
CRank: 5Score: 51460

I think he's being sarcastic about the pay compensation. However hiphop culture influences so many things nowadays from advertising to just everyday life. The culture derived from urban black life. I guess it only became acceptable when money could be made from it.

2156d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do see how Games With Gold could be outshadowed by the success of Game Pass. But hey, there both options.

2167d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So basically Capcom made a remake that shits all over Resident Evil 7. I still have yet to play the full game of Resident Evil 7, but I feel like I need to play it through before I even think about picking this one up to play. They have no choice now but to release a third person over the shoulder sequel after the release of the remake. It's going to sell alot of copies, I'm sure.

2175d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

I think Microsoft realized that it's a bit much to ask its fans to pay $500 for a console that supports VR, and then ask them to pay another several hundred dollars for an optional accessory. I don't really mind that it's a dead concept because I'm still trying to save up for the X. Though, at this point, it's not looking too good for my hobby. A wife and four kids say I can't afford it, but I can still dream.

2177d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Larrysweet, dude that is so pathetic of you to express your benevolence by warning others not to buy an Xbox One X. You would have been better off to not include the statement that you own the console.
As an owner of a PS4 Pro, it's a waste of money. Every multiplatform game on the Pro looks and plays better on the X albeit there's only a hundred dollar difference in pricing. You see what I did there?

2181d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another stick to bash Sony?? Do you hear yourself? I've seen article after article that criticized everything Xbox whether it was good or bad. If it's bad, then that's justified. But if Sony is blocking this feature with no legitimate explanation, it seems a bit arbitrary. I think some games should be crossplay but not all of them. Bomberman would be cool.

2182d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment

I don't mind if games use the "games as a service" model to supplement a great single player mode. I get that games have an increased replay value with this new era of gaming, but if majority of games prioritize the Fortnite model, I'm out.

2185d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think EA would love it more if no one remembers that ever happened. Had not bought the exclusivity to the NFL license, Madden would have suffered the same fate as NBA Live vs NBA 2K if it had to continue competing with NFL 2K. And yes, NFL 2K was a much better game even with an indie game price. 2005 sigh.

2200d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox OneX enhanced? What? I love Xbox, but there must be something more than meets the eye about this game that hasn't registered with my eyes. What's there to enhance; the game looks like it can be be displayed in 4K on mobile devices. C'mon, Xbox One and One X are capable of so much more than this. I first saw this game in 2013, do the devs have part time jobs or something?

2215d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Physical release? I highly doubt it. This is a mobile game at most. Devs can make these games in their sleep nowadays l. No use creating more plastic discs for nothing more than a nostalgic novelty.

2237d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Perhaps he forgot to type journalism somewhere in that comment. Not sure about gamers being illiterate or poorly educated. In fact there's a whole lot of reading involved just to get through the tutorial of most games. So surely that has to account for something.

2238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can tell you what happened with just a few words; Activision's greed and short development window. Bungie could barely put out s Halo every 3 years, so there's no way they could do a game with an annual release.

2241d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, it's not memory loss. It's just another journalists experiencing writer's block, and the only way he can pay the bills is by taking the easy way out which is bash anything Microsoft related regardless whether it's good news or bad news.

2271d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wow, you sound pretty salty. How can you honestly ask what Microsoft is doing to improve gaming? If you're commenting on this article, you already have your answer.

2324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No matter how anyone tries to spin it, this feature will change gaming as we know it. Hopefully it will become so good that we'll start seeing Xbox Originals that wipe the floor with other triple AAA titles just as Netflix Originals destroy Hollywood blockbusters. It's definitely a feature option that's good for consumers.

2324d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not really surprised at all. Bungie got way toi much credit back in the days of the OG Xbox when it was first party. I remember the feeling I got that Halo2 was an unfinished game after I completed the last chapter. They put so much work into overhauling the multiplayer that the single player came to an abrupt cliffhanger. We were left years without a sequel until Halo3 landed on the Xbox360. From the moment that I started to play, I could tell that Bungie used unfinished content from Halo2 t...

2382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apacolypse Shadow, you have some issues, dude. If you don't like something, just say that you don't like it. Don't beat around the bush about it, and can you do it in the PlayStation forums with your other clan members. Who exactly are you trying to recruit into your hate organization? I bet you can't even explain how the Xbox is a threat to you, even though you don't intend to own one. Waiting for your public reply. I know you won't have anything logical to say.

2394d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Uh Corrois, so what is this Convenient denial.

2402d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Trump, you really need to get a life. Are you by any chance the real life Donald Trump? He also just blurts our dumb shit. Uncanny.

2407d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

And politicians prey on the ignorant sheep who will stand behind them even if they blatantly destroy the country. How about that?

2421d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment