
CRank: 6Score: 31980

PS4 is NOT much more powerful, however, being as both systems run at 60 FPS on most games at 1080p with little to no load times (oh wait, that's only XB1, PS4 is still struggling on most games at 25-30fps) I'd say that being that both systems are much more powerful than 99.9% of our tv's so if you take a step back, this is actually nit-picking. Both systems will look AT LEAST 6xs better than current gen, which already looks damn good. How about we stop being jaded and just get b...

3974d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Uh? How do you KNOW it's bull? It's usually the opposite, I see opinion articles on here all the time that just randomly bash the XB1 over nothing...and it usually turns out to be false anyway.

3974d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

Uh, except you are wrong. The PS4 GPU is NOT 50% stronger. The two systems have slightly different architecture that makes this argument more vague than you want to believe. The GDDR3 has lower latency which is a benefit in it's own right, and the "paper advantage" of the PS4 GPU is misleading, it's like comparing hertz of LED/LCD tvs to those of Plasma...Plasma TVs have MUCH MUCH higher mghz stats...but LED/LCD Tvs look MUCH better.they just run differently...not to men...

3974d ago 29 agree24 disagreeView comment

AND a MUCH MUCH MUCH better network, and Direct X 11.2 & 11.1 and an extra 32mb cache...and reportedly better internal bandwidth speeds...hmmm. How can we keep trusting Sony when they keep getting worse and worse from their original claims...most games don't even run at 60fps, their "upgraded" network still isn't as good as current XBL, they claim to never use DRM, yet on their vita and Sony TV they are using appears the more we learn, the more it's been app...

3974d ago 33 agree27 disagreeView comment

Yes, Tomb Raider, you should try it and you will see. It has relatively similar gameplay except MUCH better done. The acting and story telling is almost as good in Tomb Raider. Last of Us was a great game, and I'll even say my favorite PS3 game, but it's not nearly as incredible as the hype. It game out at a time where it had no competition, so people are over-exaggerating how great is also seems a little ironic how it's right when we are talking about new consoles a...

3975d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then why even waste your time on a MS article? I'm not sure anyone was requesting whining

3975d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

@paradigmfellow...I'm well aware what was said....I'm making fun of the very first comment on this article....maybe now it makes more sense

3975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Currently 360 is outselling PS3 again worldwide

3975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, so by Sony copying MS, then MS doing the same thing again...MS is copying Sony? So now that Sony MAY have cross game chat, and Xbox is doing it again...does that mean XB1 is copying PS4? At leas try to hide your fanboy good sir

3975d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

I have to be honest, I really don't see why this topic is all the sudden getting a lot of attention. MS did this last gen with the 360, then now that PS4 is on board...all the sudden this is a "huge deal" even though I know that half the people saying "PS4 is more indie friendly and this is great for gamers" will never play an indie that it appears that MS will again be better and more beneficial to indie gamers...MS isn't getting the "gamer consol...

3975d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think the NSA would terminate the camera if it had to watch that...any PS fanbot that trolls for a living cannot possibly have a pretty gf. in the US this is called bestiality and it's illegal

3976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

better late than never I suppose

3976d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are clearly not very bright when it comes to this topic, I recommend you stop proving that to the whole world

3976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS4 is a "gamers choice" cause that is an excellent marketing scheme to get those that dont pay attention to facts to think they are more special by buying a PS4. It's a great way to say, "this is a console that does less, but you are awesome cause you need a Purest race"

3976d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...because Bioshock was actually a great game all around that earned a 10. The last of us was good but earned an 8.5

3976d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh blah blah ...why do people keep blaming MS for this "Stunt that MS pulled"? You guys do understand that Sony was (and still is on vita and Sony Tv) pulling the exact same "stunt" they just reversed policy before E3...right? It seems that there is this unfounded notion(among PS Fanboys) out there that MS is intentionally trying to screw its customers....yup that seems like the model of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Work your way to the top so you can make tons ...

3976d ago 10 agree14 disagreeView comment

Says Sony. (see it works both ways)

3977d ago 27 agree53 disagreeView comment

Actually the problem was that for the first time I watched it in a good resolution

3977d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This article is just wrong. There are plenty of innovations and improvements coming this gen...however that being said, I just watched the Killzone Gameplay demo clearly for the first time....honestly that game does NOT look next gen at all. All the textures and gun skins look flat and matted and looks like mid current gen. The character AI looks dumb, and the animations are just basic...I am not a huge Killzone fan anymore anyway, but even then this lets me down so far...t...

3977d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wait a sec....nearly everyone that has played this game says the MP features of it are a waste....this guy has the same impression of the SP game that I's beautiful and Characters/story are done well, but then he goes on for like 3 paragraphs or so about how the combat/gameplay is rather how is this a 95 out of 100? I liked the game, but I would have scored it 80-85 out of 100. To me the gameplay was rather similar to Tomb Raider except Tomb Raider did a much better j...

3977d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment