
CRank: 5Score: 21590

I would imagine it may go to GTA IV, just because of the sales. The other contenders that I think could possibly get GOTY would be MGS4 and LBP.

MGS4 would probably be the truest choice for GOTY. In terms of game content, game play and story. Seriously, 20+ hours game play, not including cut scenes it pretty enormous for this genre of game.

LBP could be something special. There is a chance that it could really blowup into a huge hit. If marketed properly, it mig...

5862d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

No doubt it will be a great game, and I am not making a judgment about the game. But this is confirmed as fake. This same fake "article" had fake info about MGS4 as well, that was confirmed as fake by skip from EGM.

This is a post from CliffyB:

5862d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not sure if this has been posted, but that forum post includes fake information or is all fake...

From CliffyB: "This guy's making **** up."

5862d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game will be one of the most incredible experiences we have ever witnessed. Everyone who has played the game says that this will be one that you will remember forever.

One quote from someone who has finished it:

"Actually, you'll be glad about some of the longest cutscenes as they will help your heart to cool down a bit from time to time ;)"

There is not a single person who will want to skip these scenes, but you still have the choice t...

5862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, it's coming...

5863d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been saying this was going to happen. Bioshock 2 is rumored to come as well, just as a timed exclusive for the xbox.

I expect a "soft" admission to it coming in June, and an official announcement and release date (September) at e3.

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty decent graphics... The AI could use some work though...

5866d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When was Bioshock announced/shown for the 360?

5869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure if the bitbag guy realized it, but that comment from 2k almost confirms it. Comments like that are not made, when the answer is no...

Come July 15-17th, we will know either way... maybe before then...

The rumor is September for Bioshock on ps3. Bioshock 2 is also rumored to be coming to ps3, but will be a timed exclusive for xbox.

5869d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Laugh and learn... Actually companies HAVE to pump out their numbers each year. Kinda funny isn't it. They also cannot lie about these numbers. I also see company numbers pumped out in press releases all the time.

Again, please post up to date Chart-track and GfK numbers. I really would like to see those numbers. Someone here certainly has them or can find them?

I do have a concept of conflict of interest... Thats why we do SOX compliance. But please, go on a...

5870d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

5.4 - knock knock, I'm home, and you are wrong...

Companies DO NOT rely on 3rd party sales trackers. They rely on internal accounting subject to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Companies then have auditors validate all transactions.

NPD etc have NO bearing on what is released in financial statements.

EDIT: You have got to be out of your mind to think that NPD data has ANY legal standing on sales numbers. Where did you get such an idea?

5870d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Show me some actual numbers from ChartTrack or Gfk. Numbers that are not from 2007. Numbers that are up to date.

It's interesting that he won't use Microsoft's numbers, but rather someone else's data. I guess that legally unbinds him from any legal issues with possible false data reporting.

EDIT: Seriously, someone post the data here, right now. Data that is up to date from both Charttrack and Gfk...

5870d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I see what you you were talking about now... Extreme performance and efficiency. I agree with you.

I am very impressed with rambus/flexio and xdr memory system. I wonder what the future of that will be as far as platforms/systems...

Great answers...

5870d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

>= 16GB is not useless. Not sure where you get that idea.

I have a multitude of servers that have 12+ cpu's and 48 gigs of RAM. My workstation has 2 dual core cpus and 16GB or RAM.

I mean crap, 512 cpu / 1024 core systems exist and are in use today. Using 24+ TB of shared memory...

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The rumor is that Bioshock is coming in September to ps3. Bioshock 2 is coming as well... Bioshock 2 is rumored to be a timed exclusive for xbox.

Take with a grain of salt...

5871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I used to do the particle and shader work in Alias|Wavefront Power animator, then of course moved onto Maya. Those were the days...

The downfall of SGI is a tragedy. There were so many incredible people there, and the hardware was so good. Not many people know how incredible SGI was...

I have since moved onto a "real" job (frowny face, but I make the money I need to)...

I am currently using a Sun Ultra 40, 2 cpu's, 16...

5871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 16gig in my workstation right now... I have been running 64bit linux for years...

It's a shame how behind the times MS/Windows is... I was running 64bit OS's back in 1994 on SGI Irix...

5871d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's really an unfair comparison. KZ2 is in another league when in comes to atmosphere and cinematography. Gears2 is going for an entirely different type of look, and does so well.

The comparison will come when R2 releases. Everyone is going to be shocked when Resistance 2 is released later this year. Mike Action from Insomniac is really getting a hold of the SPE's, and a lot is going to come from this knowledge.

Even though Resistance 2 is a FPS, and Gears 2 is ...

5872d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Already confirmed that KZ2 runs at 720p with AA...

5873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment