
CRank: 5Score: 27620

"I didn't offend you dude, reported."

Oh no! Whatever will i do with my life now that masterfox feels offended because someone has pointed out his idiocy?! It's not as if what you said was idiotic, therefore making you an idiot (duh) but I guess we should keep supporting the buffoons of the world and not point out or critique them at all for their stupidity - especially if it hurts your feelings :'( Though i bet you're one of the first people to comp...

3011d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

2 Luigi Mansion games spaced out over 3 generations - "Stop it Nintendo, you're milking it!"


3012d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

AR is Augmented Reality but how they intend to use it as a multiplayer game would just be guesswork. Maybe you and other people can walk around your own home while hunting ghosts, which isn't a new idea, ( http://www.amazon.com/The-H... ) so it may be possible.

Haptic Analog are basically analog sticks which have resistance to them, depending on what's h...

3012d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh god...please YES! Hopefully the 3DS version just a tester to see if people were still interested in this IP! At over 4Million sold i'd say people want more of Luigi and his Poltergust 3000!

EDIT: Holy balls the haptic analog sticks giving resistance when capturing ghosts too! Please be true....Sweet Zombie Jesus, be true!

3012d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

My brain's a little foggy from lack of sleep and over-worked but i think they announced they're releasing it on the NX and PC. Given the surge of popularity DQ has garnered in the West as of late, plus the announcement of DQ 7 and 8 being remade it would seem that Nintendo and 'Sqeenix' want to push it even more. There's always hope and if Western sites keep reporting on it regardless of it being Japan-Only atm, that can only help it's chances too.

3012d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The offline mode will still be free though and won't require a subscription fee.

3012d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I believe that Nintendo games might be more aimed for kids but the audience are often as old or even older than the guys playing GTAV or Bloodborne"

You "believe" Nintendo are for children even though it's been said over and over for years, by Nintendo themselves, that they aim to make games for people of all ages.

"Taking away the challenge in a game is taking away the fun as well I think."

That's why ...

3012d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's the most truthful comment i've ever seen from you, Hoffman. So why don't you do the gaming community a favour and stop contributing to the one-sidedness with asinine comments.

3012d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Personally I am surprised by the decision of making such a mode though."

Why?! It's an option which the player themselves can decide whether to use or not. I can imagine parents letting their kids use it to get use to the game - especially considering it uses two different viewpoints and controls schemes which will take even the most veteran of gamers to get use to. It's not hard to understand why this decision was made and your supposed 'surprise by th...

3012d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Considering PS4 sales are nearly at 40Million and hard games like Bloodborne barely limp past 2Million - it seems Sony fans are avoiding challenging games.

See...i can generalise with complete bollocks too.

3012d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

So the headline focusses on the 'easy mode' for reactions, yet makes no mention of the 'hard mode' which is also being implemented? As well as the article itself only briefly mentioning it: "There will also be a mode where players both take and deal out extra damage for players who have mastered the game's normal set of difficulties."

Seriously, what is it with sites and people only half-reporting on Nintendo, twisting information and facts to ba...

3012d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

"My opinion is not based on guess work my opinion is based on people who have tried the prototypes."

Really? Would you like to share these experiences which have lead you to this negative thinking? Seeing as most reports and rumours from people who have tried the NX has been positive.

Also..your first comment:
"The rare occasion I agree with him it's Nintendo going off the rails once more."

You agree with someo...

3012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"My opinion is not based on guess work my opinion is based on people who have tried the prototypes."

Really? Would you like to share these experiences which have lead you to this negative thinking? Seeing as most reports and rumours from people who have tried the NX has been positive.

Also..your first comment:
"The rare occasion I agree with him it's Nintendo going off the rails once more."

You agree with someo...

3012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If history has taught us anything it's that Pachter is wrong.

3012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Many have already tried out prototypes and given opinion, we already seen articles of NX filings for whatever application a motion controller is the latest on here."

Yes we have and none of them have ever once suggested that "Nintendo going off the rails once more." So what the are you complaining about exactly? Also, when it comes to patents it's best to take them with a pinch of salt considering the amount of times they've not lead to any actual...

3013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah ok mate, whatever you say. It's not like there has been more positive news about the NX than negative - oh wait, yes there has. I just think it's really pathetic how people are so quick to hate on Nintendo simply because it's Nintendo. Let's not forget that this is a Pachter article where he himself said he has no idea what Nintendo are doing with the NX, but he'll just pull something out of his arse anyway - but you'll agree with him anyway on this "rare occ...

3013d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Somebody who's paid for an opinion even though he admits he has no idea what Nintendo are doing with the NX. Money and time well spent :/ If you believe in him so much why not put your money on the line and follow his 'guidance'

3013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll just copy and paste an reply because you're not really offering anything new or insightful, so why should i?

Hang on, so there's one rumour saying the NX is about as powerful as the XOne and you as well as every other fanboy just eats it up. Yet how many times have we heard it's the most powerful console ever? That even its tech demo's are pushing PC hardware to its limits and it will be using industry leading chips itself? We've heard it's th...

3014d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mobile games on the NX? Did i miss something?

Hang on, so there's one rumour saying the NX is about as powerful as the XOne and you as well as every other fanboy just eats it up. Yet how many times have we heard it's the most powerful console ever? That even its tech demo's are pushing PC hardware to its limits and it will be using industry leading chips itself? We've heard it's the easiest console ever to develop and port to, as well as it being a console...

3014d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why do you agree with him though? There's nothing but rumours about the NX atm and 99% of them are anything but 'backwards facing technology'.

3014d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment