
CRank: 5Score: 16060

One of those 'perpetually suffering from a runny nose' dorks.

Pretty amateur, really, but some decent questions. Some of the articles N4G praise as 'good writing' are delivered with a literary elegance comparable to Karen Matthews' sex moans... So don't trust their views.

But hell, anything concerned with COD, it's gotta be praised.

5500d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It might not be 'technically superior', but yes, at that moment in time, Britney Spears is the most appreciated artist and the one which people 'enjoy' the most. However, Britney Spears is certainly not the highest rated, nor will her music go down in history.

It's unwise to draw parallels between the two, considering COD4 is a well-polished masterpiece. Even from a technical standpoint, COD4 MP is quite superior to KZ2. People overlook the sophistication and thoughtful polish co...

5502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The unfortunate thing is that his own sentence was not remotely 'cohesive' (he probably means coherent) nor gramatically correct.

Utter loser.

W-w-w-wait f this s there's details for MW2 out?! This game is going to be off the chain... b-b-b-but please, God: Don't put tanks in MP :).

5502d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

The thing is: people let their Wii's collect dust. People play COD4 religiously.

In this small microcosm of humanity we refer to lovingly as N4G, people seem to have this acute yet imperceptible notion of 'what makes a good game'. I mean, buddy, if it isn't ratings, sales, player counts, then what is it?

If a critic were to look back on the two now, without the inescapable hype of KillZone 2, I'd wager most would concede that COD4's more enjoyable. This may be becaus...

5502d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you're not a fanboy, then why are you raising this point?

Only fanboys find it necessary to find fault with the other console. Who knows? It could be the PS3 holding the game back...

Hell, the PS3 probably is more powerful. One would expect it to be, for the price and development time, am I right? I think the graphics on my PS3 have been pretty good so far. In terms of visuals, Uncharted is my favourite game of all time. Yes, I do feel a twinge of disappointment w...

5502d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sure that's what 'turned you off' buddy.

I think most people agree that COD4 MP is vastly superior in terms of 'fun' thatn KZ2. One needs only to check out the player counts for each to see that.

Whether it's technically/graphically superior, or 'n00b-unfriendly' is a different matter altogether, and one which you should probably resolve with your shrink.

5502d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


That hasn't been said. You may be getting confused with the PC mod which combines all three areas from GTA III, VC and SA.

Of course, the prospect is fairly awesome, but I don't think the execution will ever match the conception.

+ Ohmygod wowie I hope English isn't your native language.

5509d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You morons do realise 'new franchise' means essentially the same thing as 'new IP', right?

Things might have changed without us knowing, but based on this information, we're getting a new series. I bleeding hope it isn't GTA V, either way.

5509d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Truth up dude.

Ended up with repetitive strain injury afterwards, but it was worth it.

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OWNED you moronic fanboy.

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. It obviously isn't

It doesn't even have the best graphics, which is the only conceivable respect in which one could claim it's 'the best'.

People aren't playing it online anymore for a reason, buddy. Not everyone's an 'idiot casual gamer', either.

I genuinely prefer to play HL to KZ2. Speaking in terms of gameplay craft and pacing, it is absolute lightyears ahead of Guerrilla's generic offering.

I enjoyed KZ2, too. But you don't have a l...

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Christ. I genuinely thought no-one was so much of a fanboy to genuinely claim that KZ2 is the best FPS ever. You seem to be speaking some sense on the other hand.

Of the past few years, I'd elect COD4 for its superb MP and pretty brilliant, albeit short, SP.

Of all time I'd nominate Half-Life, closely followed by its sequel.

Come on; tell me, people. Why on earth is KZ2 'the best FPS ever'? Objectively, COD4 has superior MP and there's no way you can cla...

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Knowing Naughty Dog, this will probably be superb.

MGS4 demonstrated that an online counterpart to a single-player 3rd person shooter is a tough nut to crack. However, I think Naughty Dog are far more in touch with the Western gamer and will know what to do. I trust them to alter the single-player experience in some subtle way so it's more accessible in an MP environment.

After Uncharted, I have extremely high hopes for this game. Hell, it may even influence me to bu...

5519d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least you justified your points. I can't say I enjoy KZ2 as much, unfortunately. I really thought I would at first but there isn't much of an urge to play it.

I'm a barebones perfection COD4/Virtua Tennis 3 kinda guy, though.

5519d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not really great numbers though, is it?

Japan was never going to make too big a difference but what's KZ2 at now... 2m?

For some reason I haven't played KZ2 in a long time. Actually went back to COD4 for a short while. What kind of numbers are playing generally?

5519d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Back in my day, Jimmy, the internet didn't have censorship"

Good lord I hope they don't do something bad.

lol@ Lucreto: Religious laws yeah really important. Not.

5523d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your avatar, like your comment, makes me want to kill myself.

5525d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very nice, Kleptic.

Taught me a fair amount there.

I can respect that KZ2's graphics are 'impressive' but I don't find it half as pleasing to the eye as Uncharted. I used to turn that game on just to see the vivid colours in HD.

I don't know why everyone is erroneously promoting GOWIII to the graphical powerhouse category - after a few mediocre videos :S? Uncharted 2 looks hella better.

5525d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


At least it's fairly hard to get caught in the UK. Private trackers are less likely to be shut down.

5526d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking through this topic, all I see is you spouting your inane fanboy agenda when, in truth, you're totally missing the point. No-one in their right mind should give two hoots about what a disadvantage this'll be to people on another platform. Seriously - why would it matter to you?

I hope a mod reprimands this chump, as it's his kind which bring the site to such a level.

On topic - that's pretty huge. I sure as hell wouldn't want to download it. Based on Square's ...

5527d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment