
CRank: 5Score: 21500

PS1 for sure. FF7-9, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, MGS1, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Legend of Dragoon, Castlevania: SOTN (I'm aware it wasn't originally on PS, but it was by far the best version), and so much more. That was the last console with a ton of JRPGs. PS2 had a good amount, but there weren't quite as many high quality ones. So for me, it goes PS1 > PS2 > PS3. I do expect Sony to top it all this time around.

4121d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd much rather they just make it, Prepare to Die... Again.

All of these five choices sound stupid. "Into the Beyond." Really?

4129d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

I seem to be the only person that is 50/50 on this game. Some screen shots look absolutely astonishing to me, while others look bad. Some of the screen shots just give that instant, "oh, it's just a video game vibe" while other you have to stare at before you can determine whether it's a game or real life.

4130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He was alaways a ruthless leader of the Spartan Army. He didn't save the guy because it didn't help in his end goal, who cares? What does that have to do with hating the character because he yells to much? Are you going to take that one event and claim the entire game was as if Sam Jackson was reading the script? No. Kratos was ruthless, but not to the point that you would hate him. The game does a pretty excellent job of slowly revealing his story and you begin to understand with why...

4131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not so much in reference to GodMars, but I don't really understand why a bunch of reviewers were coming out saying how much they love God of War but hate the character of Kratos "because he has been angry for three games and yells every line of dialog" Did they play God of War one? I'm sorry, but Kratos really doesn't even speak that much overall in that game, and when he does, its usually NOT yelling until after he tries to jump off the cliff and Athena rescues him.

4131d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


First off, How is the 360 better at Sports games then the PS3? You can't count the controller because that is 100% personal preference, you can't really even count games because, well, does MS even have any exclusive sports games? I don't think they do, though I suppose I could be mistaken.

If anything, PlayStation 3 is better for playing sports games seeing as how they have their own Studio, SCE San Diego, that makes an exclusive MLB game...

4137d ago 21 agree9 disagreeView comment

Especially if they go with 8 GBs of ram with the same GDDR5 ram that is supposedly already in the system at 4GBs. They will make it a far more capable machine than anyone ever thought the PS4 would be.

4137d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Eh. I pretty much only buy new games anyways. The online passes that nearly every game has lately is pretty much stopping me from buying used games anyways.

4166d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Id vote for McCutchen or Harper just to see a lower payroll team get some well deserved advertisement for a change.

I hate the Giants, but Id love to see Posey get it over Cabrera and Sabathia. Cabrera is a hell of a player, but Posey put up insane numbers for his position, as well as being comeback player of the year.

As for Trout not being more deserving than Cabrera... well thats debatable. But personally playing his position incredibly well, whereas Cabr...

4180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see to be the only person that thinks you should never mix CGI with game play in a trailer. It just makes the game play's graphics look bad.

4188d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, to me it sounds like they want to just make it easier for players to understand HOW to play, not so much make it easier to play. Like all of the people that complained the game was too difficult because they didn't know how to do something simple. A lot of people don't even understand that the weapons scale with specific stats, so they just pump everything into strength then use a lightning weapon, which doesn't scale. In that sense, I suppose I would be okay with "more...

4192d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

What? Black Mesa is simply a remake of Half-Life 1 using the Source engine, which is the engine that HL2 already uses.

If you want an updated HL2, look into downloading Fakefactory's Cinematic mod 11.

4275d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Knifefight, if I remember correctly, a lot of the dev team was shifted over to the FF7 team in the beginning of development, so once FF7 was complete and finally allowed the dev team to go full force again, it was too late to finish such a long, detailed game.

But still, even in it's incomplete state, the game is a masterpiece. And if there is one game that I'd like to see a remake of, even if they kept the PS1 quality graphics, it would be Xenogears, just to see ho...

4276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was upset to find out that the DLC doesn't really had any significant weapons or armor. There are new weapons and armor, but nothing that really improves upon anything you can already get.

4277d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Coming from someone that has put hours upon hours upon hours into Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Final Fantasy 6, Demon's Souls, and Dark Souls, I'd argue that Dark Souls should be much, much higher on the list.

I have so many hours on the game it's incredible. I have more total hours between multiple characters than most Skyrim fanatics. I have two with 120+ hours, four characters with 70+ hours each, three with 50+ hours, two with 40+.

It's add...

4277d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Personally I think Dark Souls should be in the top ten, preferably even the top five.

This list is great for two reasons though, #1 and #2 are arguably the greatest RPG's of all time. I would put CT ahead of FF6 personally, but I've never seen a major gaming site put CT or FF6 over FF7, thank God it finally happened.

I would also argue that Xenogears should be A LOT higher. #47th best RPG of all time? It's in my personal top ten, but once again I&...

4277d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've put over 200 hours into the PS3 version, and have recently been playing the PC version because I didn't want to wait for the DLC to release on consoles.

After utilizing the resolution fix, I see literally zero problems with the game. I managed to get through Blight Town without a single frame rate issue, which is more than I can say about the PS3 version. I do understand that that they should have made UI changes for keyboard controls and whatnot, but honestly, t...

4282d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I vote Sony launches the exact same day as MS. It'll be a fun battle, but Sony really needs some stellar launch titles this time around...

4286d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with Cchum. I've even gone back and played Demon's Souls since putting 230+ hours into Dark Souls and I still think Demon's is a harder overall game.

Especially if you DON'T start Demon's by getting the Crescent Falchion. In Dark Souls it's easier to parry, it's easier to backstab, enemies don't do nearly as much damage on the first playthrough as they did on Demon's. The only thing easier in Demon's Souls is that you can easil...

4288d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Leave your failing in Fail Class.

4290d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment