
CRank: 7Score: 48810

1st of all, this is a "rumor" I had ran back in October and not even that... the Uncharted 2 stuff was and it came true. I never said Jak 4 was their next game... I suggested it could be. Big difference. I know, after talking to Games Blow today that he is the real deal and more so after all he's predicted now.

We're doing some small edits upon his request and will be putting it up on the site tonight for anyone who wants to hear it. Believe him or not, he's got me...

5662d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


Guess ol' buddy was right.

5663d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting stuff considering... oh nevermind.

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course not with their new Sony only strategy on the way... /sarcasm

Truth is he's a brilliant developer who will no doubt find a great place to showcase his work. no matter what system it is on or is not on.

5663d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Simpsons have never had more than 2 cheap laughs in any of their episodes... Family Guy and the rest of the run of the mill junk you see ae loaded with them. The writers for those shows are just not as versed or skilled, sorry. The Simpsons are a social commentary on pop culture... right down to Springfield being run on Nuclear power... The Simpsons is hands down the most intelligently written animated show on tv. Always has been and probably always will be.

5663d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even as bad as Season 11 and 14 were at times, the Simpsons remain totally relevant even today. I absolutley love the writing on the show and Tom Gammill and Max Pross are just super, super, super, ingenious guys. The best in the tv industry and Sienfeild got even better when they signed on, if you ask me. The Merv Griffin episode was the absolute best.

5663d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are sick people in every corner of the world... This proves that fact. Imagine how awful that thing must smell. Imagine what was going thru this idiots mind when he was doing this.

I've heard of a lot of strange stories... The gay guy who sought to be casterated, fed his genitils, and then stabbed to death and later consumed by his killer. That is a true story out of Germany. < not suprisingly.

This story ranks in the top 10 strangest things I've eve...

5664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe, just maybe they should; I dunno... release a console game or two. Just a thought. Oh, for something other than the xbox 360. To date I don't think they've released 1 Ps3 game... haha, and they wonder why this is. Go figure.

5664d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

What, no Surf Ninja? Please, some people just shouldn't be journalist if they can't broden the scope a bit.

5664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Although I partially agree with Mikami, there are a great deal of games that step outside the box and take risks. Super Mario Galaxy, for instance, is conventional in the sense that it is another Mario game, but the element of gravity is creative."

This guy is a complete and total idiot... I agree with Mikami 100% I'd also like to see if the guy who wrote the article thinks Ratchet & Clank going command did anything new for the industry since it was the 1st game...

5664d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It has sold over 1 million units in under a month and that is now a flop, huh? How about being honest with yourselves...

500,000 units sold is what ever developer shoos for and 1 million is what they dream for. Most games never hit 300,000, let alone 500,000 in their life times... LBP hit 1 million in under 1 month.

5664d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

How about fixing the clock and bat bar?
How about fixing the 16:9 ratio for Ps2 & ps1 games?
How about adding a 16:10 aspect ratio for the Ps3 in display settings?

Those are my main concerns right now.


Linux, my set up rivals most of Sony's internal set ups... I have a KDL-52W4100 Bravia tv that I game on. My monitor is 1920x1200and it's a 24in Samsung. I play my xbox 360 on it. Don't assume so much... I'm talking in term...

5668d ago 8 agree44 disagreeView comment

God I hope not...

5668d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

WOW, I was way wrong on my predictions this week... sony weatherd that storm really well and still beat them by some 2000 units; give or take. I was wrong.

5668d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, I'd love to talk some sense into you but I can see that is probably out of the question.

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I better not... that was in bad taste.

5669d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There hasn't been a good wrestling game in.... hell, I dunno... ever. Why start now. What's sad, they'll probably find any way in the world to toss in John Cena and the rock as legends just so they can inflate their roster.

when I think wrestling legends I don't think Austin, The Rock, Cena or Helmsley. I think Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Big john Stud, Million Dollar Man, Macho Man, junk Yard Dog, Piper, Jake The Snake, George The Animal Steel, Ricky Steam Boat and guys l...

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, how tasteful... people like David Jaffe and Denis Dyack are idiots. They have this great job and yet they care so much what these fans, or rather care so little, that they go out of their way to demean and hurt them... potential customers at that.

I think David is a fantastic developer and one of the best of last gen for sure, but this is uncalled for. He is suppose to be a professional, not a Keyboard commando, cyber bully.

5669d ago 18 agree14 disagreeView comment

I would have too... They'd have to break the jumper cables for this guy if I had him in the hot seat.

5669d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why do these interview guys go lite on these people? I'd have asked some tougher questions for sure. This guy is a powder puff cake walker, man.

5669d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment