
CRank: 5Score: 16060

Obviously not.

As if a PS3 without emotion engine would be able to play 'all' PS2 games. It's BS, although I hope Sony do release an update after they screwed me over by replacing my 60GB with an 80GB.

5610d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

R2, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, U.

Weapons code for GTA III. I'm not the cheating type but that baby is ingrained in my memory.

'Embarrassingly' I haven't heard of the one mentioned in this article.

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fair enough.

Don't you think it's pathetic that fanboys find it necessary to speak up against anything 'anti-Sony'? I have five disagrees and I didn't even say anything against Sony. :S

I do wonder sometimes what goes through their sick heads as they sit, rotting, in their computer chairs. I can't even imagine being such a limp-willied buffoon as to be so obsessed with 'brand loyalty'.

I'm on the MS pay roll by the way. That's why I own a PS3 and nigh on...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, if all those features come to fruition in the final build and a lot of people buy the game it should be superb.

The idea of 256 clan tournaments makes me salivate.

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do realise Halo was out several years before KZ2?

Effectively invalidating your 'FAILURE' accusations.

I bet a ton of games before had these features, too. An example being 'Medal of Honor' for the PS1.

Long detailed reload mechanism? Who cares...

But it's OK. English obviously isn't your native language. Now let's stop all the damage control and wait eagerly for the KZ2 release - which is shaping up to be huge.

5640d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

The guy writes like a retard. I have a feeling he's a teenager who thinks he's smart using some big words. If not... uh-oh.

Therefore: Credibility=ZERO.

Seems to appreciate the game though. I'll look forward to the 'Bad' + 'Ugly' articles. As well as KZ2 itself - forgot about that :D.

5640d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well played, arrrgh.

Omega4 once again demonstrating his critical lack of intelligence - this time through grammar!

Haze should not have been made. It was dreadful. I don't know if, since the TS2 days, Free Radical changed staff but that game was NOT up to standard. If I had played a part in creating it I'd pay for hypnosis therapy to forget it ever existed. Hey, perhaps the fees have made them gone out of business?

It'll be sad if TS4 doesn't get rele...

5645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure, Danja. All those superb games released on Wii...

Nintendo put a huge amount into advertising and, as a result, have full control of the casual market. MS also put a lot of dough into advertising and, as a result, have great consumer awareness and top software sales. Sony have so far been very poor at marketing games which would have sold more on other platforms. This does not detract from the quality of Sony's titles but it's true.

+@ Omega4: Nice grammar, dud...

5648d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can someone please explain to me without the sway of fanboy bias how home is even remotely beneficial to your average gamer in improving functionality or providing entertainment?

I'm pretty sure I won't get any decent answers. I knew from as soon as they were fussing over 'bubble machines' and 'dance moves' that Home was utterly directionless and wasn't going to seamlessly incorporate itself into the PS3 setup. I've said it from the beginning, Sony. If it isn't enjoyable and does...

5651d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Funnily enough, on the day of your post, I got a job.

You think R2 MP is 'deeper' than COD4 MP. From what I played the choosing of a weapon and the ensuing rampage was about as deep as it got. Another of my favourites, TF2, is what i consider a deep game (although I never played it the way it should be). In my opinion, COD4 MP is the most universally appealing and brilliantly devised of all MPs, and deserves more commendation than it deserves. Not simply 'tunz of peepz plai it cu...

5666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hush your mouths.

I was referring to the multiplayer, you can see that. I've played, extensively, both multiplayer modes so therefore I can put forward an opinion.

By the way, I've never visited an 'EDGE Forum' so you can retract that presumptuous accusation.

Based on what I've experienced of both games, and the fact the multiplayer is often held in higher esteem than the single player, I believe 9.5 is probably a score devised primarily to please the ma...

5667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're just biased. I, on the other hand, am not.

Gears of War 2 is constantly compared to R2. Perhaps it wasn't wise to incorporate it into such a fanboy ridden article, but it's useful considering there was a decent level of buzz about them both getting 9.5's from US IGN.

Gears 2 online is a tight, polished, and intelligent package. There is a demand for tactics and you won't have some n00b using a rocket launcher to win the game. On the other hand R2 multiplayer i...

5667d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Technological complexity doesn't equate to a good game. + There is no obligation to enjoy a game simply because it has 'a lot on screen'.

I own Resistance and enjoyed my single player run, but it was extremely overrated by the PS3 fans. Multiplayer was also fun but nowhere near as deep and intelligent as its main comparison, Gears of War 2.

I know I'm going to get hounded here, but Gears 2 is clearly a more polished title which has established a winning formula. Resi...

5667d ago 10 agree16 disagreeView comment

Seems like an honest review, unlike the 9.5 US score which was plain fanservice.

Online isn't as addictive/enjoyable as Call of Duty, single player isn't as good as Bioshock etc. I'm sure this game works as a very good overall package though.

I enjoyed the beta and hope to buy it in the near future. Once I get a job.

5667d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

So true.

I certainly wouldn't invite Proxy to my Gatorade endorsed LAN parteh.

5672d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This video isn't especially creative nor is it particularly smart.

It's fairly awesome by virtue of the fact it must have taken a HUGE amount of time and dedication to set it up so that it is 100% in sync with the bike's movements.

To be fair I hadn't discovered it until it was established to be an ad agency's work, so perhaps there's less 'wow factor'.

5674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't claim to have been around for as long as some, but I've never seen any sort of 'fanboy' war which has been fought with such unbelievable passion and vigour as 360 VS. PS3. We can blame the internet for that one.

The fine line which people find difficulty in keeping sharp is that it's possible to have a unique opinion of a console and all it encompasses and also own that console. Just because a game is a specific console exclusive, doesn't mean anyone has an obligation to ...

5677d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course we're noobs. We haven't played it.


The game looks sweet, satisfying kill sound. Seems pretty similar to COD4, dunno how long until it becomes stagnant.

5714d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought the whole point in this game was to create levels and share them online. That certainly seems to be my main motive in pre-ordering this game.

Do they mean you won't be able to submit levels online, play levels online, create levels with friends online, or a combination of the three? I'm confused.

Ah well, at least it's coming in a patch. It'll give us time to get to grips with the create tools and, in a way, is a decent scheme to cut down on the initial boo...

5734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest, I was expecting more improvement. It effectively looks like Motorstorm with green textures put on the rocks. I was expecting lush, Uncharted like environments with pools of water and glistening lava. It was unwise to choose such a mediocre environment for this video.

Bear in mind I haven't played the demo nor seen any footage first hand, so my opinion is based solely on videos from the internet + this shoddy comparison video.

Graphics aside, the origina...

5741d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment