
CRank: 9Score: 79840

Nope, just a lot of skin irritation ;)

4968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tflops is theoretical peak performance and means absolutely nothing in terms of real world performance, the GTX480 at stock clocks is 1.34496 Tflops and there is no way in hell you would be able to Ray-Trace even a 640x480 scene with quad SLI. Not gonna happen.


lol, that is with a cluster of PS3's and it is also a still image.

NVM, I look forward to ray tracing and a 1080p 120fps standard next gen *snigger*

4969d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment

Oh wow, the article actually based their entire assumption that the next gen of games would be ray-traced on the nvidia statement that games can be ray-traced on a GT200 card.

I used Nvidias ray-tracing program on my GTX280 ( which is a GT200 card ), guess how many frames it rendered at at 1080p.....about 1 frame per second, so yeah, unless you like 1 frame per second games, it's not going to happen, nevermind the fact that that 1 frame per second was with a still object ...

4969d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't hear any tears from every other industry on the planet that doesn't make money from used game sales. You need ot tune out the press releases panda, you are starting to fall in line with Bobby K's monopolistic world view.

The game industry are so greedy it's sickening, the development cost/profit ratio of games if 10x that of 'blockbuster' movies. Not only should games be longer, but they should also cost half what they do not, THEY OWE US. Not...

4969d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

People are well within their rights to buy used good, I know the developers/publishers would hate that silly little concept of OWNERSHIP to get in the way of some good ol' greed though.

If I could buy PC games used, I sure as hell would.

I've said this many times before but it needs to be said again.

Last gen and prior:

20hr campaign, online and offline Mp with bots, split screen on consoles, LAN on consoles and PC, m...

4969d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oooh the 'conspiracy' against Lucasarts continues /s

Bad game is bad.

4969d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Here is a pic for your wall, it will go lovely next to your Kaz montage.

4969d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Far worse than all that, his Carbonara tastes like $#!+.

4969d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game features a quick bar and hot-keys spell design system, if they were to make it compatible with consoles they would have to drastically simplify it so you could toggle through the spells. Besides that, you need a mouse to to quickly click on different areas of the screen, something not possible with a slow/inaccurate gamepad, you'd be lucky to even click on the enemies with a gamepad, you'd slowly scroll the cursor...and the enemy will have moved already.


4969d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

I really don't get this article, they diss M.S for not being leaders in physical tech. But historically they were software only :S they make out like they have gotten worse over time.

Win7 was the fastest selling O.S of all time and has already sold 250million copies...I think that is what we call an IMPROVEMENT.


lol, disagrees already, sorry to take your fanboy fodder away from you. M.S are the biggest software company in the world...

4969d ago 43 agree37 disagreeView comment

"7/10 housholds owns a wii"

There are 6.5 billion people on Earth, the Wii has sold about 60 million, that is not even 7/10 households in the U.S.

4969d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

But errors like that were extremely rare, now BECAUSE OF the ability to patch, all games are released with game breaking bugs.

I'm not buying games on day 1 anymore because the fully patched and DLC inclusive version will be released for half the vanilla games price in 12 months.

4969d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amen, L4D didn't even have offline VS mode, this from the creators of counterstrike which had an awesome bot mode...

Games have also gone from 20hr campaign, offline MP + online MP, mods and WORKING GAMES ON LAUNCH DAY.

To >8hr campaign, online only MP, broken launches, and no mods + DRM

Gee, I wonder why people pirate games :S

4969d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Molyneux isn't a real developer"

4969d ago 28 agree12 disagreeView comment

I'd say captain obvious has arrived, but there are still people that claim that the PS3 will overtake the Wii.

I don't get the logic of that. 1 console outsells other every single week, and the one that sells less will eventually overtake it...I must have missed that reverse-compounding formula in maths.

4969d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

"PC gamers now log on to platforms like Steam, Battlenet which ensures piracy is controlled. "

But every steam game has been pirated, every propriety online service has been emulated and SC2 is being played on pirate servers as we speak :S


I just wish publishers would learn this and instead cater to the actual customer and cut the DRM B.S. The DSi will have an always on connection to stop piracy, but ...

4969d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Good, games; even lame ones like MW2 need to build up a dedicated userbase, no point is destroying it every year for a rehashed POS with a whole new set of bugs and gameplay flaws to exploit.

Pick an MP game, and stick with it. I'm still loving UT3.

4969d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nope, they added what they are calling * this is funny * "online single player", no F-ing joke, they clarified what they meant, you have to log online to play it, and it is VS bots...but it is online only, how retarded is that?

I re-read the press release and it didn't actually mention anything about offline, then I found out from some peeps that it does require online.

I almost got tricked into buying it based on a misleading press statement :(...

4969d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It was 100% a joke. A better comeback to me would have been to say "at least console gamers aren't neckbeards" I can give and take, and like I said, it was a joke.

4969d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Console gamers can't grow beards, why bother?

4970d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment