
CRank: 5Score: 51460

Why keep pumping resources into a franchise that releases a new game every 12 months? Why not invest in Splinter Cell (a reboot would be cool, but I really thought the old formula had a lot of longevity) or Prince of Persia? It makes you wonder what the board meetings look like.

1501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I'm sure it's feasible to summarize what the guy from Digital Foundfry actually said with the limited headline characters available. I think there should be limitations to certain propaganda strategies whenever a site implements pay per click advertising. If the headline read "Hitler Found To Be Alive While Playing Wolfenstein" we'd all be clicking that shit - only to find out that it was some dude with a very bad quarantined haircut and shave. Somewhere in the art...

1504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.

1528d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I saw more potential in the original trailer at, but that's just it - trailers never really represent gameplay. I gave the demo a try, but it just wasn't the game I was expecting. I was hoping for a single player campaign inspired by Alita Battle Angle. Not even close. I'm rooting for Ninja Theory, and I think they should really consider making a sequel to Enslaved. That game had a brilliant story line and it really didn't get the attention it deserved. Microsoft would need to...

1557d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What the f@%k are you talking about, Rekkr?
Your quote " Movies are different than games dick breath, Because games take fast broadband to stream especially when you’re playing online Multiplayers! You don’t have that problem with movies. If you own a physical copy of a game you don’t have to worry about having fast broadband to stream Unless you’re playing online. So if the game has a single player campaign then you don’t have to worry about internet at all, Unless you have a ...

1602d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, how long did it take for you to come up with that joke. I am curious about the reason you feel as though it's a waste of money...then again I'm not.

1602d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What drives people like you to keep spitting out the same pessimistic, crappy comments? You're obviously a fan from the other camp posing like you have an Xbox. Multiconsolegamer my azz. You're still taking about Kinect? This is 2020. I think once Microsoft releases the Xbox Series X and lives up to the hype, a lot of you PS5 fans are going to feel the same way I did 3 years ago when Donald Trump won the presidential election. Sometimes it stings worse when you're so sure about s...

1615d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

GTAV Xbox One version. Thanks to Game Pass, I'll finally get to finish the title. I purchased the 360 version back in 2013, but at the time I think it was borrowed but never returned. Business for me was really busy at the time, so it was one of those 'out of sight out of mind things'. I always wanted to try the current gen version, but I refused to give Rockstar another purchase for a remaster. I don't think the 360 version was backward compatible as well as feature a first p...

1616d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Game Pass is by far the best value in gaming - period. No matter which console or platform you game on, it's not even debatable. Game Pass Ultimate cost $180 annually. That equates to the cost of 3 new game releases. The average gamer could easily find new and recent games on the list that they were either intending to purchase or games that they want to play but didn't intend to purchase. And there are also hidden gems that are surprisingly fun to discover. I confidently safely so th...

1621d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xcloud is indeed the real deal. Some gamers used to mock Microsoft and its cloud promise to make our consoles more capable by offloading heavy data situations to a server farm to free up the console's CPU to allow better efficiency. To my understanding, I pictured a situation where devs would create games that were too graphically intense to run on the console's raw power, so whenever the console needed some muscle the servers would step in to help out. As complicated as that sounds, ...

1644d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The end of the trailer says only on Xbox

1658d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, seriously the input lag is barely even there. I played Halo 5 multiplayer and surprisingly averaged between 12-15 kills per game. It really shouldn't be already working this well in its beta form, so I'll take a guess that Microsoft is holding the true potential of Xcloud back a little until it's full release. The simple fact that it's optional is the reason it will succeed. Stadia is the only game console that will be solely cloud focused.

1664d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude, I had the same experience. I pay for 250GB internet speed with Comcast Xfinity. The only problem is I'm using a seven year old Surfboarf router/modem all in one. It can't possibly support that kind of speed, but I just never got around to upgrading bothe router and modem. Needless to say the Xcloud project is something special even without optimal internet speeds. In it's early stages it's good, and it leaves me with plenty of optimism that it's only going to get ev...

1664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

BOOM! This is my far the most legitimate reason I've read about why the Stadia virtual console sucks. I think Google and Microsoft both will eventually perfect game streaming. What I don't understand is why are Google investing in the gaming industry with a business plan that's dead on arrival. So, let's say I want to try out the Stadia platform. To my understanding I would have to purchase the Stadia controller and a Chromecast Ultra to get started. Then I'm required to p...

1671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Climate change scare scam???? Do you have children that may be left with this mess that we have made. This ain't Y2K. You shouldn't need to be scared to see the truth right in front of you. Put politics aside and wake up.

1719d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kohox, I have one very relevant question for you. Do you sleep much??🙏

1724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like GamingBolt new formula will be to have one interview from devs, and then post an individual article for every quote made by the dev.

1734d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who else thinks the dialogue during combat sounds cheesy and full of bad acting.

1754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, whoooo, kaka kaka, priceless reply 🤣

1754d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man this game looks dope.

1754d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment