
CRank: 5Score: 21500

Those graphics are amazing and this is only the multiplayer. I cannot wait for E3.

4419d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xenogears is in my top three RPGs of all time. Competing with Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6.

It also has my favorite battle system of any RPG as well as one of the best overall stories. The only real fault it has is that the game wasnt finished. Square lowered the budget on it to shift to the Final Fantasy series. In order to release the game on time they had to cut some game play from the second half of the game. This resulted in key parts being told from a main charac...

4420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The rumor is that L4D3 will introduce two more zombie types and also have the AI director create different paths in each level. So the maps won't always be the same. Sometimes a car might explode and crumble a wall to block a path, sometimes it won't.

That's the rumor at least. Sounds like a good direction to take it in my opinion. It would be amazing for Versus mode.

4429d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Black Box:

Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Episode 1
Half Life 2: Episode 2
Half Life 2: Episode 3
Portal 1
Portal 2 (With all DLC)
Left 4 Dead 1 (With all DLC)
Left 4 Dead 2 (With all DLC)
Left 4 Dead 3
Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Retail Price - $60.

4429d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've played all but MW3, and I haven't cared about the characters since it left WW2. I loved MW1's single player, but the storyline itself was nothing special, nor were the characters. It was really just the situations they put you in that made the game so good. I've just never thought of CoD as having a great storyline, sorry to disappoint.

4437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool story bro. I don't have a gaming controller for PC because its rare I buy those types of games on PC. My PC gaming is generally reserved for FPS games like L4D, Counter Strike, TF2, and Battlefield 3. No reason to spend the money on a controller I'll barely use, I'd rather buy another copy of the game because its worth double what I paid for it. Its an amazing game and its a shame so many people pirated it.

4448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own it in PC, yes legally, but I would pick it up for PS3. Its easily one of the best RPGs of 2011, and probably all time. I just really hate Action RPGs on PC. They feel much better supported with a controller, but I did play the Witcher 2 hooked up to my 46inch Sharp, so that looked amazing. The game really doesn't take that great of a PC to run. Just turn Ubersampling off. I didn't notice THAT big of a downgrade in graphics, but it is noticeable, but my FPS dropped from 50 to 14 ...

4449d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

It was overpriced because they included the Blu-Ray player, which won them the format war. Expect the 720 and PS4 to be the same price at launch. I personally am expecting them both to have a $350 and $450 model. Which would be far better than Sony's $500 and $600 models for the PS3. You also have to factor in that they had a complicated CPU like the CELL, and a last minute decision to use Nvidia's GPU, they had many problems they faced throughout the development of the PS3.

4450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people think that just because Obama put a signing note at the bottom of the NDAA that it somehow makes it okay that it was every signed into law at all?

Whether Obama does, or doesn't use that power of detaining US citizens, it doesn't stop FUTURE Presidents from taking full advantage of it. Obama promised to Veto the NDAA if it came across his desk, and he didn't. He caved. That's what the problem is with Obama. He stood up for Romneycare (the backbon...

4450d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um, actually you didn't understand what Darkspade meant. He was saying that as a member of the Republican Party, Ron Paul doesn't base his Political views enough on his Religion in order for the general Republican voting population to like him.

Ron Paul is a very, very religious man, but he doesn't believe that others should be forced to follow his beliefs. And Ron Paul doesn't hate on Gay people like everyone else in the Republican party. So what DarkSpade is...

4450d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate 'journalists' today. All they do is try and get hits off of a rumor and blow things out of proportion before we even have facts. It happens in every area of the media, whether it's a Presidential Race, the Trayvon Martin case, or video games. Everyone is in a hurry to get the story out as quickly as possible before nobody cares anymore.

Even if this was the case, and I couldn't buy used games anymore, I probably wouldn't care, because I barely buy u...

4450d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ron Paul 2012!!

4451d ago 15 agree10 disagreeView comment

They are more referring to what we should have seen. Everyone thought there would be some lame montage of Garrus, Tali and whoever else survived and thought they would be shown doing whatever they spoke about doing after the war. And we thought that we would see scene regarding the Krogan vs Turians vs Salarians. Or Quarians vs Geth.

Although, I have to say, anybody that honestly thought Shepard would live is insane. From the end of the first game I had assumed that in the e...

4451d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd still buy it. I barely buy used games now, but I do often sell my games on ebay or trade them in through amazon (I'm not really a gamestop fan myself). So really I would just have a large collection of games that are pointless to get rid of, but I'll probably never pick up and play again because I've already played them far too much.

It would be strange though. While Sony/Microsoft would look at it as a good thing, they would see it equally as bad. Not all...

4451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you own a Playstation 3, why the hell would you ever buy MLB 2k12 over The Show 12? The show is clearly superior in almost every single way, especially gameplay, the part that matters most.

4451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The funny part, he works for a company owned by activision, which means he probably gets paid the same as a member of the team that made Journey. Something tells me activision doesn't pay that well unless you work directly for activision, and not a developer for them.

4453d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, disagree with me. The funny thing is, I do support this game. I was one of the people supporting it waaaay back in the day before it was even announced as f2p. I played Eve for 3 years. And. I will be playing this game. But look at Kz3, that went free online and it still doesnt have that many players.

This and counter strike GO are my must play FPS for this year.

4456d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

As much as I want this game to catch on, I doubt it will. Plus, CCP is known for taking forever to optimize a game, then when they finally do they update it with things nobody wants, then eventually unpatch those and repatch it with what we actually wanted, kind of. Basically it took them years to get Eve how the players wanted it.

4456d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Cod still has a great soundtrack. The guns aren't that great, but I can't expect every game to sound like BF3 or something as amazing. As for the little things that could be better, of course they could... and something tells me the games he worked for probably could have used the same improvements... no game is 100% perfect.

4458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RPGs used to have the best music. Chrono Trigger's soundtrack still stands up to even the music of today.

And just to further enforc...

4458d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment