
CRank: 5Score: 10040

Article is stupid and just more PC garbage. Good developer so it should be good game, so people should buy it because of that. Whether there is a fat disgusting lady or a sexy lady, i'll buy it.

4164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know how many copies of Madden WiiU have been sold, but it can't be that much. Maybe 5 to 10K. Most people buying the WiiU are most likely not big madden players. They have already purchased a PS3 or Xbox360 for their madden fix. Also, the numbers he is quoting would relate to 1.8% of madden people online for the xbox360.

Also, not that this means all that much but the WiiU sales are also about 1.8% of the Xbox360 at this point.

4189d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes, the structure of giving you points/trophies for your achievements across games was introduced with xbox360. But there have always been something built in games or exploited by gamers for competitive purposes. Time runs, extra lives, in-game trophies.

4206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If by mistake you mean a big cash cow for Nintendo then you are correct. Wii was anything but a mistake. $$$$$$

4207d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can compare an ARM processor to an intel processor. Different animal.

4207d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, ignorant gamer logic

4207d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Console war rhetoric is hilarious. PC gaming is really where its at if you want the best. I have all the consoles and enjoy each for what they are, no need to go around spamming for any one of them, just ridiculous stupidity for folks that have nothing better to do.......oh wait...what am i doing here??

4207d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Achievements have always been the heart and soul of videogames. Nowadays the consoles keep track of these and give us points for it. Its one thing Nintendo should have included, no brainer to me. It kind of puts a competitive stamp to your account. The social Miiverse does kind of make up for it but not really. It remain to be seen how nintendo tackles these type of things, especially if they want to capture more of the hardcore/regular gaming crowd.

4208d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Jeez, when will this ever stop. If they did a direct port from the Xbox360 version to the PC, you are not going to see drastic differences. It all depends on the the engine to take advantage of the systems. Who cares anyhow, I still play NES and SNES games to entertain me and even some NES and SNES like games that have come out in the past few years. Its not all about the graphics, its about implementation, story and gameplay. Sheeple need to chill

4208d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

if it looks cool, which by the picture on the canadian best buy, it does, then i might actually get one, solely for GC compatibility. I wish the Wii U had GC backwards compat.

4209d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Time will only tell.

4210d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no definitive answer yet. We don't even fully know the architecture of the system. TBH, a faster processor really doesn't mean better games. Its like saying i want a 3GHz quad core processor on my phone but that doesn't even make sense from simply a power consumption standpoint and heat generation, let alone wasted resources.

Since the beginning of this generation technology has become more efficient and we don't truly need raw power, its about eff...

4216d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't agree with the dual generations idea. Nintendo simply went into the current gen of consoles trying to bridge the gap between the regular and hardcore gaming crowd with the casual and non-gamer crowd, and for the most part, they have succeeded. If Nintendo can start to capture the hardcore gamer again(or simply increase their mature games library), then it'll be alot of pressure on Sony and Mircrosoft because Ninty will have a hell of a headstart!

4222d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

SP is not bad but the MP is where this game has all sorts of shortcomings. They tried to compete with the COD (and to some extent the HALO market) and failed, maybe they should have focused on creating a more polished game, especially the MP portion of the game. If there is one thing that COD does well is that it is a polished game and runs very smooth and the developers are usually very attentive to fixing issues, or at least receptive to the fans. EA/DICE/Danger Close have been horrible ...

4223d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Conker would be great, but i don't think it would sell well. It doesn't have a big following. It would really have to do something extra. When it came out it was over-the-top for its time. Nowadays we get nudity, sex, drugs, violence and cursing in almost all videogames.

4227d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will be getting this game so I do not know anything about the bugs, but I remember the day when developers would hold back games until they absolutely finished games and they released a polished product. Until gamers show their displeasure and stop paying for unpolished/broken services then companies will keep pushing the boundaries for what we will put up with.
I'll find it funny if people do not like the ending and the game is released with lots of patches and do not put out ...

4238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ghostman123....Even if that were true, they probably had an internal date set to be competitive in the market place and be early enough to capture the holiday season. At the end of the day its all about making money and satisfying investors.

4238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had this pre-ordered, haven't played yet, i bet it will be fun. If not then i'll go play another game, at least I supported the developer.

4314d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

BC2 was awesome. I loved the campaign. BF3 campaign doesn't compare to it but i do enjoy the MP. It just has a different feel than BC2. You should take the game in its own right, its not BC2 and is not trying to be. People also forget that BC2 had a butt load of issues in the first few months. Vietnam addition was pretty cool.

4341d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure if this is a good move. If they open up the extra SPU and possibly added more RAM or other features, something like this would definitely lenghten the life of the PS3. I'd probably buy one.

Although, This is just pure conjecture and semantics.

I would bet a price drop is more likely

4360d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment