
CRank: 5Score: 27620

I don't see what is so prestigious about PSN or XBOX Live which justifies locking all Online Multiplayer behind a pay wall

3519d ago 29 agree9 disagreeView comment

"people bought it with that knowledge in advance- If they bought it then after the fact had to agree to that or have their phone bricked that would be a good comparison to what Nintendo is doing w it's TOS. - big difference in concepts"

Yeah, big difference. Apple did something wrong, multiple things and nobody cares. Nintendo does nothing wrong and it setting "precedents".
You want to talk about precedents? Ok. Look at Microsoft and what happe...

3526d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

People are just paranoid beyond belief but wont actually put the time and effort into the strenuous task of reading.
Though you better believe they'll be full of piss and vinegar in a comments section of the internet. There's more text in these threads than in the EULA it's self.

3526d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well when it gets to the point when there is something in the TOS or EULA which could cause concern, then its a problem. That's when the entire internet is in an uproar, it spreads to mainstream and severely damages Nintendo's, or anyone else's reputation. Costing them customers, costing them revenue and creating great mistrust issues which will be hard, maybe impossible to fully heal. Though looking at how well the new iPhone is doing it doesn't seem like anyway cares about t...

3526d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't really get why this is an issue. Yeah, not having a decline option is a little weird but unless there is something in the EULA which could cause concern, i don't see a problem. Has anyone actually read it and found a problem? Does anyone ever read anything like this but still clicks Accept anyway? South Park warned you people!

Accept, move on.

3526d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment


That is the same demo that you'll be playing. It's short but it is so sweet. Essentially its 2 boss fights back to back with chaos thrown in the middle. It's my first time playing Bayonetta so it's all new to me but i thought the controls were smooth and responsive; simple attacks but you can use them with a complex combo system, which can feel so rewardin...

3534d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment


3534d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment


Yes, it would be absolutely lovely if all the coverage you gave to Nintendo over the past 5 years was rewarded and your hard work started to bear fruit Reviewing 2 Nintendo games must have been hard. On your website i have found 2 Nintendo games. MK7 and MK8. MK7's review is about a dozen bullet points with no detail or any actual reviewing going on.
I also understand from your Resident Evil:Revelations that you got hacked and this could have caused...

3535d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, i guess because he's out of bubbles is the reason Garethvk sent me a PM. Due to public interest, here it be:
No, the companies who send product to review are a priority as why should we after 5 years keep giving time and space to Nintendo when they refuse to do an industry standard and provide review materials? We never solicit pay for reviews, we do not accept those, however if we are sent a review unit we review the game as we see it. Not based on anything else. Nintendo fo...

3535d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's how Alexa rates sknr.com a website made by pro's:
We don't have enough data to rank this website.
If this is your website, sign up and get certified to get direct measurements of your site's traffic.

Here's how it rates gamingrealm.com..a website made by a noob:
Global rank 890,746 ^(up)^279,595

Those that count...don't seem like they count very high.

3535d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


But it doesn't say that.

"With the pending release of Hyrule Warriors and Super Smash Bros, I contacted our rep from Comic Con and said we have interest in coverage as we talked about but the radio show will require a hands on review in order to be scheduled."

They asked for it. To discuss on their radio show, magazine, paper and website; yet i have never heard of them. The whole shpeel ofthe article is, 'we are a gamin...

3535d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's a previous comment which still seems fitting to the occasion:

We have games which are supposed to be something new, refreshing, an instant classic; Watch Dogs and Destiny are 2 from recent memory and even they flounder in different aspects. However you will find people who will love those games and they will be instant classics in their eyes. The fact of it is though is that they won't be on the WiiU. Well, Watch Dogs is but who the hell cares about that any m...

3537d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


3548d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment


3550d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


Ah right, sorry about that. Again, my best guess, a port is easier to make than a new game so im assuming Bayo 1 has been finished for a while so why not give it to reviewers. The reason why they have it a month early is like i said above, give it it's own time to shine and build hype for Bayo 2.

3553d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My best guess is that it lets people know that not only is Bayonetta 2 coming but also a remaster/port of Bayonetta 1. They want that idea to sink in and giving Bayo 1 it's own time in the sun, letting the reviews roll in, getting people talking about it will only build hype and remind people that there is a sequel coming in a month's time. Then that will get it's own time to shine and for those people on the fence about getting it or not have 2 high, more than likely, rated games...

3553d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

People react differently to VR.

3554d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most families aren't going to download huge files, more than likely overnight eating up electricity and bandwidth, when they could go to the shops and buy it or order it from online. We are both expressing pure conjecture of course and though i have a bias, mine sounds a little more....real.

32GB on a PS4 or XOne would be completely insufficient, i agree with you. However, i guarantee that most owners of the PS4 and/or XOne would agree their hard drives are taken up mostl...

3557d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Holy balls. I was playing SNES F-Zero last night and this vibrates with the F-Zero feeling.I know it's a screenshot so i'm going to try and contain my excitement but i have wanted a new F-Zero for too long.
Please be good.

3557d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"An outsider could thus have changed settings on the printer to convince it to ask for updates from a malicious server rather than Canon’s official channel."

3558d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment