
CRank: 9Score: 79840


It's a website that consistently shows that PS3 has inferior multiplats, which make up 90% of both console's games library. I would be considering the value of a console that plays 90% of all games released on it worse than it's competitor, but that's just me.


I'm sure you have your reasons for not being interested in multiplats. I'm sure the fact that they perform and look worse on PS3 has noth...

4941d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

"Also, anyone else find it amazing that Counter-Strike, a 10 year old game, is still pushing 114,000 units a month? "

It is amazing, but not suprising, quality sells. I'm sure people who have gotten 10 years out of halo online will tell you the same thing. Longevity >hype.

Hows mag going guys? *snigger*

4941d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

I was female in both games. I always play as females, just adds to the escapism. If I play as a dude I'm thinking "what a fa99oty beard" or something because customisation blows, but as a chick, it is not a reflection of me in any way and I can just run with it. I don't customise too much I usually just pick the vanilla characters for the females PCs.

People make fun of guys who pick girl characters in games. I think it's the other way around. I am comfo...

4941d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol, to think I was going to buy this.

Gaming is dead everyone.

Codemasters also said they liked the idea of releasing half games on disk and hald as DLC, that's right, the publicly announced their interest in halving game content...something tells me the game won't be half price at launch though. Besides, games are already half as long as they used to be, how much longer are people going to be willing to pay full RRP for 1/2, 1/4, 1/8th of a game. ...

4941d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment



That has more to do with the hardware, UE3 is smooth as butter on PC, whether it is my new PC or old.

If I had to choose cryengine *2* or UE3 for a multiplat game I would choose UE3 because it is so well optimised that you could have a lot more going on, on screen and still have good performance.

4941d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


How old are you?

Someone is awfully pissed that GT5 scored less than Forza 3 I see.


My sister is 27, and judging from your post, you are 12 or there abouts, so no I don't think you are.


If you are 28 then your maturity level is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below par. My point still stands, chicks don't dig guys who need babysitting.

4941d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

"Last-gen damage modelling
Inferior car models"

That's funny because a lot of the GT5 reviews said that about it. *BAM* ( 100kph collision )...*slight low res dint in car door*

4941d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment


Let's not forget the bumper car damage model. I thought it was supposed to be the best around?

GRID and Dirt 2 still have that crown...

PS3 fanboys can't even be blamed for the hype, Sony themselves, Polyphonic, the media, they all said it was Jesus Mark 2...

Nothing like a good exclusive flop... *I'm thinking of all the times PS3 owners said these things about Alan Wake, ME2, Fable 3, Forza 3* <...

4941d ago 14 agree18 disagreeView comment

Bioshock, Dead Space, Half Life 2, some of the best stories/settings in gaming, let the narrative speak for itself, it is the exact opposite to what the author suggests. If you have to have some roid filled marine yelling out something worthy of a Downs Syndrome child to tell you what is happening in the story, then you know the game is weak sauce.

Silence is golden and all that jazz.

4942d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What about all the 360 games PS3 gamers were all over dissing them because they were anything but flawless.

Now PS3 gamers are pulling out the neutral card

"Doesn't stop me from enjoying it"

Apply that principle to 360 games and the levels of hypocrisy on this site will decrease to a more suitable level.

I've also noticed PS3 fans pulling the "doesn't matter it will still sell more than any 360 gam...

4942d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Don't go pleading innocence, every single time a 360 game scores under a 9/10 PS3 gamers go around calling it a flop, Fable 3, Mass Effect 2, every time a review was less than a 9 PS3 fans would be all over it.

Now after months of cinema mode ( of whatever the F it is called ) bullshots we get the real picture, now all of a sudden PS3 gamers can't take a joke.

Lap it up big boy.

P.S I see a lot of PS3 ga...

4942d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'd never even heard of him but man his accent is intense, it's pretty embarrassing.



4949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The little kid who bought the Wii I traded in for Fallout 3, Farcry 2 and Red Alert 3 will be devastated at this news.

4949d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol. Don't get it confused. Ballet is prestigious. 'Urban' Dancing is about as prestigious as Rap...aka the bottom of the music food chain. Interviewing white people who pretend to be black in the back of a Britney spears clip is not the same thing as a professional Ballet dancer. Who by the way in order to make it in their profession would have to go to a performing arts university like Juilliard and do extremely well. A 'street' dancer on the other hand just has to get t...

4949d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not laughing at the most immature thing I have ever seen does not make me humourless. See my avatar, that is Bill Hicks, an ACTUAL comedian. You see the thing with comedy is that you are supposed to laugh and think...people who laugh at fart jokes do not think, I am not one of those people.

You are a sad little man. Taking brand loyalty to the point where you revert to the intellect of a....actually I don't think I was ever immature enough to find fart jokes d...

4949d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

In other news Cabbage Patch Dolls outsell Baby Born....

Play games people, it's more fun than sales, especially when you don't own stocks :D

@morkendo23 have problems.

4949d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dancers are gay and so are Kinect gamers, who cares what either of them think.

@So you're a Kinect gamer...and you care what dancers think of it...that says a lot about Kinect's userbase tbh. If you are anything other than a <12 year old girl...then yeah, social re-adjustment is in order.

4949d ago 15 agree20 disagreeView comment

How does the author think the rest of the world feels about American accents, every god damn word is spoken as though through a megaphone. I hear an American in AUS and they are so loud and obnoxious I can pick them from a km away ( that's right, metric system bitches; get with it )

I also don't know anyone who speaks like an 'Aussie' I always get asked if I'm European. I would liken the 'movie' Australian accent to hard core Bronx style of speech,...

4949d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Conversely "Playstation would never have made it if it didn't have the Sony name slapped on it"

I think the latter is more true "playstation" sounds like a fisher price toy. But whatevs bro. Get your hardcore gaming on!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S they sell consoles at Toy's 'R' ...

4949d ago 9 agree15 disagreeView comment


Sacred 2...innovative controls???????

There is like 3 spell slots, that is exactly what i'm talking about, on a keyboard you have 10 spell slots and more on the F1 keys etc.... ( + quickspells on right mouse click and TAB etc )

Sacred 2 was gimped as can be because of the console version.

4949d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment