
CRank: 7Score: 48810

UE3 engine is junk! It is only applicable to one system and seeing every dev under gods green earth support it almost speaks volumes for their thoughts on Sony's ps3. A system with major known compatibility issues, even after Sony worked with epic on UT3 it still didn't run right.

The engine should've been a proprietary engine for the xbox 360. Nuff said... Microsoft should buy it. Oh, wait... they kinda bought 3rd party this gen so I guess it doesn't matter.

5675d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony gives Capcom their own store and Capcom turns around and gives their biggest DLG to date to xbox 360 1st. Sony reminds me of the guy in highschool who does everything in the world for the hot cheerleader and she takes a $#*T on his chest every chance she gets... but Microsoft is the guy who doesn't give her a second glance, farts in her company and still gets to bag her... while Sony stands outside her door with condoms.

5676d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lame... User score is about right. Motorstorm 2 is the most fun you'll have online this year. Easily and bar none.

5676d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Upon viewing these pics I see another million dollar lawsuit for Sony coming up. Man these are blatant rip offs and I bought like 2 of them. Man, I feel bad. the funny thing, though... the free one was the shark wasn't it? ahahhaa or was that the flower thing? I forget the game's only average and I don't play average games a lot.

5676d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

They're going to really slow for Sony this week now that Last Remnant is hitting store shelves. Sony's got a big ol' black eye coming to go with that big ol' fat lip they've had the last 10 weeks.

5676d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nintendo has been the worst nightmare of every 3rd party developer alive... nintendo is the soul reason many companies, good ones at that, went belly up in the early 90's...

See, nintendo controlled the industry in the 80's with the nes... They'd make these developers sign exclusive agreements with them since they were the only gig in town and it forced these developers to make preexisting arcade games and the like ground up on the nes... This ended up costing them tons of mone...

5676d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I thought the demo was junk ass bunk... It was tedious and boring. I'm an incredibly big fan of Civ games too.

5676d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

MM seems envious of their consumers skills and talents... Why you ask? Well, they're on a mod spree and subsequently all the levels they're axing are better than their levels.

5676d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Imagine that... a company that knows what consumers want.

5676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty lame game anyways... Ps3 has better clothing textures and the xbox 360 has better ground textures. Take your pick... since we don't see the guy your playing as I'm sure it won't be too hard.

5676d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

And I just know they'll be totally worth it! Given how awesome the demo was and all. /sarcasm ended. On a side note, however, I think it was foolish of Sony and Naughtydog to not give us DLC for uncharted this year... game has almost been out a whole year and we got nothing in way of content for it. A 3 level side pack with elana would've been great... think about following her during the time you and Sully left her on the docks. That would've been interesting but nooooooooooooooooooo... So...

5676d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say that... Sony's in so much trouble right now they can't afford to keep the system where it's at. No system has went this long at such an absurd price.
Consumers who still want it will either
A) get there price drop
B) Move on and say pork the Ps3 and get xbox 360's

I'd like to think Sony knows what they've got to do... but man I jsut bit my tongue in the process. And 100,000 Ps3's sold will more than make up for this small chump ch...

5676d ago 3 agree24 disagreeView comment

I have one but man I haven't played it in many moons now... Silent Hill was probably the last game I played thru on it. Connecting to the ps3 is pointless at this point, so why bother? The psp is a great system and easily the most powerful handheld ever devised, but its lack of original ip's and content has hurt its image a great deal.

I wish developers would've made more of a leap on the development of it than they did. It was begging for new IP's and what we got were Ps1 an...

5676d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Motorstorm 2 is the best game I've played all year... The more and more I play it the more I love it.

5676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God of War 3 will be riddled with low rez textures and tight quarters to make things look better... God of War 3 will play just like it's brother and sister did and will bring nothing new to the table, expect for maybe pushing the digital analog stick while fighting bosses now.

I don't get my hopes up about anything Sony no more. To top it off... GOW3 will probably sell 999,999 units at retail too... A spite buy away from the 1 million mark, driving the steak in deeper and the ...

5676d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yes, they did... but not on Sony products, man.

5676d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

Boy, and we wonder why sony doesn't pay for exclusives no more... They can't. All their money goes out for lawsuits.

5676d ago 9 agree41 disagreeView comment

I predict, and quote me please, that anyone wishing the PS3 had a price drop will get one sharply after the holiday numbers come crashing into Sony's world wide office. Trust me. This is going to be the biggest, hottest, steaming cup of coffee splashed into Sony's sleepy face in their nearly 13 year stint in the video game market.

Sony's numbers are already abysmal... not even 200,000 units sold during the biggest shopping time of the year? Please... Sony's got maybe 700,000...

5676d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

There's a pic of what you all are talking about guys.

5676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The demo on live was junk, imagine how crappy it's going to be on Ps3... I shutter to think.

5676d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment