
CRank: 9Score: 79840

I know I'm a minority ( especially on this site ) but I think the gamecube was the best console last gen. I had all 3 and games like Wind Waker, Rogue Squadon and Soul Calibur 2 on GC absolutely made that gen for me.

PS2 filled my FFX and GTA needs and I bought Battlefront/2, Kotor/2 for my xbox.

It was an expensive generation of gaming...

I bought a Wii this gen expecting the same level of game support...and the games just weren't th...

4938d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


Good RPG's are out there, people just don't play what isn't main stream.

Buy the Witcher, best RPG ever.

I already have DA pre-ordered but the Witcher comes out around the same time I believe, I'll be getting both but if I had to chose, I would be getting the Witcher over DA without a seconds thought.

The very concept of the grey wardens is a rip off of the Witchers.


4938d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haven't you heard, there is a new Dynasty Warriors on the block, it's called Dragon Age 2...

4938d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Look at the pictures dammit, dante was always gay, he's just a different kind of gay now. At least the look now suits the personality.

The game also has a much darker theme, DMC was only one step away from going mario on us and gold coins popping out of enemies, it's time raise the target demographic of the game, cigarettes and gaunt look is a better look imo.

4938d ago 6 agree38 disagreeView comment

I think graphics have made the game ever since PS3 gamers have been railing on about teh graphics all the while ignoring the gameplay of 360 games, only using the graphics as an excuse to 1-up 360 gamers.

Now that GT5 is out people are not only retracting that statement, but also retracting their absolute obsession on metacritic ratings, and they are also retracting their 'sales =/= quality statement' I have seen a lot of PS3 fanboys talking about GT5 sales...

4938d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"The PS3 version will also feature 3 years worth of engine updates"

What the hell does that even mean...I assume they are saying that ME2 has an updated engine, but that is true for all platfoms :S.


You mean the PC version?

6th post down brua

4938d ago 5 agree26 disagreeView comment

Let me guess, now it's sales > quality. Ah the old switcharoo...

4938d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment


Remember that philosophy the next time every PS3 fanboy on this site decided to attack everyone else's games based on a few bad reviews. Your live and let live philosophy seems to only apply to you.

Maybe give other gamers the kind of respect you expect and maybe they'll give GT5 the benefit of the doubt if you do 360 games the same.

If you truly believe in 'to each their own' then shut the F up about games not on your...

4938d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

EA has given us Mirrors Edge and Dead Space in addition to that they publish most of the games I buy, ME, DA, BFBC2, Crysis/warhead/crysis 2, actually there is too many to list.

Activision can't even be trusted as a publisher, if a game is published by activision, I don't buy it. Singularity, Transformers etc etc all rushed games that are gimped are poorly optimised. They force their B.S standards on everyone who uses them.

EA published games are like...

4938d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment


Here is how to get widescreen in bioshock and bioshock 2
I'll just copy my little 'note to self' I made so in 3 years time I still know how to fix it. Obviously the usename will be different. If the appdata dolfer is not visible, enable hidden folders and it will appear there.

"Go to C:\Users\Dale\AppData\Roaming\ Bioshock2 and open the user.ini file, scroll down to the subheading 'default', map a key as SetFOV 100 ...

4938d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


lol @ that pic. GT5 really is hideous.

GRID from 2007 is better in every conceivable way. Real time shadows/lighting ( HDR lighting, none of this deferred baked on B.S ). Better car models, 3d background and effects, nevermind GT5 looking like PS2, that shot looks like PS1.

Actually now that I think about it I think project gotham 1 from xbox looked better than GT5. Play beyond?


I saw nothing i...

4938d ago 17 agree41 disagreeView comment


I believe the trolling of GT5 is what we call 'the karmic wheel'. Remember the year long hype train B.S about "silky smooth 60 frames at 1080p" ( people think GT5= 1920x1080), and all those B.S photo mode screenshots where there was nothing going going on on screen?

How could anyone forget. Now that you are driving down a PS2-esque barren landscape with 2d crowds, trees, and blank green textures for 'hills' etc with massive ...

4939d ago 107 agree81 disagreeView comment

...and for the first time the the use of all grey environments as an excuse for 'atmosphere and realism' will be legitimate.

London: a black hole for the colour spectrum. Colours can go to London, but in London, there are no colours.

4939d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Fu<k I'd laugh if it was Forza 4 to come along and put the final nail in the coffin for the broken hearted PS3 fanboys on this site, they are on edge they couldn't take another blow.

4939d ago 36 agree54 disagreeView comment


I hate to tell you bud but that bottom game screen of forza 3 still looks twice as good as the standard cars in GT5, which make up 95% of the cars.

For anyone who wants to see a game screenshot of Dirt 2 on PC.

Dirt 2 uses the same engine as GRID, Dirt 3 is using EGO engine 2.0, it is going to...

4939d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is what PC screens of a racing game look like.

4939d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

'Investigating' implies they did not already know about it, which they did. Developers always release unfinished games, and they will continue to as long as people are willing to pay $60 for the same god damn game each year.

Pro tip: Stop buying crap games :D

4939d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

BOT matches in MP or GTFO.

4939d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

*Hick accent*

"You've got a pretty mouth"

4939d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS3> PC. Fact.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Releasing video cards less frequently does not increase optimisation. Optimisation comes from SOFTWARE. The developers have to program these games to saturate the bandwidth etc of the cards.

4939d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment