I eat stickers all the time


CRank: 5Score: 47750

Assuming this source is correct and not over-inflating the wording:

mon·u·men·tal (mŏn′yə-mĕn′tl)
1. Of, resembling, or serving as a monument.
2. Impressively large, sturdy, and enduring.
3. Of outstanding significance.

So, that is quite a claim. One could argue that the DLC for GTA IV was some of the best, most thorough DLC ever made. Perhaps they are setting the bar very high for themselves.

3351d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's no way they'd sacrifice their PC install base. Perhaps a steam machine will come with a limited edition of HL3 for free, or some crazy discounted package w/ their VR - but to say HL3 is only available on a machine that isn't capable of true high performance would be crazy.

Exclusive to Steam? Yes!

Exclusive to Steam machine? No way!

3353d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. It's really a matter of what they do with it. Too many companies build hardware and don't execute on the software/app side of the equation.

This is what makes Apple so powerful and profitable (and I despise their products, but their business prowess is incredible).

Google Glass was just plan stupid. Kinect is a great concept and could see huge sales from the Hololens if cross-promoted correctly; but again, the Kinect immediately had the rug p...

3354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't... haha, I'd assume LinkedIn would be the best bet. But, my "official" credentials don't quite align with the industry.

Despite a recent game concept I developed being currently worked on by a subsidiary of a very large studio - besides, the idea I have is more in line with the movie industry.

Any thoughts on how to get his attention?

3354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How am I wrong? I said "Some people" will love a 66/100... you said "to me it means its a buy for fans of that genre".

Ok, so, because that's your interpretation of an aggregate number doesn't make me wrong. We said the same thing.

Then I said "some will hate a meta scored game of 99/100". And you state that this means it will suit anybody and is a system seller. If this was true you wouldn't see so much hate for so...

3355d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course it's a PS4 exclusive with mediocre reviews which calls into question the very validity of review scores.

Come on. This is just silly. If you remove scores and force some kind of standard industry alternative, everyone would be working off of the same qualitative review model? That would be strange. In general this system works.

Some people will love a meta scored game with a 66/100 and some will hate a meta scored game of 99/100. Having those ...

3355d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Fallout 4 and/or a new Elder Scrolls... that's what this gen needs.

Dishonored 2 would be neat.

Meh to Brink, meh to Wet, meh to Rage...

3357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sketched out an idea for the Hololens last night... would literally flip the entertainment industry on its head and sell 1,000,000+ pre-ordered Hololens units the instant it got PR coverage.

The problem? I don't have access to a high-end 3d animation studio or a dev kit yet.

3357d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol... what?!

"*Note: Rockstar has been reached for comment but at the time of publishing have not responded"

What would you like them to say? "Ohhh, wow, yeah, we never thought of this... we'll swap all audio out for you because you don't have a big enough hard drive."

This article doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

3358d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I have a very* hard time w/ linear games. I'm enjoying Tomb Raider however, it's a nice balance.

GTA, Far Cry, Hitman, Just Cause... those are my kind of games. GTA sits comfortably in 1st place.

Imagine GTA with destructible environments and the resurgence of "jobs" - like becoming an assassin, a cop, a high stakes delivery driver, etc... all with completely open ended career paths that are separate from the story.

3360d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people really can't handle open world games... I think there is a sense of overwhelming options, lack of direction, and it results in this sense of "What do I do?" and this detachment the writer speaks of.

To each their own, but, I can't think of a more intricately designed masterpiece that responds to your every move. It is the polar opposite of detached.

Perhaps the writer needs to be intoxicated, playing online with friends or set a...

3361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Destructible environment ftw - that's the next step for GTA, but it looks like JC3 will beat them to the punch.

Helicopter + Grappling Hook + Fuel Truck... that will make short work of any roof top bosses.

Crackdown 3 and JC3 are bringing destruction to a new level. If Rockstar gets on board with this... I'll have no time for non-sand box titles.

3361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree... they are so diluted and usually not very good characters.

Either step it up and make them as impressive as the normal roster - or* make their respective IP owners pay for them to be part of MK and add them in for free.

3362d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sweet... can't wait to see if this can melt my GTX 970 4GB Superclocked beast.

3372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let the silly ones complain, it's why they are here. No amount of fact, logic or reality will change this.

I've tried!

3381d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even with a library of Steam games a whole bunch of XB1 games, I keep finding myself going back to Mordor.

3385d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, not sure I follow the disagrees, but, I suppose I shouldn't be terribly surprised given that it's N4G.com and I expressed a logical opinion.

As for @Halo2ODST2 - yes, reboots can go bad, but, in this case I think it would make sense. Perhaps not from the story's standpoint, we can keep it where it is. But from the gameplay/mechanics/technology aspects I think Hitman is in need of more than just a fresh coat of paint. Absolution is proof of this.

3387d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Has it actually been confirmed that the next Hitman will be tied in with the movie? Because that would not be a good thing.

I hope IO is building this game in a vacuum... no tie-ins... it almost deserves a "reboot". Borrowing from Blood Money is good, but Contracts? Meh, Contracts was more in line with Absolution IMO.

Blood Money and Hitman 2 are the games to pull inspiration from. But it should end there. Don't just release a polished Blood Mo...

3388d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Someone you know was raped and eaten by cannibals? Yeah, Rockstar is so insensitive to this growing epidemic.


3388d ago 68 agree9 disagreeView comment

Agreed, meanwhile, back in the real world...

My article about the Marvel Universe being eliminated and replaced with Battleworld in the coming years was rejected, because it wasn't 100% game news, despite the announcement containing a clear mention of a Secret Wars game being initiated.

Nonsense. It's offensive that garbage like this gets approved and real news has a hard time making it through.

3388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment