
CRank: 5Score: 21500

I was playing rpgs way before FF7. I don't consider it the best. It is a great game, but I do consider it overrated. Personally if I had to pick one single jrpg to play for the rest of my life, it would be something like Chrono Trigger or Xenogears, maybe even FFVI.

I don't really see how a game being the first above average 3d game automatically makes it the best jrpg ever.

4641d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why the hell is Dias Flac on this list? He was pretty terrible once the game actually started to get more difficult. He was a great starting character, and then he ended up being the worst. Out of anyone from star ocean 2, I'd probably pick ashton or opera. Depending on which you decided to recruit.

I'm a huge star ocean 1 and 2 fan, so it's upsetting anybody thinks Dias is really worth using, not too mention his voice is annoying.

I also think...

4641d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They could just take the Guerrilla Games route and just call pretty much everything they release 'Pre-Alpha'.

4641d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly Demon's Souls isn't THAT hard. The only worlds that I had trouble in was worlds 3 and 5.

In world 3 there are black phantom mages that can pretty much kill you in one hit thanks to their stun spell (my first playthrough was a thief/archer) so pretty much anything killed me in one hit anyways, but with something with a stun spell and it having a lot of health was pretty hard to kill.

In world 5-2... pretty much everything. From the forced slo...

4641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The funny thing is, camping isn't the plague that people try to make it out to be. You know how many times I've played a game, such as CoD, I just got done killing a guy or two so I back up into a corner to reload and a guy happens to run in front of me so I kill him.

What happens then? He sends me a message screaming about how I'm a camper. So because I kill him while not moving for about 2 seconds I'm camping?

Truth is, most people that co...

4641d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've never played Crisis Core. Mainly because I'm not much of a handheld gamer. Also because I'm one of 'those' people that feel FF6 was the best FF game.

But I assume it actually is worth playing since you all seem to have enjoyed it.

4642d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Out of all these, I personally remember Chrono Trigger's ending the most. I still claim that game to be the best game ever made. And I still play it. Atleast once a year I picked it up and play through it again. Chrono dying was such a shock, and the music that played throughout the game still rivals the best of today's games. I wish square never abandoned the franchise. Chrono Cross was a great game also, but I really wish they would have made another game. Or at least kept Chro...

4642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL darkfocus I think you are doing something wrong. I have an single GTX 560 Ti and I can run Crysis 2 at Max settings in 1080p and get about 50-60 fps. Even with DirectX 11 and tessellation and all that crap.

4643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. It's definitely because of his ATI card. I have a GTX 560 Ti and it gets a steady 50-60 fps on Crysis 2 even with tessellation on. Crysis 1 actually runs worse for me at about 40-50 fps. Both at max.

4643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eh. Chrono Trigger was better. Not to mention a far better game.

4651d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

For the 3D tv, anybody know if you can hook up two separate PS3's so that people could play two completely difference games on the tv at once?

Basically so it displays both HDMI ports at once, but only so 1 person can see 1 game.

Right now it just sounds like it only works for coop or something.

4662d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow. I've never bought a Forza game. But I might get this. My only problem is that I bought the Logitech Driving Force GT thinking I've never need one that works with the Xbox... :-(

4689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not too mention AC would have stayed fun for three games, now it's just getting repetitive to the point that I can't even watch a trailer for the game anymore.

4692d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah they were pretty much forced to be very similar endings though. It would have taken far too much work to make ME3 start based off of vastly different ending.

For the final game they don't have to worry about future installments. They actually have potential to make the game completely different for multiple playthroughs. Although if DA2 is anything to take note of, it'll just be the same planets, areas, and ships over and over again...

4692d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hate CoD. But I've always had issues in BC2 when it comes to footsteps. I can always hear soldiers yelling, but often times I would throw a grenade around a corner or cover just to see if I heard a soldier yell out 'Grenade!!!!' or whatever. But if a soldier in BC2 isn't shooting, or having a grenade thrown at him, it's damn near impossible to hear his footsteps. Same thing in the BF3 alpha...

In CoD you hear a lot less voice action, which if they added,...

4692d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually think the Janet Jackson one is the best...

4695d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The texture pop in/loading is really only a problem for consoles. UE3 doesn't really have that issue on PCs...

4705d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You couldn't get out of the car in the original driver.

It was strictly a get from point A - Point B within this time type of game.

Driver 2 you could get out of the car, but only to switch vehicles. There were no guns.

Driver 3 had guns. I actually enjoyed it, the framerate sucked, and it lagged alot. But I thought it was a more serious version of GTA and quite enjoyed.

Driver: Parallel Lines was pretty much the same t...

4709d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 didn't have an exclusive edition that I know of. But it has DLC only available via Gamespy's online service. That is why it was removed from Steam's servers. Valve doesn't want you to log into Crysis 2 and buy DLC through gamespy. So they took it off the store.

If EA does anything similar with ME3 and Origin, you can pretty much see why it won't be on steam. BF3 is interesting. Maybe Valve is still working out all the details which is why it'...

4716d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 3 isn't going to be on Steam now.

Crysis 2 got pulled from Steam because Valve's Steam policies say that you can't have exclusive DLC on the PC platform.

If ME3 is going to have exclusive DLC through Origin, then Valve isn't ever going to put it up. It's probably why BF3 still isn't available to preorder on Steam when it normally would be by now.

But I imagine Valve will be changing this rule now that EA...

4716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment