
CRank: 5Score: 16060

This CEO is quite possibly the biggest chump I've ever iEncountered.

See, for every one person YouTube 'damages', it benefits a million more. Can't say fairer than that.

It must be making a fair bit of money with the actually quite intrusive advertising. Somehow don't think they're going to go bust.

5529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it'll challenge for COD's throne. No other game appeals to the masses so well. Bear in mind that MAG and COD:MW2 are totally different kettles of fish.

As R2 demonstrated, massive player counts doesn't always equate to a better gameplay experience. I have a feeling MAG will simulate the frantic adrenaline of full-scale war better than the utterly underwhelming Resistance did.

I have reasonably high hopes for this game, but it's difficult to please me af...

5530d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly cannot wait for this game.

The amount of hours I've spent rallying on VT3 dwarfs the playtime of most all of my other games combined.

The improvements all seem necessary and beneficial to the experience.

@hitthegspot: I'd like to see you embed this video.

5533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems like we got some virgins in the place.

Snick snick.

Points are kinda fair. I'd add others, mind.

5535d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"the veteran developer is going to be pushing the PS3 even harder with the sequel later this hard."

lolwut. Uncharted boasts my personal favourite graphics this generation. Shoot me, muhfu'as.

5538d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can only hope this is a sarcastic article.

Or the writer is ten years old and never used an Xbox 360.

Only a very small % of gamers will benefit from this feature. I struggle to see how it would make PSN more 'robust'. Live doesn't have it because they've already cottoned on that it isn't useful.

All this bullshit about 'IT RUINS LIVE CUZ PEOPLE CHEAT'. Must people find an excuse for absolutely every absent benefit? Come on now, it's a great feature wh...

5539d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Gam71: Nice.

I'm not so disappointed with either of the new updates. The text chat feature is essentially useless to me, as it's just as awkward as sending messages. I guess if some people claim to be pleased with it, then Sony have done something right. I cannot wait for cross-game voice chat, though. I survive with my cunning and my crafty innovation: big long wire to my Skype-enabled laptop.

It would be difficult for Xboxers to be 'shafted' with this update. They...

5540d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, this would have helped all three times my 60GB YLOD'd on me.

On PAL 60GB units, the failure rate is undoubtedly WAY higher than 1%. Based on my small community alone, there've been many breakages.

5546d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a disgusting pile of ignorance.

Go waste your misguided diatribe on some other chumps.

Don't worry Hoof, I heard it.

5551d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's funny which articles the N4Gers think are 'well written'.

Says it all really.

I'm glad it's been rectified, though, well played.

5552d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What does 'memorial' mean, when used as an adjective?

Anyway, I completed the game and don't really look back on any of the levels with fondness/nostalgia.

Multiplayer is quite fun but as soon as I get stuck with a crap team I cannot be bothered and switch it off... and play Virtua Tennis 3 repeatedly on Very Hard mode...

5552d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

You mean XBL is slightly better. When not factoring in price, at least.

You'd really struggle to objectively argue that XBL is better than PSN. It saddens me, as a PS3 gamer, that people try to.

5557d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I took me about five and a half hours.

That's ridiculous, to be honest. I don't think I've ever played an FPS so short.

5561d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ZeroBlitz, you're ignorant.

Burnout Paradise full game = 3.36GB.

So you, uh, think it took up 1.68GB of a 20GB disc? I don't think so buddy, go research something. If anything, the read speeds of an HDD would decrease the size. Why do you think we have HDD installs?

5562d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'd have thought it was more than that!

Although, to be fair, there's only one or two thousand UK players online at any one time.

It didn't manage to penetrate the general public psyche like others did. Still, I'm betting about 2 million come NPD.

5562d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You rendered your point null and void when you used the term 'I could care less'. On top of that you spouted the same boring rhetoric I've seen so many times before about 'no support no purchase'. Why let your pathetic standards hinder your enjoyment of a game? They were lazy in the end but that didn't stop me playing it.

5562d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I trust Infinity Ward.

They won't make COD stagnant like Treyarch did.

All the people saying 'lolnowai gayme foar nubs' '1337 gamers plai kz2 n sockem' will be flocking to hit prestige when it hits, just like they did last time. I have no reservations in categorically stating that COD4 is the best online console shooter available. Just immaculate.

I truly cannot wait for this game. Let the details be leaked.

5563d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 does about as much to innovate gaming as your points do to innovate journalism. It's all been spouted before, buddy.

The article is nicely written though, and quite funny. But come on man, eight hours?! That game's six hours at best. (y)

I don't think KZ2 is the best game ever. The singleplayer is actually quite underwhelming when compared to the big guns of the past ten years. Multiplayer is decent and I hope to God that it has better legs than R2.

5565d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I doubt it's going to be a new game. Shame the Spyro license went begging. A good developer behind that with the PS3's hardware would be phenomenal.

Resistance 2 and R+C - two pseudo-AAA titles, is pretty impressive for a couple of years.

I'm betting it's a new patch for R2. New maps or something. That game was alright for a short period of time but it doesn't have the staying power of its rivals. The massive player count didn't serve to improve the gameplay. People ...

5565d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Please, Nervz, for the sake of our eyes.

Shut up.

You haven't even tried the 'new' controls you elitist trollop.

5566d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment