
CRank: 5Score: 21500


How is disagreeing with someone's opinion about his favorite game series weird? All that means is that it's not that person's favorite game series that hit the disagree button.

I agree with Jon1234. This website is pathetic in that on every single article there are several people whining about how someone got disagrees. Who cares? Grow up and stop worrying about what the internet thinks of your terrible responses.

4296d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

What's worse is that the PS3 version is not even that bad. It plays incredibly smooth and I've noticed ZERO lag on it. I can't say that about any console game I've played. GT5, Halo, CoD, BF, Dark Souls, Gears of War. They all have lag. I've put a good amount of hours into the PS3 and PC versions of CS:GO, and the game has the least amount of lag that I've seen on consoles. The only real downfall is that the general console community doesn't fully understand the pa...

4297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Counter Strike was released as a mod on June 19, 1999, then released as a full stand alone package on November 8, 2000. It was already owned by Valve before 9/11 even happened and was one of the most played mods of all time. It didn't get a big sales boost because of 9/11 it received a large sales boost when Valve released steam in 2003 with Counter Strike being it's primary Online based game.

The counter strike fanbase is so dedicated that if you go to the current to...

4297d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is the worst review I've ever seen.

First off, the difference between Casual and Competitive:

1. Friendly fire is enabled on Competitive.

2. You must spend money on Armor/defuse kits in competitive. That is an extra $1400 a round you must spend. The only way this guy constantly had the money he needed for a gun was that he was either on a ridiculously good team, or he was in casual mode and didn't have to buy armor.

4299d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Uncharted 2 is hands down better than Uncharted 3.

But to be fair, I'm a little bias. I absolutely hated the 'stealth' in UC3, as there was hardly as much as they said there would be.

I also disliked the ending surprise more than the other games. In UC1 we got Zombie type enemies, in UC2 we got Yeti's (which were awesome), and in UC3 we got teleporting fire bomb throwing hallucinations... It just didn't have that same, 'wow&#...

4307d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

For the record, White Knight Chronicles 2 is only $3 more than the first game, and it comes with the first game...

4345d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Deadpoole, really you never liked playing as a Zombie in L4D? I find that amazing because I'm someone that never liked playing the campaign mode at all. Versus mode was so much fun if you got together with friends and played, but more importantly, it was fun even with just random people. Trying to play campaign mode on harder difficulties was near impossible because everyone sucks at the game.

As a side note, I do think playing as dinosaurs would be lame.

4375d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yay. Jimmy Fallon. Where he hits some buttons while a game is on screen for 5 minutes. Can't wait to see how much of this game is censored during his play through...

4375d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would argue about the 'couple good games' Fable was decent, and pretty much only black and white was the only other good game, and that wasn't anything special at all.

4375d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

To my knowledge people originally wanted it to be similar to zombie mode in blops. 4 players being invaded by dinosaurs.

4375d ago 31 agree4 disagreeView comment

That is the exact thing they said they were fixing. The story and atmosphere of Metro had to be the best from an FPS I've played since Half Life 2.

4383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well in God of War 2 you used the statues to slow down time, I'm assuming it's something similar to that.

4384d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The conferences the year before they show off new consoles are always the worst. I almost wouldn't be surprised if Sony announces the PS4 and shows a tech demo of what they 'expect' it could graphically achieve. Just so they get a slight upper hand on Microsoft.

What I am surprised about, MS didn't announce another price drop. I fully expect Sony to.

4384d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Annnnd Perfect Dark had it in 2000 on the N64...

4384d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

New link to the video. Kind of looks like End Game might have dirt bikes.

4385d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Blacklist comes out on PS3, I'll most definitely be getting it. While it wasn't nearly the same game as the first three Splinter Cell games, it was still an incredibly good game.

Thinking of it as something other than a SC game, it was the perfect blend of stealth, action, and story.

Personally, I don't see why people dislike it so much. I played almost the entire game like a stealth game, and all they really did was take away the instant game...

4389d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Microtransactions, like every other F2P MMO...

Meaning, 'buy this special item for $1.99'

The problem is that Eve charged waaaay to much for those types of transactions outside of Iceland. I remember a pair of glasses was like $70 US.

4402d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd like to see Chrono and Magus from Chrono Trigger. That would be awesome. Imagine fighting to this music -

4406d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rockstar is pretty much the only company I think could make a badass game out of this, and I'm not really even a GTA fan. I think any other company that would actually consider making it would make it far to cheesy.

4409d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock > GTA

4410d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment