 is beyond anything seen in console gaming graphically"
Definitely not. Tremendously overrated, visually.

"And of course, Gears holds nothing when it comes to any of the PS3's heavy visual Sluggers."
For God's sake will you close yo...

5742d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

this is awkward.

5742d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why can PS3 fans not concede that the 360 GUI and online functionality is still streaks ahead of the PS3? ALL games support in-game soundtracks, achievements, cross-game chat, messaging, friends list, gamertags (online games), game joining etc. You certainly can't say the same for the PS3 thus, it is not a matter of preference, nor a matter of an abundance of snub-nosed kids, the Xbox 360's online service and functionality is by and large streets ahead of the PS3's. There I said it. Don't go ...

5743d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry, who gave me a disagree and why?


5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Time trials with global, continental, national leaderboards for every single level. Media Molecule would have to make some serious boo-boos for these kind of features not to create a massive competitive community.

On top of these leaderboards there would be leaderboards which charted how many records in time trials everyone had. So '#1' would be on top with 22 time records, just above '#2' who has 20. That is brilliant. Please say it's included.

Emphasis on community...

5760d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Spot on my friend, you're on the right track.

Providing this sandpit was easily linked to the game that is EXACTLY the kind of thing I want to see in the future. Bubbleicious.

5772d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really think they're missing the boat with this Home lark. Dancing styles? Bubble machines? Yachts? How the hell do ANY of these features benefit the overall gaming experience apart from creating a hideously British and static community 'experience'. What we need are intuitive party and lobby systems, a seamless game launch system, and a basic GUI. What it seems we are getting is a bunch of clueless developers brainstorming into code. I can really imagine it being incompatible with the majo...

5772d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe a PSEye is necessary for home-made stickers, disappointingly.

Fortunately I have one - getting dusty, mind.

@PirateThom: Not via download? Did they scratch that plan?!

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although this has been droned out many times already, this definitely won't be the PS3's first killer app. Of course we have MGS4 but people too often overlook Uncharted as AAA mofo because of the absence of online play. I don't believe MotorStorm is a killer app, though.

LittleBigPlanet looks to have near limitless potential. Every video I see makes me more excited for it. However, I'm not sure of it's casual appeal. Sure, it'll attract a portion of the bad market - the morons w...

5777d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People always seem to ignore Gears when comparing PS3 to the 360. Uncharted is a spectacular looking game, right up there with Gears, but I don't think MGS is such the graphical powerhouse that everyone claims it is. The textures and motion blur in Gears are second to none, whereas in MGS these are pretty mediocre.

Gears of War is superior graphically to MGS but that's not to say it creates a better atmosphere and is more versatile. It isn't.

The writer of the articl...

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course, I have my doubts about the legitimacy of this guy's claims but it is totally possible that he is telling the truth.

That gamercard looks pretty naff. In my opinion, each level of trophy should equate to a different number of points. So Platinum = 100, Gold = 75 etc. This will be a complete rip off of GS but would work nicely. I hope to God that one can browse another's trophies not just see how many they have. The trophy interface in XMB I imagine will be a list of the...

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graphics look atrocious, don't even hold a candle to VT3.

360 is clearly more vibrant than PS3, but isn't that always the case? The wii though hahahahaha.

5829d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think, if you try to stop being an objective moron and perhaps momentarily dismount from your high horse of video game pedigree, then you can offer some legitimate insight. The disc reference in my opinion is quite a thoughtful and light-hearted quip which genuinely raised a smirk.

The Ratchet one, however, is fairly poor and I don't really see Insomniac in the position to do such a thing. They are not innovative and revolutionary game designers like Hideo.

+ let...

5839d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

There is also an option 'video upload debug' :s.

Seems rather ideal and appropriate to me. I strongly doubt such features would be presented in that way. As said before the it is perfectly feasible that he used a PSP to make the video. Almost.

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

XMB SHOULD be compatible with PS1 games.

I can understand PS2 - very CPU intensive, signs you out automatically etc. The PS1 emulation however keeps you signed in and is effectively flawless. I have no doubt in my mind that they can do this. I wouldn't mind turbo boosting around a few corners on CTR with some nice music in the background.

Considering they have the visual settings already, and the fact PSOne emulation takes up barely any processing power, it's definit...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The majority of online games open up a menu when you press start but of course the action doesn't actullay pause for the rest of the world.

The XMB will simply come up regardless of whether you've paused it or not - like it does now.

This video looks very fishy to me. It almost looks like it could've been done on a PSP with some seriously savvy video editing. I hope the trophies interface is better than simply a crappy unified list. All the games should have their ow...

5840d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it is advertising to the casual consumer everyone is worried about.

Seriously, if they just show some diverse game play and nice art direction, introducing the game as "the FINAL episode" it will reel even people who have never heard of MGS in.

5844d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Typing the most brilliant comment the world has ever seen only to find it deleted after a server error message. What a joke.

EDIT: Maybe not. What a moron I am. :D

5846d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought a PS3 in October and, despite its shortcomings, have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences with it. I do not own a 360 however have had a great deal of experience with it and consider it a brilliant console.

Resistance in my opinion is a far more average FPS than people give it credit for. The campaign was solid yet uninspiring, and the multiplayer was thoughtless and unrewarding. I completed R:FOM on co-op and found it fairly enjoyable although it does not even hold a candl...

5846d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

How on earth can it be considered correct and acceptable to COMPLETELY rip off an opposing product's ideas :S?

If this does get released then Sony will lose a lot of their already diminishing credibility. In my opinion anyway.

What about the SIXAXIS? If that's supposed to be motion sensing, then is it not a bit stupid to buy another set of things which communicate solely through motion sensing?! Surely some games can be released which use the SIXAXIS like the Wiimote...

5848d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment