
CRank: 7Score: 48810

Hey, wait a second... I created that Avatar on the right up there! They stole my idea for an avatar!!!!

5672d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's probably safe to say Bill's best days are behind him... But I agree with his statements here. GTA is nothing short of a waste of time, just like being in prison.

5672d ago 14 agree12 disagreeView comment

The thing I don't get is this... They have created tools for you to make entire levels and physics and objects and other devices. & people want to complain about a few costumes that looked like cat spit before MM got ahold of them anyways? Then they run a contest saying they want you all to create costumes and in the disclaimer it says all content is subject to Sony world wide and MM's patent office. This right here basically says "If you submit an entry it's not your anymore... it'...

5672d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The guy who posted this news is ripping of others who've already posted this nonsense a milion times before!!! Get the chains, whips and nipple clamps!

5672d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

I validated the ps3's low sales already... It's the price. End the absurd price tag and drop it 50 bucks and you'll see massive returns in consumer interest. Drop 100 bucks and see the absolute biggest surge in consumer interest in a video game product.

Ps3's problems, is what I am getting at, are not image releated. They are price releated and can be fixed. People who doom the Ps3 are foolish, half full guys.

I'm not saying sony is smart enough to drop price or...

5672d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have never been a handheld gamers. I remember the only handheld I ever wanted more than life itself was the Game Gear... Boy was I wrong. This is also probably why I never took to this side of the industry too.

I do have a PSP but I haven't gamed or even booted it up in so long now. Silent Hill origins was the last full game I ran thru and I beat it in under 4 hours I think. Again, maybe this is why I don't do HH gaming.

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, you found me out!!! What shall I ever do?


The notion is old and it's been beat like a Keith Moon drumset. I'm not Games Blow, man.

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So by this guys own omission xbox 360 will never, ever, ever hit 5 million sold. Gotcha.

And just to shed some rainbow joy over sad town this guy has painted, Sony's only flaw is in its price. you drop price to 350 and it'll cripple the xbox 360 where it stands. In every region. Drop it to 300 and it'll send wii and the xbox 360 into eachothers arms.

People want the ps3, that is the big misconception here. They want it badly, they just can't afford it right now...

5672d ago 37 agree13 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 & GTA4 clearly... they are without a doubt the perfect examples of overhyped games. Why? Cause not only are they not very good, but they also sold very well. This puts balance into being overhyped more than a game that sucks and has sucky sales > Too Human.

See, if Little Big planet was on there it wouldn't make sense... The game is incredible, just the sales aren't. That doesn't mean it failed at what it set out to do, it means the consumers failed to understand ...

5672d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not in my house it didn't...


That's how it goes in my home.

5672d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh, I agree there isn't a thing I've played this generation that couldn't have been mechanically achived on the Ps2. Gameplay across the board needs to be more reflecant of the hardware and price we've paid for it. Not just RPG's suffer from the lack of no change.

5672d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Change doesn't happen if all you're doing is saying it and then doing what you use to do. RPG's are a prime example of this fact. The more bad reviews these RPG's get the better for the industry ad the gamer... maybe then the developers will finally break out of the systems they've shackled themselves into for so many years.

RPG's need to evolve and evlove beyond a few new tactile options and breaker/limit bars.

5672d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's safe to say that this game is pretty average... That's not good. I will lower my prediction of 75,000 xbox 360's sold this week in Japan to around 35 to 40,000 units sold. Still far ahead of the Ps3's 11,000 units sold, though.

5672d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

WOW, I think now would be a good time to fire this guy Shane... Just a heads up, because GT is about to get some flak.

5672d ago 19 agree6 disagreeView comment

Is it any wonder? This thing is so done for.

5673d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Perhaps the most boring video ever made... It should fit in with Youtube crowds well.

5673d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can see where a grown ass man, like myself, would feel a little off by creating a "cute" little avatar for your "hardcore" xbox experience.

5673d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

St elmo's fire playing at the end made the video a win. They don't make music like that no more.

5673d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if they, unlike Americans, will actually support the system by buying the software made available?

5673d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

God I wish they'd explode into a chemical mess...

5673d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment