
CRank: 5Score: 10040

If it wasn't for the stupid ass knifing and completely ridiculous lag, as mentioned in the article, then this game would be enjoyable.

Makes me want to go play MoH

As for best shooter...BC2 takes the cake in 2010, IMO

4953d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought it was fairly interesting and the squad chattering was quite funny at times. Which is part of what makes it enjoyable. The sound is really good as well.

4953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL, thanks big guy, you want a medal. Hardened is quite stupid, as it is on all modes. Extremely predictable, shoot a few guys before they respawn back and push forward, do that again. Simple and easy. The story is not that impressive. Maybe it is good for CoD story. Its not even remotely complex or really all that exciting.

4953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo needs to do something big with their next generation console. I think they need to support HD, 3D, HDD and upgrade their motion controls (since they are inferior now). As well as a much better online environment with game chat abilities. They also need to start exploring their own IP's in a more mature setting. I rarely ever turn on my Wii anymore. I play my PS2, yes, my PS2, more than my Wii

4953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm currently going through the campaign on Hardened and it is really F'in annoying. It is really not all that enjoyable. The story is decent and has its cool moments but it is really not anything special. Its pretty much the same as all the other CoD campaigns, it gets kind of boring after awhile.

MoH, BC1 and BC2 all have better campaigns BY FAR!!

4953d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

The Multiplayer free was a shot at EA but if they ever charge in the future, they will not get my money unless they absolutely go above and beyond what they are doing now. Maybe a more realistic mode with realistic bullet ballistics and such, IDK. MW2 map packs were such a rip-off to begin with!

BC2 Vietnam is going to be $15 I believe and will offer so much more.

Its easy choice for me!

4954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, it was!!

4954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure we have things like this before. Its basically just playing the good guy instead of the bad guy. It honestly is not that different in my eyes. There are plenty of investigation games out there.

I agree with the OP about competing with Heavenly sword but I haven't played that one in a year or more so maybe it looks outdated now.

4956d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought the use of present day skirmish was great. It actually got me more interested in the SP than any other FPS game. Its nice to play through a present day authentic experience!!

I hope EA continues with the present day skirmish MoH.

4956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares, everyone has GPS and cell phones these days. Who uses their brain anymore?!? LOL

But seriously, Prince of Persia was cool, I saw it as more of an artform and didn't mind the hand-holding because of that.

Instead of CoD Black Ops, why can't we just categorize any FPS game that has aim assist in it. It takes out most skill. I'm still dumbfounded at this point in the FPS genres life that aim assist even plays a part anymore.

4956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He was talking about the graphics in comparison the MW2. He thought that MW2 had better graphics. His opinion based on alittle gameplay and after little sleep. haha

4957d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really like the first one. I think the shell design is the best for portable gaming and I don't even own a DS. I also hate gaming on touch screen phones...give me buttons and dual sticks!!

Sony will have to really do something special with the PSP2 because Nintendo has basically been bending the portable community over.

Maybe Sony should just focus on making the PS3 an even better experience. Like team up with Google which it seems they are kind of d...

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm still saddened that Operation Flashpoint is getting rid of the traditional MP mode. I'd love a more realistic MP FPS experience. I'm sick of the arcadey crap that has aim assist and ridiculous additions (i.e. CoD, MoH, Halo...etc etc).

Because of this i'm on the fence on whether or not I will buy this. Dragon Rising was hella fun experience, i loved the size and scope, as well as the realistic gameplay, it just got beat down because of all the bugs, ri...

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If IGN still had the regular .1 scoring system they would have given it in the 9's.

Anyhow, from what I've played so far it is good but the MP just feels different to me. I'm not talking about the weapons and/or graphics. Its the feel of the game, maybe its a bit more slower gameplay.

and I'm seriously kind of pissed that AIM ASSIST is still and option in these FPS games!!! and that I can't play Hardcore mode right away

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YES!!! Loved me some x-files, always looked forward to Sunday nights when that was airing!!

As for CoD to KZ3. KZ 3 will up the ante ten fold. KZ2 was, and still is, an awesome experience

4959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe they are also releasing a PC patch for BF BC2. Not sure if this is something that will make it to consoles.

I'd welcome more maps for BC2.....if they are VIP!!!!

4959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CliffyB making comments like (Butt)Packter........as I say to (Butt)Packter........Go blow a goat!!

Heavy Rain was amazing game!!

4962d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@J_Cob...........Oh man, BLEEM.....that was awesome stuff!! Dreamcast was a gamers paradise, too bad they had bad timing. I still fire that system up from time to time!!

4963d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I believe the breakout for this game was around like 50% 360, 45% PS3 and 5% PC.

2 million for a FPS these days is actually quite low for worldwide all-platforms. Especially a big name FPS game. Crap, even a broken game like Operation Flashpoint DR has probably sold close to 2 million worldwide across all consoles. By the way, I love that game, unfortunately it was way too bugged out and probably too complex for most folks.

KZ3 will outsell MoH, proba...

4964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@gtamike........you get as much kudos as I can give here. KZ3 will be the shiznit!!

4964d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment