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In the UK they were advertising on Sky Sports during (half time) the the 4 nations group stages.

Expect them to do the same tonight.

Sony also advertise quite a bit on channel 5, do they still sponsor 'channel 5 movies'?

4637d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was it 98 that had it's own track editor?

If so, good times!

4650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A few have went up in Edinburgh over the last few weeks.

4673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One thing I noticed a while back is how different little deviants looks () compared to january and then subsequently june.


(35 secs in)

Is it just me or did it previously look better?

4676d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Unreal, he's one of the shows most prolific entertainers yet he isn't in the game as standard? Madness.

If you really have to do DLC at all then at least keep it to ex-wrestlers and legends... Oh wait you've already milked the franchise and released games containing them.

4676d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully they fix the bug/poor game design of shooting that gives you the ability to shoot through corners.

No matter how good the AI is the ability to clip through the walls always made the last two easy and made me feel cheap for doing so.

4679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

(Insert nodding head/agreeing smiley) Indeed.

There's quite a steep learning curve when it comes to the Wipeout series but once you've nailed the controls everything just falls into to place.

The only folk I know that don't quite like the game are the ones who don't want to take the time to get used to the speed, tracks and controls.

Music is Ace also!

4709d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, Used a modified 'Sons Of Liberty' engine.

Perhaps the exclusivity deal that they had with Nintendo still stands or provides some sort of complication.

It's the best game in the Series IMO, slightly edging out 'Snake Eater'.

4712d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The trailers made it look like the game was a shoe in to have co-op but when approached about it they actually confirmed it doesn't have the feature.


Perhaps they've realised that the game will have more appeal with the addition of co-op.

4712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Golden Sun, and the Megaman Battle-network series stole tonnes of my time.

4712d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

In fairness though it is a budget title and downloadable one at that. The graphics were never going to be 'OMG' amazing.

What concerns me is the fact that there are only 6 maps (to begin with atleast). How long does it take to complete a round? I'm guessing 20 minutes going by the previews...

4725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


In terms of what exactly?

Fifa are claiming to be in competition with CoD and Battlefield due to the mass appeal of football and their overall sales.

Forza's sales are still quite a bit away from the core Gran Turismo games, and when it comes to popularity the GT series is still on top.

*my mistake mean as a reply to the first post

4725d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had this discussion just yesterday with another member.

Ubisoft use there own software for voice recognition which is why it is possible across multiple platforms.

Bioware in this case seems to be using Microsoft's already developed voice recognition software which seems to come as part of Kinects development kit.

Microsoft may have went to Bioware with the Idea, heck Bioware may have just done it since it was pretty much already there ...

4726d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Read my comment in reply to THWIP71 and also Veni Vedi Vici's reply.

Cheers for the reply.

4727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the lengthy explanation.

Whilst it's true that the Voice commands in R6V didn't work very well, Ubisoft vastly improved the technology in End War.

I have never used DragonSpeak so won't comment on it, but what makes the microphone in Kinect so special?

If the microphone in Kinect is just a bog standard mic then why would the functionality of voice recognition be part of Kinect's Devkit but not the 360's Devkit?...

4727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both ME1 and 2 done this also (conversation dial not kinect voice commands).

What you say correlates to the direction that the conversation is going to go.

My biggest problem with voice commands in general is will it work with heavy and varied accents?

4727d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Other than using voice commands does Mass Effect use any other Kinect Features?

If not then why not just let users with headsets on the 360, PS3 and PC use this feature?

I'm writing a blog piece on each of the big 3's E3 presentations and I want too make sure I've got this right.



If you're going to disagree then at least state why. Better yet, reply with a comment worthy of read...

4727d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Although I may get shot down a tad, I find myself agreeing.

MGS on the PS1 is arguably my favourite game of all time and as good as Ocarina of Time was, it's no MGS (IMO).

Windwaker for me is the pinacle of the series and is undeservedly overlooked in favour of OoT.

4728d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ darthv72

So you've got both a PS3 and Wii and prefer Youtube on the Wii?

Fair enough as you've obviously came to a reasonable conclusion (in your opinion) on why you believe it's better...

But without even knowing how well the youtube integration will work on the 360 and knobody having ever seen it (yet), you now prefer the 360's offering?

May I ask why exactly?

4729d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Pets should really be part of the original (Sims 3) these days.

Also half of the features of generations should be included in a patch rather than an expansion.

4732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment