
CRank: 6Score: 31980

As the gen goes on, we are seeing that there is less "need" for forced "parity". Honestly, I hope they don't go for forced parity because then X1 won't get TRUE dedicated servers.

Keep the development separate, and let each system play to their strengths. Either way, so far we see that it's already leaps and bound ahead of Ghosts.

3629d ago 16 agree27 disagreeView comment

Next Gen starts NOW :)

3629d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's amazing that this is the closest thing to a "negative" article about this collection. Truly is one of the best values in gaming in a long time.

3629d ago 21 agree4 disagreeView comment

They have showed for years now that they are looking into it....that and AR tech. Both show promise and have their advantages/disadvantages. MS is probably just making the smart decision of sitting back and seeing how it works out, while not rushing their product to market. They are probably trying to figure out if they want to take the VR route (and have to try to better Occulus for the best VR device) or if they want to distinguish themselves by doing AR instead. Honestly, I'd greatl...

3629d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks amazing, would be down for another pod racer game.

3629d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another Metroid game would be amazing. Use the pad as a Visor hud view... They have to be working on this game already.

I'd actually love another Mario Sunshine too actually...

3629d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like so much fun...some of my best memories of Halo was just rolling around with a buddy on warthogs. Gungoose CTF looks like it will be such a blast!!! Hope they do this game type with Warthogs too.

3629d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So hyped!!! One of the few times the more I learn about a game, the more I love everything. Everytime there seems to be a fork in the road...this game takes the right fork.

Not to mention, I love how they have brought back the original creators of the game to help with re-creating it. More to the point, when you hear the 343i guys talk about Halo (even ones they didn't make), the passion is amazing. They have so much love for these games and hold them in high esteem. ...

3629d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sweet, can't wait for the beta.

3629d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you have not played it, it's a rather good game, it's worth it to buy it and play it now (although most people that have any desire to play it probably already has). If you have played it already it's probably not worth it.

The strengths of the game are it's story and voice acting. It's really a one play through kind of game. You may really love the one play though, but there is little to no reason to go back and play it again (until I was reminded ...

3629d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm so ready for this game!!! Admittedly I'm not a huge fan of the idea of remaking games just for the same of remaking them, but in this case it makes a little more sense than usual.
- First of all it's a collection of four games presented in a way that introduces the past story to a new character that will play a pivotal role in Halo even the idea behind WHY you're redoing it is well done.
-Secondly, most of the titles are so far off that they will ac...

3629d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

True, admittedly when you first start using the X1 UI, it's a little overwhelming (esp learning what all the correct Kinect commands are), but that is simply due to all the options you have available to you and how deep the UI is. (Hint: Say "Xbox Select"...everything else is a breeze). Once you get used to it, it blows all the other UIs out of the water, and using others actually feels like a burden. I even find my self talking to my PS4/PS3/360/Wii U..or even just TV at tim...

3629d ago 17 agree8 disagreeView comment

Based on what we have seen so's leaps and bounds above Ghosts ALREADY.

3629d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

This would be great if we played screenshots

3629d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

No true reference to anything, it just boils down to "I think Sony is better cause I feel that way". MS CAN make the exact same claim about taking a loss on most titles, that is not a Sony exclusive idea or concept. It's an industry wide reality. (It was one of the reasons that Developers were pushing the idea of DRM so that they could get a piece of the trade market), so that we wouldn't see studios close their doors every other day like we do now. Pretty lame opinion p...

3629d ago 28 agree67 disagreeView comment


3630d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

As long as he is a quality Character in the game, doesn't bother me, I'll judge him on his actions...don't care which team he plays for in his personal time. I really doubt he'll be hitting on me, so it doesn't matter at all.

3630d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Are the console wars good for the industry?"

At the company level....absolutely
At the fanboy level.....nope it's destructive.

3630d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Word, fps more important.

3630d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment

Why are you picking the middle of Summer to ask about a console sales push?

Dude, SERIOUSLY, please give it a rest. X1 is doing very well and you know it. I know you THINK you're making a solid point every time you copy and paste this, but really you're just showing that you have no idea what you are talking about. Stop buying into unsupported rumors like they are facts, please, it just makes you keep spreading the same baseless crap all around, and some kid may see ...

3630d ago 20 agree41 disagreeView comment