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3638d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

What the..!?!? This blog...not even an article...doesn't really SAY anything. It's just someone rambling from a fanboy perspective saying that MS is screwed for things it did a year ago. Maybe the reason MS is having a slightly harder time in the US is that it was $100 more for 7 months...and therefore casual gamers (the same kinds that bought into the original Wii) bought it since it was cheaper.

I'm sure thing will even out more with this next holiday.

3638d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

This game looks awesome...I can't wait.

3638d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Without a Doubt MS has the rest of 2014, it' not even close. The only game not on X1 that I'll want enough to make time for is Hyrule Warriors. 2015 already looks good for MS too and they haven't even announced everything yet (not to mention if all those Japanese games make it to the States...which they are supposed to). If I have time I will get Order, and Bloodbourne (or get them when there is a lull in games), but the next PS4 game that I will have to stop everything for to...

3638d ago 12 agree20 disagreeView comment

Sounds like more "insider" info with no really backing as of now. If it becomes true, I'll wait till someone legit confirms it to believe it. Right now everyone is just referring to a "rumor report" from Kotaku. If one source was enough to believe something like this, then Last Guardian is canned because IGN said so.

3638d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Next Level must be a secondary profile for a well known troll. They joined 8 days ago, have 6 bubbles, does nothing but troll every article and is almost always the first to post. They never ever have anything constructive to say, it's just "down with XB1, glory be to PS4" give it up dude, play games no matter what console they are on. Please stop trolling and spreading your propaganda. I'm very sorry that despite a weak start XB1 is picking up momentum, and I'm ver...

3638d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is a good point that never seems to get brought up. My PS4 had a faulty disc drive that I had to send back to get replaced...but I don't blame Sony for that, it seems more like a fault of the Disc Drive manufacturer. The only thing that really sucks about that is my hard drive was erased (or replaced) when I got it back.

3639d ago 9 agree17 disagreeView comment

An argument definitely can be made to support this. There are many actual fans of both consoles. However, as the Wii proved last gen, there is a large group of casual gamers that will just jump at the cheaper console without knowing the details. If X1 and PS4 both released in all the same countries with options at the same may have been a very different story as for sales. Who knows, "would have, could have, should have" it's where it is now, and you can only go o...

3639d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

This statement in the title embodies everything wrong with gaming right now. Sure if you can get a game to look graphically stunning AND run it at 1080p, go for it. However, Res is just one PART of graphics, and it's actually the least important part of that...esp since now both consoles upscaled every lower res game anyway, and differences after doing so are minuscule at best (saying other wise is just a fanboy argument at this's been proven over and over and over). <...

3639d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can you please read the article first!?!?! All Halo MP 1-4 1080p/60fps. Halo 1, 3 and 4, already 1080p 60fps confirmed. Halo 2 most likely 1080p/60fps at launch, the ONLY question is in regards of getting it to SYNCH with the old engine instantaneously. So while running two completely separate engines at the same time, the concern is the ability to link them up (and if you read between the lines there, it sounds like they CAN get it to run at 1080p/60fps, but MAY have to downgrade it to g...

3639d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why, other than fanboy clickbait, would we ask Naughty Dog what they think about DX12? Are there articles floating around asking MS companies about the PS4 API? Chances are that no one at Naughty Dog has every touched DX12, nor will they ever as long as they are at Naughty Dog (at least to the capacity as how it concerns XB1).

True, they are very talented Devs and can render an educated guess, but I will take an educated guess behind statements of those that are equally as ...

3639d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Uh, these numbers don't add up at all, both consoles sold more copies of just Watch Dogs than these numbers posted here. Considering the gap in consoles sold, the numbers of game sold is tiny. This is of course all rumor though being as it's VGChartz

Side note: why does anyone get joy out of the idea of a console failing? That doesn't sound like something a gamer would say. Although I do love how we are constantly reminded that these numbers are rumors and wro...

3641d ago 6 agree32 disagreeView comment

How could being like Halo be a bad thing?

3641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 2 doesn't belong on there, Bioshock doesn't belong on there. AC3 was a HORRBILE game in every aspect, but Kenway was awesome. How in the world was Last of US not on here, it was an AMAZING story until the end... then turned to instant crap.

3641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm juiced about this game...

3641d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm juiced about this game...

3641d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm the opposite, No man's sky and Uncharted will turn on my PS4 (potentially Order and Bloodbourne). I actually purposely been trying to go through inFamous again just to get use out of it (I just got it back from repairs and either my hard drive was erased or replaced...booo).

@Next Wait, are you saying my opinion doesn't sound true? Or in your infinite wisdom are you saying my Disc Drive didn't malfunction and have to be fixed/replaced?

3641d ago 19 agree32 disagreeView comment

Good, I hope that they are right, it would be a shame to lose a dev like this. (They need to make a TRUE open world Crysis). However, if Crytek is teetering, they wouldn't come out and say it. On the flipside, companies like Gamingbolt and such should be careful when reporting things like this... because if Crytek is ok, but ALMOST in danger, this kind of story can send it over the edge when they could have rebounded.

3641d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

...and not a single person was surprised :) ..but in a very very good way.

3641d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Line up by order of "must have" exclusive games for me:
Wii U

It's all opinion, no one will ever end this argument, but in my matter how great PS has been in the past...NOW they just aren't bringing it with quality titles. I hope that changes. Right now the only games on PS4 that have me legit excited are No Man's Sky (which isn't technically an exclusive, but as for now...) and Uncharted 4. I will no do...

3641d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment