
CRank: 5Score: 10040

Therefore is not a fair review of a game because you did not spend considerable time with one of the main features of the game in its final state. Multiplayer preview events and beta play in no way should be used to do a final review for any game, that is asinine!

4981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seeing as how I'm a big fan of what DICE did with BF: BC2, I will be getting this game. I really could care less about SP, I'll probably end up playing that in a few months, like I do with most MP intensive games.
I think there is still alot unknown about this game. I'm hoping they added more destruction than from what i've heard the beta had.

4981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There will have to be some really big additions for me to really buy the PS3 version. I have it on 360 and have played through everything but The Shadow Broker. I'm waiting till I have about 5 contiguous hours to play straight through it.

I'll probably end up just renting it, just to see what the differences/upgrades.

ME2 is a sweet game!!

4981d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why such lack of knowledge of english grammar? This type of sentence structure has been used forever. I had forgotten the technical term for grammar inversion and had to look it up.....Hyperbaton

4981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a list for FPS's correct. Therefore, Gears does not belong in this list. Nor does SOCOM, or Uncharted.

I think the list is pretty spot on. But lets see how it stacks up after Reach, MOH, Black Ops and KZ3 are all out.
Based on what I've seen and/or played so far, the list, after all the aforementioned games are released will probably look like this.

Halo Reach

4983d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I would say BC2 set the benchmark higher. Actually, I would say Battlefield series is better than COD series but COD is the easier game to pick up and play, hence its popularity. Anyhow, they are both enjoyable for what they offer.

4983d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, your sampling of online in BF: BC2 must have been extremely low. The game is absolutely amazing. I'm not quite sure where the slow paced comes in. Surely if you play as a sniper and camp out, it will be slow. But get into the vehicles or run and gun with your team, and it is non stop. You get on a good team with an assault class, medic and recon, the game is golden and in all honesty, you can do well playing by yourself as well, you need to be conscious to the people you kill an...

4983d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Whats the bid deal. I used to have Uverse (as well as HD) and it was laggy as all hell and the picture quality was pretty poor compared to other TV providers.
Once the PS3 gets disc-less Netflix (and upgraded brower) there will be less need to turn on my Xbox360 and quite possibly my PC. GoogleTv on PS3 rumour anyone??

4985d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Love the timesplitters series. Future perfect was awesome!!

4985d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I tend to agree with you but the article is trying to reference some "New school feminism" which I think doesn't really exist and if it does, it is based solely on sex appeal and is actually quite contradictory. There is too much PC-ness in society its unbelievable. Women have equal opportunities in society if they are willing but plain and simple but some opportunities are not suited for women because of 2 main reasons, more or less. 1. Lesser physical strength 2. Procrea...

4985d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Multiplayer was just alright, IMO. Uncharted is all about single player. Can't we have AAA games that just focus on a single player (or co-op) experience, I hate how replay value in games always has to be focused on multiplayer. It gets annoying because valuable resources are used up. I prefer to play games without lag and yelling annoying kids sometimes. The best example of this for me was Arkham Asylum, I love that game. I suck at all the challenges but I can play it for hours on ...

4985d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, perfect and the part I agree with the most, in terms of complete idiocy, is the whole slaughter by Americans. I can't even begin to fathom the amount of innoncent lives lost in the name of Democracy (when we are not even a Democracy........ahem....Const itutional Republic). Our politicians and military advisors are complete fucking fools!

4985d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heart Valve. If you let the big guys just push around the industry, change and evolution will never happen. Anyhow, I want me some Episode 3 already!! L4D and Portal will suffice until then!!

4985d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stuff like this is a waste IMO, but I'm not really a collector of these things. If I could buy the game with just a sealed jewel case with the game cover and respective legal jargon, I would do so.

4991d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is stupid. Since the gaming industry and this game is not exclusive to the USA then they should remove all mention of USA troops, since they have also produced atrocities against other militaries and innocent civilians.

I'm getting sick of this absurd double standard.

4991d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly, I have not been fond of IGN much lately.

This game is supposed to be a 3D reboot of Castlevania.

and I still don't get the whole "mindless button mashing" excuse for a hack'n'slash game. Thats exactly what they are, mindless button mashing, thats how you progress through the game.

4993d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not really, but they do tend to put the best reviews upfront. But rightfully so, they are trying to sell product.

4993d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOW3 is a 10-12 hr story and Castlevania is supposedly 25+ hr story. That is a big difference. But it all depends upon what your bar for long gameplay is. Anyhow, GOW3 was a great game and Castlevania looks to be as well.

4993d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure why everyone is hating on BC2, the map packs are all free. Just buy the game new and it is now like 39 or less. EA and microsofts are the ones to blame because they want to milk money out of these games and they spread the developers really thin by releasing games too soon after one another.

4994d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, thats crazy. Thats not just Aimbot but also an Autofirebot. Thats ridiculous. I'm kind of sick of people cheating just to try and be better at digital entertainment.

I enjoy Halo Reach, I haven't had this much fun with Halo since the first one.
I personally love BC2, and KZ2 but Halo Reach is a great change of pace. Plus its nice to play with and talk trash with my friends.

4994d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment