
CRank: 5Score: 16060

'Older' bro? How young are you for your thumbs to be that much smaller? Your original comment doesn't still stand because it is indeed an expectation that an expensive official controller will cater for all thumb sizes, and your '2+2' conclusion is not logical since it as as much likely due to poor QUALITY CONTROL and variation between controllers as it is thumb size. Concave/Convex, it doesn't matter. Sony made that design choice and have a responsibility to provide a...

3759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why, then, has this problem not arisen on the previous iterations of the DS? You're being an apologist.

3760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you incapable of considering the possibility that not all the controllers were manufactured identically, and that other people might have different experiences with the controller even if they have looked after it better than yourself?

3760d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess you were born in 1999, huh? It may be considered the best controller Sony has ever made but that doesn't invalidate each and every one of my points or indeed any of them. If anything, it shows it was 'universally' agreed that there was a lot to improve on. Believe me when I say I have always loved the Dualshock. Every iteration of it. This doesn't mean it's exempt from criticism or that ALL of the revisions from DS3 to DS4 were 'right'. No-one regards my op...

3767d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even so, that doesn't justify including the touchpad at massive cost to the consumer, and it's still nowhere near a necessity as much as Sony and the computer industry make us think it is. This is particularly the case when one considers just how the touch screen is implemented and functions on the controller. What do you say to my other qualms? Sony is a business with its own interests at heart so perhaps I'm looking from the wrong angle, but how many PS4 owners would have so m...

3767d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm highly impressed by the size and power consumption of the PS4, and I generally agree with you in terms of their consoles (although saying that I had three PS1s, three PS2s and three PS3s due mainly to worn down lasers), but I'm so confused as to the engineering decisions behind the Dualshock 4. It makes me want to personally confront the madcap Japanese bods who contributed to its design. Do Sony not realise that every single *honest* gamer would prefer better battery life and low...

3767d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol you really think they'd wage war over oil to give the American consumer lower prices? The US govt. more than perhaps any other is controlled by corporate interests, and on top of that have done some really shitty things in the past century and beyond. That's not a conspiracy. For this reason, among others, I actually do find hardline right-wing allegiances distasteful. On the topic of religion, though, one can decide to judge it either on its inherent worth and the good it's b...

3802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"i think its naural for straight men to be repulsed by the sight of two guys making out, just like its natural for people to be born gay, as well as animals being gay too."

"i wouldnt condone the idea either tho."

"two guys together doesnt bother me but when they kiss in public or look at me that way it just makes me uncomfortable"

"but at the same time i kinda understand the concern about their kid tur...

3808d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol at AridSpider thinking someone else is mixing their personal feelings into an 'objective' argument when you're doing the same but worse. Your comments indicate that you believe being gay is either a 'choice' or that gay tendencies are something heterosexual people can catch if they are sufficiently exposed to homosexuality. If you knew absolutely ANYTHING about what you're talking about, beyond what you were taught by either your church or bigoted parents, you'...

3808d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're dumber than a box of rocks, son. Just because what you're saying is 'your opinion' doesn't make it any less shitty or misinformed. As human beings we do a lot of stuff that isn't conducive to 'our sole purpose of reproduction' such as using contraception, being in monogamous relationships, and legally imposing minimum age limits for sexual intercourse. There are CHOICES we make as human beings, though, and I'm sure you wouldn't disagree with any ...

3808d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ju has just presented to N4G the perfect example of fanboyism. You automatically disregard a review because you disagree with his initial point. KZ has NEVER been an outstanding game. KZ2 and Liberation, however, were great games. Just because it isn't like COD doesn't mean it's amazing. KZ has never brought anything new to the table, really, barring awesome graphics. It's not fun in the same way COD was, nor is it incredibly immersive like Bioshock. Guerrilla, perhaps like Cr...

3825d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

So you think an 8 year-old should be held accountable for their actions? Do you remember being 8? More likely this kid had underlying imbalances or was exposed to a dysfunctional environment from an early age. I guess you're of the typical American mindset whereby a person is born a criminal, will die a criminal, and should be thrown into solitary confinement for the duration of their lives? Sure, that methodology really appears to be working everywhere it's been adopted! Bottom line ...

3916d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They've shown nothing and promised nothing which propels it above other games, though? Evolution did well with Motorstorm but there was always something which prevented it becoming 'great'. How is the full retail version better than those two games? It's not a graphical powerhouse, and no account of it by any reputable source has said it breaks boundaries or is even particularly enjoyable. I'm a Sony guy, but the way people appropriate ANYTHING exclusive to Sony as an amaz...

3920d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Troll. The amount of bias here is just disturbing. Apart from the fact it's free, how is this game better than Forza or even Gran Turismo 5 in any way? Explain before you click disagree.

3920d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Being someone who has always supported Sony; in their approaches and products, I'll be buying the PS4. However, it makes me sick to see all you pre-pubesant dicks, or those of a doubtful mental age, posting pathetic shit and agreeing with anything that is against the Xbox One. Quite frankly I find it laughable how you all openly demonstrate the fact that you are threatened by the Xbox One's alternative, predominantly online heavy approach by spewing mindless bullshit about the negativ...

3935d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You clearly understand the concepts of 'agreement' and 'disagreement' and their exclusive application to facts. Bubbles for you! (Y). KZ will probably be a good game (2 and 3 were good, not exceptional), but you other guys can't honestly think Sony's other announced launch games are sure-fire hits? DriveClub doesn't seem to boast any advantages over even GT5 on the PS3. Please tell me if you think otherwise. Media impressions of Knack are also less than glowing. If...

3956d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For those PS4 fanboy babies who disagreed, please provide evidence to the contrary. I even said it looks like a boring game, but it seems you've latched onto the fact I'm praising the graphics of a Xbox exclusive. Would you have done the same if I had praised the original Crysis? No, of course you wouldn't have. I've only ever owned PS3 and will not be getting an xbox one. This site is honestly embarrassing. I hope to God the majority of the most vocal posters have either lear...

3956d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ryse's gameplay looks completely generic and unimaginative from what has been shown. It appears to recycle every tired and overused trope from WW2 FPS and add little else of merit.

Still, I have seen very few games of a comparable graphical fidelity. It looks utterly exceptional where raw visuals are concerned. CryTek must have some seriously smart dudes working on their engine technologies. Previous efforts would suggest, however, they they struggle to make an immersive ...

3957d ago 16 agree15 disagreeView comment

Mods, ban anyone who has contributed to this being seen as a legitimate article. It's a decent flamebait satirical troll job. Luke Frazier's probably fucking shit up on Infinite as we speak, and loving it.

4063d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's a marketing CHARACTER you utter morons.

Kevin Butler isn't a real person. Good lord.

4844d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment