
CRank: 7Score: 48810

LMFAO! ahgahahhaahhahahaha wow!

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure did and stand by it. The online is a mess and the SP is a joke... I do, however, and I didn't touch on this in my reviews, like the on the rails airplane portion better than COD4's on the rails helicopter junk. Those are great layers to COD5.

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the difference between me and you is this... When you see Motorstorm selling 5k you think it's funny. When I see it selling 5k I think it's sad... Sad cause people like you don't know how incredible it really is. Sad because there are 17 million Ps3 owners out there as stupid as you are who'd rather jerk eachother off with sandpaper in a 4 on 4 deathmatch on Gears of war than to play truly groundbreaking games.

5673d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The whole game is a glitch if you ask me... Even though I own at it. Own and own bad. I can run through and mame people with just my knife... I was Vet max done with my knife the night I got it and in like 2 games "ha"

5673d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

& now... the end is near... 78k in just 1 day means about 213,000 for the week and I predicted a week ago that xbox 360 would sale 75,000 units this week. Let's see if I'm right or wrong.

Nobody buys Ps3 stuff... deal with it. They buy Ps3's to look at and watch movies. The sales of their software are indicative of that. 5k for Motorstorm 2??? what the hell is that when Motorstorm sold nearly 4 million?

Do people actually think there will be a surge in all...

5673d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

B.S. figures, guys...

Still, even at B.S. figures people just aren't buying the Ps3. Sony needs to maybe... I dunno... do something. This will be their worst holiday yet. Not even selling 700,000 units in America over a holiday is just a shame.


5673d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Man, she looks like a pork rhine in that picture.

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What, Too Human's got a beta invite going out?

5673d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Don't get me wrong, man... I'm a fan of the xbox 360. Just not anywhere near what our pal Bruce seems to be. His numbers and stats are wrong... I believe the xbox 360 is outselling the Ps3, but again, his numbers and stats and information are horrifically blown out of proportion. Almost so much that they're not stats or facts, just lies.

5673d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I only agree with 3... Not suprisingly, though. The media and console owners are idiots.

Little Big Planet

are the only ones on that list worth piss... COD 5 is actually better than 4. Atleast the onrails segments are. Something so "elegant" about those old planes... < "elegant" hahaahha..Damn Bruce of fame... that yodle doesn't know when to quit.

5673d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bruce your facts are offensively wrong... On all fronts but "xbox live is the best online console service" That I agree with.

however, since97% of all games are multiplatform we're going to go ahead and check off "The biggest and best" line up of games. Please... The Ps3 has more exclusive from in house than Microsoft has defective units.

Also, a sales spike in Germany and Italy cause of a 200 dollar price point is not indicative of "outs...

5673d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Great game, but sadly no one is playing it online... and that is where it would flourish the most. Offline is perfectly fine, but it only has 21 levels...

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why the hell should they change the story or the ending for a port?? What the hell is wrong with this bias assed media today!!! It's like, well... graphics are the same, gameplay is the same... what can we mark down? Oh, that's right they didn't change the story!!!

It's like when I went to see Rambo 4 in the theater... When I got it on DVd I was pissed cause they didn't change the ending.

I hate the media.

5673d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy ain't tellin' me $#*T...

5673d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How long have democrats tried to regulate our entertainment? How long has Liebermann, Clinton and Biden fought to ban violent video games? How much of a struggle, until they got their way, did the Democrats put up to get Music & videogames rated and keep it out of minors ear/eye shot? Think back to Mortal Kombat... go read up on the cabinet of people who fought to have it banned here in America.

People who praise Obama "a democrat with all those people above in his c...

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go to Kotaku and read what they had to say haahahahha... what a bunch of D*ck sores. Everyone has been praising these ads and then they come in and act like they're so obscure and strange and just fail at every turn.

I hate those idiots.

5673d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's become clear that even if we did get more they wouldn't be worth the store space... They'll no doubt be obscure titles like Jersey Devil, Perfect Weapon, Akuji; the heartless and Coolboarders 4.

That's the quality control for Ps1 games on the PSN store.

5673d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Given the fact this game he's got will probably come out the ass end of 2010... we can assume him and his company are locked in with Sony this gen. 3 game deal at 2 years apart it would seem. Maybe he needs to spend more time working and less time making you tube videos about political rants and games other people make. just a thought, Davey.

5674d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Let me guess it'll also have a new hide out!! Awesome! Totally worth the 15 to 30 bucks it's going to cost depending on your region.

5674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tom's Guide, huh? Maybe someone should Guide the girl who wrote this and steer here into the direction of knowing what you're talking about.

"Gears of War 2 on Ps3..." I wonder if Mark Rein and cliffy B know about this yet?

5674d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment