
CRank: 6Score: 31980

Well it clearly appears that MS designed the X1 with Cloud abilities in mind. How much will cloud benefit games in the future...who knows? Could be more or less than speculated. I'm pretty sure it will depend on the type of game as to how and how much cloud can assist. It also depends on how the devs decide to use it. The tech is pormising, it does work in theory and in controlled practices, and it does show the potential to be a huge advantage for gamers in the future. However a hu...

3617d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

4 days will be plenty, and let's not pretend that they aren't already considering extending it...

3617d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I liked this game, but I openly don't like it as much as the hype. I'm glad I played it, but I do admit that I feel its over rated. Now that that's out of the way...its just my sole opinion and I have no doubt this game will do well, but I didn't put two and two together until just now that once again this game will benefit from a summer drought....i wonder if the release date is intentional.

This isn't any sort of attempt to troll, its sincere.

3617d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

Nice, it seems gamers in general are slow to switch to the new gen so far. Any little incentive to get them to make the new gen jump will be good. They won't regret it, the X1 is an amazing system....once you start using it you won't want to go back at all.

3617d ago 4 agree26 disagreeView comment

As of July 7th 10:53 PDT not only is this not true (at least in the US, didn't check anywhere else), but it's being outsold by the X1 version.

3617d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

On the radar it's just really Uncharted 4 and No man's Sky for me. Being as I have a PS4 I am looking forward to Order and Bloodborne...but if I didn't have one I wouldn't miss them and would be entertained by other games in the meantime. The rest of this list does nothing for me personally, but I'm positive there are others that will enjoy them.

3617d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

True, I'm glad I have a PS4 in the long run, but the rest of 2014 is pretty dead of excitement for PS4. IMO they would have been better not doing this list at all, it almost has the opposite effect of it's intention. This is probably the same reason Sony themselves are pushing a multiplat game with extra DLC the hardest out of all their games left this year. Realistically, I'll probably keep my PS4 in it's box till Feb, then bust it back out for Order. Till then all the he...

3617d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was wondering why this would get put on here, being as it was fixed way before this posted..but then I saw "Next Level" and realized that trolls will troll. Just aching for things to go wrong and report on negative X1 things....too bad this was fixed before it posted and actually only has the opposite effect of showing that even in the RARE occasion that there is an XBL issue, it gets fixed quickly...PSN goes down more often and for longer periods of time....but nice try I guess...

3618d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's nice, the X1 just keeps getting better and better. I'm glad I own all the consoles, but things like this and having the most exclusives I care about are why X1 keeps solidifying that it's my favorite of the three for now.

3618d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nope, both are businesses. Neither is completely evil, and neither will give away their company just to be "cool" with gamers. Any argument for and against why either company is "better" and cares more will be too narrow of a view and will be strictly bias opinion. There is far too much going on for anyone to explain successfully why one cares more than the other. Don't let fanboys from either side fool you.

For every argument why "A" c...

3618d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Oh no, watch out for moving goal posts.

3618d ago 10 agree14 disagreeView comment

WHAT?!?! Who wrote this garbage? Sounds like some fanboy delusional crap. I have both PS4 and X1, and not only am I not pulling my support for one of my most anticipated titles...I'm still playing it on X1 despite having a choice. The DLC is nothing special, it's not exclusive, and in a massive open world game it'll be one extra MP map and maybe 30 mins of extra mission. Everything else is the exact same. The only difference is being able to play it on a better network on X1...

3618d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually sounds like a better deal. This way instead of being forced to get average DLC, gamers can choose what to spend $10 on. I was gonna play it on X1 anyway since it's heavily network reliant.

"Wouldn't you spend $10 extra for a better version of the game?"

...sure, but I don't have to, apparently they will give me $10 to play an online game on a better network when everything else is the same. (Except I prefer the controller, ...

3618d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

I'd be more mad if my only bragging point was a 4 day extra beta. ...or if I only had one system....or if I didn't have actual games to play at the time. No one in the world is mad about this, please stop fooling yourself.

I'm still getting this game for my X1 over my PS4....much more benefits to playing on X1 for me. Sorry that it doesn't bother me like you wish it did.

3618d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nice goalpost move...

3618d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Everyone does, its a promising looking game

3618d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Living in the past

3618d ago 11 agree31 disagreeView comment

I played it through on X1. If screen tearing is an issue its one I didn't even notice. I'm actually going through the game again on Authentic now. Unlike a lot of the reviews I love this game. Seems like if that is the difference then the comparison for this game is rather pointless. If the PC version is having the same issues, then pretending the console versions will be flawless is not a safe bet. I refuse to believe that PS4 didn't also have any screen tearing, so I doubt this ...

3618d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

I'm ready....let's go ahead and release this game.

3619d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just because you personally don't understand something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Whenever MS or anyone mentions cloud computing it's met with "show me" "prove it". MS has stated since the beginning that this technology will take time to reach it's full potential, but it is already making a difference (just not in graphical fidelity). The tech IS real, it does work, there is no doubting that at all (except by those that are n...

3619d ago 62 agree53 disagreeView comment