
CRank: 5Score: 27620

Yeah, what they showed and just going through it all - they did actually show quite a bit. Im just not a handheld gamer and the big hitters they could have showed they didn't. Starting off with Starfox was amazing and that looks like its going to be exceptionally fun. They really did need to address some issues though and im sure there are many but right now all i want to see is Devils Third. We already have a release date for it but hardly any info o.O

3274d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The games they showed will undoubtedly be fun and the usual Nintendo quality especially if you like RPG's. I don't though and the games i am interested in didnt show up. Like, Devils Third, Project Treasure, Retro Studios new game, Fatal Frame and others i cant even think of right now. Im just hoping that there is an announcement about those games or they show off something else.

3274d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously; where's Devils Third, Project Treasure and Retro Studios? How about that Tantalus project which is suppose to be in the works? Mother 3? Where exactly were the answers to the questions we asked?

3274d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where's Devils Third? Retro Studios? Project Treasure?

If you like RPG's then, yeah - you're pretty set. Honestly though, i was expecting more and i don't think it was too far fetched to hope for more.

3274d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


"the reality is that most people consider it to be a part of the last generation consoles"

Well then the true reality is that most people are wrong. Generations are sequential and completely time based, nothing more.

3274d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i can imagine just how happy people would be and regardless of the internet's hyperbole and asinine comments; it would be best if more players on more systems got to play this highly revered game. Me personally though, i dont care about FF7. I played it when it first released and after a couple hours of playing i realised it wasn't for me. So as my job to be as unpopular as possible - i hope its something else other than FF7.

3274d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pretty much. Its a human condition. Doesn't matter who it is but those 'on top' always throw it the faces of others 'below' them. "Sh*t rolls down hill"

3275d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I was really looking forward to hearing about Morpheus tbh and they barely touched on it. That kinda sucked. Horizon looked pretty amazing though but for me personally, it could be one of those games i stick with and love, or il just get burnt out halfway through. Just like i did with Shadow of Mordor. Dreams on the other hand, that looked so cool. The clay look was beautiful and the general art style was just incredible. I cant wait to see what more talented people than i can come up with us...

3275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So where else is that FF7 remake going then?

3275d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the announcement of the FF7 remake being 'first on Playstation' must mean its going elsewhere. Maybe that's the "big port" that's supposed to be rumoured for the WiiU?

3275d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dreams O.o

Nintendo missed a trick there because the gamepad could do all that was showed and more....but Holy Balls, it looked amazing and came out of nowhere!

3275d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I read it twice and didn't see that.

That's more disconcerting to me than anything else.....

3277d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see any sign of 'Platinum Games' anywhere on any of the screenshots or the article. Just the author saying 'we have a de-facto confirmation', which im not even sure makes sense but it seems to me if you have a 'de-facto confirmation', you at least let say why this claim of confirmation should be taken seriously. Otherwise it holds just as much credibility as 'my uncle's mate who works for a guy who knows someone...'
It could very well...

3277d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

"completely failed to deliver what gamers wanted"

-Like buying a game on disc and being FORCED to install it on a console before you can even play it? Something that PC's had to do back in the 90's and when games can come in sizes of around 50GB + patches and updates, a 500GB HDD is pretty much useless for digital only or physical only.

-Like, being FORCED to pay for an online service which is having constant problems? Yet you're still F...

3278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but if the original Bayonetta was a financial success, with a 170-odd-Million user base between PS3 and X360, it would have gotten a sequel without needing Nintendo to White-Knight it in the first place. If you're unhappy with what system its on then that's a shame but maybe you should ask MS or Sony why they didn't lock it down. At least know you can play the original and sequel on the one system, in one package and knowing they are the best versions available. If you're unha...

3280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dis-agreers; elaborate?

3286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They could have avoided a lot of headaches by not forcing players to have install physical disc copies to the hard drive before playing them. They're consoles, not PC's.

3286d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

A long shot prediction but i reckon they're working on a Smash Bros anime. When that Link vs Pit short dropped last E3 it just had so much work and detail in it for something which was just a character intro. Miyamoto has been tinkering with film making with Pikmin and Universal Studios are pretty close to Nintendo right now. Plus, Nintendo are quite popular in Japan so im sure theyd have no problem finding a production house and the audience is there. I dont like Smash Bros but id watch ...

3288d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its already been confirmed as not true: http://www.wired.co.uk/news...

Many people are too quick to jump to conclusions and report 'rumours' as fact, to get the clicks. Modern journalism at it's finest.

3288d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im very happy with my purchase. Thanks for being concerned though :)
1- I wasn't comparing them GTA 5 or The Witcher 3. Those are retail games and not download only games, i.e. VC or eshop. I was merely stating that most games on the eshop or virtual console are of small size so why would you need a huge HDD? Also, i believe that GTA 5 or The Witcher 3 still need to installed to a hard drive regardless of whether you have the disc or digital download so you'l...

3288d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment